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Chapter 4


Curled up on the large rug in front of the fireplace was right where Jessica longed to stay. Positioned right behind her, his hand lying flat on her abdomen, Weston pressed his body against hers. She hoped she wouldn’t need to disrupt their serenity for a bathroom break, feeling as though she had drunk enough tea to float a small ship. She also felt very drowsy. A short nap could only do her body good. Sleep should be the last thing on her mind when she had such a sexy live wire lying next to her.

Weston nibbled at Jessica’s ear, slowly outlining it with his tongue. He felt her tense up and then relax in the next instant. “Warm enough?”

If Jessica’s anatomy got any hotter, she’d find herself begging Weston to help cool her down by any means necessary. Being in such close proximity to him made her feel as if she was amidst a firestorm. The inability to get his earlier kisses out of her mind had only added more heat to the mix. The man definitely knew how to dole out the passionate kisses. His full, pouting lips moving over hers was one of the most sensual experiences she had ever encountered.

It was very easy for Jessica to imagine Weston making wild, hot and heavy love to her. All she had to do was close her eyes to envision them entwined in a compromising position. She had only conjured up that very erotic image of them hundreds of times over the past years. He was an expert in keeping her mind and body turned on, even when he wasn’t in her presence. A cold shower would work wonders for her right about now.

Jessica had decided not to answer Weston’s question about being warm enough, since she couldn’t answer it candidly. The truth could set them both on fire. If he knew how often she thought of them making love, he would want to make certain all of her dreams and fantasies about it came true.

Weston buried his nose in Jessica’s hair, inhaling deeply of its fresh scent. As he tenderly kissed her neck and ears, periodically allowing his tongue in on the action, he had a hard time suppressing his arousal. Over the past twenty-four hours he had had his own erotic thoughts about the two of them. He couldn’t help wondering what kind of intimate apparel she wore. Silk, lace or cotton? A thong, bikinis or briefs?

It wasn’t hard for Weston to conjure up an image of Jessica wearing a hot lace or silk teddy. Her long hair swinging loose and free over her perfectly rounded breasts caused him to have a painful stiffening. The image of her in nothing at all was the one he loved most. He wanted her in the worst way, desired to lose himself deep inside her. He couldn’t wait until Jessica was ready for that.

Weston wasn’t the kind of guy who indulged in any sort of casual sex and he was pretty sure Jessica wasn’t into that lifestyle, either. There just wasn’t enough time for them to develop a deep, meaningful relationship before they had to go their separate ways.

Weston knew he had to remedy that. Seeing her beyond Aspen was the key. Jessica agreeing to his proposition was anyone’s guess, but he would suggest visiting her in California soon. It wasn’t about sex, either. He wanted her, period.

The intense heat burning between Jessica’s thighs had her turning over and pressing her body fully against Weston’s. Foreplay had its benefits even though it could get a body into lots of trouble, literally. Turning off the turn-on wasn’t always easy to accomplish. Despite her warning thoughts Jessica engaged Weston in a hot, wet kiss.

Weston responded to Jessica’s kiss with the same degree of passion, loving the way her mouth fitted perfectly against his. He couldn’t get enough of the sweet taste of her soft, crushable lips. He hated that he had missed out on all this sweetness and heady passion over the past years. Wishing he had gone along to California with his parents on their visits was no good. Those particular opportunities were lost, never to be recovered. Get over it.

Jessica pulled her head slightly back, eyeing Weston intently. “You seem to be quite a guy, directly the opposite of what I’d thought. I’m astonished by how well you turned out. I love who you’ve become. I love how you make me feel.”

“How do I make you feel?”

“Special. Whether we’re alone or with the group, I know you’re with me in mind, body and spirit. You are attentive to me. Your entire being is expressive. You don’t make a woman guess what’s going on with you. That’s a unique quality to possess. Not a lot of people can lay claim to that.”

Weston’s eyes had an undeniable way of telling Jessica he thought she was special. His hands and body language easily conveyed the messages he intended to get across. He wanted her—and his body language was easy to read. “I don’t know how I should feel about all that. You make me sound like an open book, one that’s pretty easy to read. Do I really put it out there like that?”

“Right out there in plain sight. I’m not usually bold in speech or in deed, but you are one hot man. If I were the kind of person who indulged in meaningless sex, we’d be getting it on right now. The chemistry between us is scorching hot yet so magical.”

If Jessica didn’t look so serious, Weston would have laughed. As he went over in his mind her galvanizing remarks, he sobered. She wasn’t opposed to making love under a different set of circumstances. She had voiced aloud her desire.

How was that for bringing it on home?

Weston couldn’t help wondering if Jessica already regretted her boldness. He hoped not. He also hoped she wouldn’t withdraw from the sexually charged arena. Things were just beginning to heat up…and the temp was at the top of the thermometer. Weston was a man who liked the chemistry to be hot, hot, hot.

As if Jessica had read Weston’s mind, she indulged him in another lingering kiss. Just as before, the kisses grew in intensity, making both parties wish they had been together over the past years.

Weston deeply regretted he hadn’t been able to see Jessica for who she was inside. He had focused too much on her outer appearance, but he hadn’t been anything to write home about, either. Maybe that was the reason he had mistreated her. Had she rejected him during his awkward teen years he couldn’t have handled it. Life for him as a teenager had been very difficult. Surprisingly, he could now admit to himself that he had had a serious crush on Jessica. Perhaps he hadn’t known how to show it.

Jessica pulled away from Weston and smoothed her clothing. She quickly got to her feet, leaving her companion looking bewildered. After crossing the room with deliberate strides, she stood in front of the large picture window. Why had she come to the cabin with Weston? Deeply conflicting thoughts and emotions had her at war with herself. One part of her wanted to throw caution to the wind and make steamy love to the man of her dreams. The sensible part of her makeup was telling her to run for her life, get out while she still had the strength to do so.

Weston came up behind Jessica and circled her waist. “You’re trembling. I’ve frightened you, haven’t I?”

Jessica leaned her head back against his chest. “I’ve scared myself. What we’re doing scares me even more. We’re strangers, Wes. We haven’t seen each other in ages yet we’re all over each other like two silly teenagers. Is that stranger than fiction, or what?”

Weston kissed the top of her head. “It’s called attraction, sweetie. I don’t know about you, but it’s more than just a physical magnetism on my part. If you think all I want to do is get you into bed, you’re wrong. I really want to get to know you.”

Jessica turned completely around and looked up into his eyes. “Are you serious?”

As Weston’s lips connected with Jessica’s, he closed his eyes for a moment. “I’ve never been more serious. This is not a holiday fling for me. What’s happening to me has nothing to do with a festive atmosphere. My heart is compromised. I hope that’s not too much information.”

Jessica stood on tiptoes and kissed him deeply. “Just enough information to keep me from questioning my sanity. So, do we just wait and see what develops between us?”

“I think to do otherwise would be insane. I’m in. Are you?”

Jessica smiled sweetly. “In.”

The couple fell into an easy, warm embrace, hugging each other to show they were on the same wavelength.

“I have an idea, Jessica. What about ice-skating away the rest of the evening?”

“I’m all for your idea, though I’m afraid I might kill myself on the skates. I’m terrible at skating. Will you help me up when I fall?”

“You bet I will.”

“Should we see if the others want to go?”

“This is a family holiday. Let’s stop by and see what they’re up to.” Weston looked down at his wristwatch. “We’d better get a move on since the ice rink closes at eleven and it’s almost eight-thirty now.”

As the two families filed out of the vehicles, Jessica could see that the arena was filled with patrons. All the colorful winter clothing worn by the skaters, not to mention the dazzling lights strategically posted around the place, brought the outdoor arena to life. Once both vehicles were unloaded, everyone made their way inside the ice rink, where the skate-rental booth and refreshment bar were located. The place was also equipped with a wood-burning fireplace.

“What size skate do you need?” Weston asked Jessica.

It was time for Jessica to get her payback against Weston. She laughed with enthusiasm. After reaching down into the small duffel-style bag, she pulled out a shiny pair of white ice skates. “Ta-da,” she exclaimed, holding up the skates for him to see.

“Oh, no! You set me up, girl. I’ve been had. You lied about not knowing how to skate, didn’t you? How you going to play me like that?” Because she came from Southern California, he’d been sure she wouldn’t know a thing about ice-skating.

Jessica howled. “Just as you lied about your spelling skills. Now we’re even.” She had the most devilish expression on her face. “Two liars, and we’re not ashamed,” she sang out, using the tune to Mary Wells’s song “Two Lovers,” a great Motown sound.

Weston laughed heartily. “You have the gear. Now let’s see what the little girl from Southern Cal can do. I’m putting twenty bucks on myself. Before you take the bet, keep in mind that you’re competing with a guy who skates in New York’s famous Central Park. Among some of the best ice-skaters around, I might add.”

Jessica smirked. “Cut the boasting. Let your feet do the bragging. Twenty bucks is all you’re in jeopardy of losing. You probably drink up at least that much at Starbucks in a week’s time. You won’t miss the money.”

“That’s not too far-fetched. I do need my caffeine fix, but you’ll be the one paying my coffee bill the first week I’m home.”

“We’ll see. If I were you, I wouldn’t count my chickens before they hatch.”

After Weston was in possession of his size-eleven rentals, he and Jessica found an empty bench, where they sat down and laced up their skates. She couldn’t wait to hit the ice to show off her talent. Weston wasn’t as eager about revealing his skills after seeing Jessica’s skates. They looked somewhat used so he knew they hadn’t been purchased for show. He hadn’t given any thought to indoor ice rinks, but he had known they existed. Los Angeles wouldn’t have come to mind.

Whether Jessica was talented enough to compete against him remained to be seen. However, the only competition he was interested in was the one that’d win him her heart. She had already won his.

The songs being played were up-to-date rhythm and blues hits. A song by Usher and one by Lionel Ritchie had played while everyone had laced up their skates. The tune currently playing was Beyoncé Knowles’s “Crazy In Love.” Jessica couldn’t remember if it was off the first or second album, but it was one of her favorites, a really upbeat song to skate to.

As if Jessica was playing a game of tag, she hit Weston playfully and then took off for the ice, hoping he’d chase after her. He did. Seeing that he was up to the challenge, giving her the opportunity to skate circles around him, Jessica started whirling around the ice as though she owned it. She was good on the ice.

Weston nearly fell when he had a hard time taking his eyes off Jessica’s fascinating technique. That made him more determined to win. He was darn good at ice-skating, too, much better than she gave him credit for. He had learned to ice-skate as a young boy, taught by his parents. It was often considered a sissy sport in many circles, but not among his New York City friends. Men were always seen skating in Central Park’s ice arena during the winter; it was a favorite pastime for a lot of couples Weston knew personally.

When Jessica saw Jennifer hit her behind on the ice pretty hard, she started toward her, hoping she wasn’t hurt. Before she could reach her sister, Samuel was already assisting his wife. Once Jessica saw that Jennifer was okay, both husband and wife laughing about the mishap, she took off again.

After Jessica had covered the entire arena, skating a fun routine with lots of enthusiasm, the music slowed down. Weston quickly skated over to her and engaged in a couple’s skate. The competition was over. His skills were no match for Jessica’s. He planned to dig into his pocket and hand over the twenty-dollar bill. She had won it fair and square. The lady from sunny California was a dynamo on the ice.

Jessica liked the protective feel of Weston’s arm wrapped snugly around her waist. As they glided atop the ice, she laughed inwardly, thinking of the romantic ice shows on television. Pairs skating was her favorite. She imagined the two of them executing a great lift. Slithering seductively down his body would make a great ending. He would then look at her as though she was the only woman in the world for him.

Weston was McDreamy, McSteamy, McSweetie and McSensitive all rolled into one sensuous human being. Life is good. Sooo good.

“Hey, Miss Olympic champion,” Jennifer yelled from the side rail, “you’re looking pretty hot out there. Work those ice skates, girlfriend.”

Jessica flashed her sister a bright smile and the thumbs-up sign. The others waved as she and Weston appeared to fly by on wings.

Weston gently tightened his grip on Jessica’s waist. “You are good, you know.”

“Yeah, I do. Wish I could reach my back with ease. I’d give it a good pat.”

Weston couldn’t help laughing. What kind of man laughed along with a woman who had just kicked his butt on a twenty-dollar bet? A man who had begun to fall in love with the same woman who’d dished out one can of whoop-butt.

“Instead of paying up twenty dollars, you can buy me dinner tomorrow night. How’s that for a compromise?”

“You deserve both. I’d do anything to hang out with you. Dinner alone, just the two of us?”

“Just the two of us. Sounds nice and cozy. I don’t think our families will protest, seeing how badly they want us to become an item. Ugh, we’re starting to fall right into their perfectly set trap.”

“Hmm. Maybe, maybe not.”

As Jessica and Weston joined their families, he looked at her and sighed heavily. “I don’t know why I ever thought we’d get along with each other. You’re still insufferable. The older you get the more unbearable you are. You need to grow up, Jessica. Life is passing you by while you’re still stuck in your adolescence.” He looked at his mother. “And to think I let you guilt-talk me into this trip. I must’ve been insane.”

Jessica’s brow furrowed. “What?” She looked totally puzzled. Where had Weston’s sudden flash of anger come from? His odd behavior was so off the wall.

His unexpected outburst made no sense at all to Jessica; they’d just been laughing and joking up a storm. The concerned looks made her wish she could sprout wings and fly away. How dare Weston embarrass her like that…and in front of both their families? It looked as if perhaps he hadn’t changed at all.

Had McBratty risen from the ashes?

The others looked like they felt sorry for Jessica. She felt kind of sorry for herself. Weston’s tongue had been rather sharp. Then she saw his barely noticeable wink. She had to work hard to hide her astonishment. The “maybe, maybe not” response made sense now. He’d been trying to make the others think they weren’t getting along. The funny thing was it looked as if everyone had bought into his melodrama. Weston had even sold her on it.

Jessica smiled inwardly as she returned to the ice.

As Weston joined Jessica, he got out in front of her and began skating backward.

Smiling with admiration, Jessica gave him an approving nod. “You were very convincing. But there’s one problem.”

“What’s that?”

“How do we continue hanging out and enjoy each other’s company when we’re supposed to be at odds?”

Weston scratched his head. “Hadn’t thought about it like that. Anyway, let’s let them think we’re making up. You know what they say about making up.”

Weston winked at Jessica again. She stopped and he skated up to her. Taking her into his arms, he gave her a warm hug. “We don’t want to pour it on too thick. Everyone will be watching our every move from here on in. When we’re in private, we’ll do the make-up bit right.”

“As if they haven’t already been watching us,” Jessica said. “I bet our relationship is their first topic of discussion and the last one.”

“You’re probably right. Can I interest you in a cup of hot chocolate?”

“Sounds divine. I’m also intrigued by the promised make-up session.”

The Commodores’ “Brick House” came pounding out from the speakers before Jessica and Weston could clear the ice. Loving the oldie song, one of her parents’ favorites, Jessica whirled away from him and began ice-dancing. As if she were the only person out there, she lost herself in the hip-stirring rhythm. Jessica ice-danced every bit as well as she danced.

Watching Jessica’s seductive moves had Weston hurrying across the ice to join her. As his hips gyrated wildly to the funky beat, she moved to the center of the rink, summoning him to follow her. It didn’t take long before many of the other skaters decided to join their routine. A line dance ensued as the next song came on.

Back inside Weston’s rented condo, seated at the breakfast bar, he dropped several tiny marshmallows into Jessica’s cup of hot chocolate. “Want more?”

“That’s plenty. Thank you.” Jessica scooped up a handful of marshmallows and dropped them one by one into his mug. “I’m worn out. What about you?”

“Same here. We’ve had a very long day, an even longer evening. I’ve enjoyed every second of it. Not only that, the time is moving too quickly for me. Our winter wonderland vacation will be over before we know it.”

Jessica was saddened by his remark. It would be over soon, much too soon, as far as she was concerned. She’d had no idea that Weston could be this much fun, not to mention how romantic and sensual he was. She’d miss him. “It is going by pretty quickly. Getting back to work will be tough after I’m finished playing so hard.”

Wearing a serious expression on his face, Weston made direct eye contact with Jessica. “Now that we’re on this subject, I want to ask you something. What’s the chance of us getting together after we leave Aspen?”

Jessica shrugged. “We live on separate coasts. I don’t know how we’d manage it. California to New York is at least a five-hour flight, one way.”

“What if I agree to do the traveling? Can I visit you in L.A.?”

Jessica looked surprised by the questions. “You’d be willing to do that?”

“In a New York minute.” He grinned. “No pun intended. What about it?”

“I’m okay with it if you are. I have a guest bedroom. Just let me know when.”

“We’re on!” Weston was obviously pleased by the outcome of his probe.

Jessica fished out a melted marshmallow from her cup. She then held the tiny morsel up to Weston’s lips. After taking the tidbit from her hand, he licked her finger in a provocative way. “Sweet, so sweet. Think I can get another one?”

Jessica repeated the act. This time he drew her finger into his mouth and sucked on it gently. His eyes connected soulfully with hers, causing her to blush. “I think it’s time for us to make up. What do you think?”

Jessica responded to Weston’s question by offering up her lips to taste. He quickly accepted the sweet offer in the spirit it had been presented. Kissing her had already become his most favorite thing to do.

Jessica’s cell phone abruptly interrupted the intimate moment. After identifying the caller, she thought about not answering. She then thought better of it. It could be something important. She really cared about her friends. And Jarred might be having a hard time over the bad breakup with Melanie. She wanted to be there for him.

“Where are you?” Jarred asked Jessica, sounding rather anxious.

“You already know where I am. What’s up?”

“You’re not with your family, because I just called there.”

“And? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, really. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. It bothers me that you’re in Aspen with some guy who doesn’t value you as a person. Please tell me you are not off somewhere alone with him.”

Forsaking All Others

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