Читать книгу Seduction at Whispering Lakes - Linda Hudson-Smith - Страница 7

Chapter 2


Stopping dead in his tracks, Zaire’s eyes zeroed in on China out on the dance floor with his mother and three aunts. The ladies had her turning and twisting every which way, teaching her one of several CW line dances they loved.

All Zaire could do was stand there and stare. China was mesmerizing. Her gyrating hips held him spellbound. Imagining her dancing in the nude for him was one of the craziest thoughts he’d had in a long time. It was as delicious as it was insane.

Stepping up to his younger brother, Zurich noticed the questioning look on his face. He then removed from Zaire’s hand the tray of food orders. “You were about to drop this. You look like you’ve been struck by lightning. Pretty little filly, isn’t she?”

Acting as if he didn’t know what Zurich was talking about, Zaire shrugged, knowing exactly what his brother meant. China was more than just a pretty face. He didn’t know how he knew, but he felt confident that there was more to her than a fabulous body and a lovely face, more than what the naked eye could see.

Rarely was Zaire solely attracted to looks. Beauty was skin-deep and only in the eyes of the beholder. A woman’s character and spiritual makeup was more important. Somehow, he believed China’s moral fiber was above reproach. As for spiritual makeup, it was like God had steered one of His angels onto Whispering Lakes Ranch.

What was happening to him? Zaire wondered why he was so nervous.

While he had no idea what had taken him over, he thought it may be worth exploring, investigating every aspect of a possible miracle visiting his life. As he sat back down to wait for China’s return, the overwhelming enthusiasm he felt was foreign. In the next instant, he thought he had gone nuts.

Zaire Kingdom didn’t like dwelling on his state of utter loneliness. It didn’t do him any good to constantly think about it, yet he’d often admitted it to himself. Even though Zurich was right there and other family members were always near, Zaire was lonesome for a beautiful woman like China. To distract himself, he made small talk with his brothers.

Seeing the group of females coming toward them, Zurich got to his feet.

“You and Hailey are staying, right?” Zaire asked Zurich.

“Of course. We’ll be back in just a few minutes.” Zurich squeezed Zaire’s shoulder. Nodding at China, the eldest brother went off to meet his wife.

Picking up plastic plates and utensils, Zaire set the disposable dinnerware in front of China. “Mind if I fix your plate?”

Smiling, China nodded. “Please do. It’s not often I get waited on.”

“My pleasure.” He put several hot wings onto her plate. He’d had the chef throw together a small portion of potato salad, which wasn’t on the club’s menu.

“Onion rings or French fries?”

“French fries please.” Picking up a wing, China bit right into it. She started gagging. “Water—” she sputtered “—cold water!”

Zaire laughed inwardly. Having anticipated a reaction to the fire-breathing wings, he reached down beside him and retrieved a bottle of cold water. Twisting off the cap, he handed it over to her. “Here you go, China.”

Showing her gratitude with a smile, she tossed back the water like it was a lifesaver, draining nearly a quarter of the bottle in one huge gulp. Then she turned narrowed eyes on Zaire. “You knew this would happen, didn’t you?”

Zaire threw up his hands. “Guilty as charged. The chicken is hotter than what’s served in most places, so I brought you plenty of cold water. Sorry I didn’t warn you.”

“No, you’re not. Those smirking eyes of yours tell a totally different story. You got one over on me. Just remember I owe you one.”

Recalling a similar experience Zurich had had with Hailey when they’d first met, Zaire laughed. “You got me. But I took care of you, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did. You might want to tell the chef to lighten up on the spices. I’m pretty sure my tongue is badly scorched.”

“You’ll have to tell Bernice Kingdom her wings are too hot. I’m not going there. If I said something, she’d just say ‘don’t eat them.’”

China grinned. “Okay, so I won’t say anything. They are good, once you get past the burning sensations. I’ll take my time eating the rest.”

It was still dark as China made her way to the main building to meet with other guests who’d signed up for the fishing trip. She had given herself so many reasons to just lie there in bed, especially after the long drive from L.A. She hadn’t come here to sleep. Her desire to experience the joys her father had felt on this ranch outweighed any excuse she could come up with.

China had, stowed away in her tote bag, an urn filled with Brody’s ashes to sprinkle over the lakes. Her father had wanted his remains scattered in several key spots on the ranch. Whispering Lake, the ranch’s namesake, was one place.

Dressed in the type of comfortable clothing and footgear the brochure had recommended, China parked the car and cut the engine. Warm, swirling winds hit her head-on as she stepped out of the car. Instead of setting the car’s overly sensitive alarm, she made sure all doors were locked.

Surprised to see so many people already in the lobby, China found a seat to wait for further instructions. She had wondered how many guests had signed up for such an early morning outdoor activity. Now she had the answer.

“Hello, dear! I’m Marilee Cotton. All ready for the fishing trip?”

China smiled at the elderly woman with fawn-brown eyes, medium-beige complexion and mixed gray hair. “As ready as I can be. I haven’t fished since I was a teenager. I hope this trip will bring back fond memories of when my father took me.”

The lady reached over and gently patted China’s hand. “It will. Fishing is relaxing and fun, even if you don’t catch anything. I’m a resident of Scottsdale, Arizona. What’s your name and where do you live?”

“China Braxton, a native resident of Los Angeles, California.”

“We’re practically neighbors. I fly to L.A. a couple of times a year to lie on the beaches and shop on Rodeo Drive. My husband, Harry, died last year, but I still do everything we did before he fell ill. He wanted me to continue living an active life.”

“Good for you, Ms. Marilee,” China praised. “I’m sorry for your loss. My father passed away a few weeks ago.” She then explained her mission.

Marilee’s eyes glowed with sympathy. “Your profound loss is so new. I’m sorry for you. I have warm, wonderful memories to keep me company. Harry and I were so in love. As world travelers, Paris was our favorite European city. We honeymooned there.”

“Paris is a top spot on my future traveling agenda.” She had a strong urge to hug this dear, sweet lady, but instead she patted her hand in the same comforting way Marilee had touched hers. “How many times have you visited this ranch?”

“Oh, I’ve lost count. We’d come here for a week and then move up to South Padre Island. We did this every year after the ranch first opened, doing whatever our moods dictated. Harry and I were married for forty-plus years. Do you plan to visit South Padre Island? It’s a lovely coastal area on the Gulf of Mexico. Its beaches are beautiful, and the shopping villages are fantastic bargain havens.”

China’s eyes lit up with recollection. “I saw a day trip featured in one of the brochures. I think I’d like to check it out. Are you taking the excursion?”

“Absolutely! The tour is only offered on Fridays. I’m already signed up. It’s another early morning wake-up call, but that’s par for the course around here.”

“I’ll check to see if any seats are left. Perhaps we could sit together,” China suggested, feeling good about this kind lady. If she’d been married over forty years, she was probably in her sixties.

Marilee smiled warmly. “I’d love it. You remind me of my daughter Shannon. You both are pretty as a picture. She and her family travel with me as much as possible, although the grandchildren are grown. Glynnis is a recent college graduate, and Steven is a computer specialist.”

“May I have everyone’s attention?” a deep voice said, quieting all conversation.

The deep, velvety voice caused China’s pulse rate to race. As she looked at Zaire, warmth flooded through her. Corporate cowboy was a befitting moniker for him. His black jeans were creased to perfection. An off-white Western-style shirt showcased his broad shoulders and bulging upper muscles. His thighs appeared powerful. Riding Thunder was probably responsible for the lower portion of his physique. This was the first time China had seen him without a hat, but a Stetson was in his hand. His dark hair was cut low and neatly edged.

“Because we have so many guests signed up for the fishing trip, we’ll be using two guides. My brother Zane will take one group, and I’ll handle the other. We’ll be fishing on two lakes that are side-by-side. The first group of names I call will go with me. The rest of this group can follow Zane.”

Zaire called out several names. China hated that hers wasn’t among them. He then called for Marilee Cotton. Those already there when China had arrived were obviously being called first. She’d actually thought she might be only one of a handful of people up and out this early. She’d been dead wrong.

“That’s it for my list,” Zaire announced. “Zane will take care of the rest of you. The vans are outside. We’ll board fishing boats once we get to the lakes.”

China could literally taste her disappointment. It was bitter.

Marilee got to her feet. Bending down, she gave her new friend a quick hug.

“Sorry we won’t be together. Perhaps we’ll get another opportunity. Maybe we can chat over breakfast or lunch one day. South Padre Island is still a prospect.”

“It certainly is. Have a good time, Ms. Marilee. I’ll see you at the lake.”

China grabbed her tote and headed for the door to meet with Zane’s group. Two vans were lined up at the front entrance. As she walked over to the vehicle, China heard her name called. Turning around, she saw Marilee summoning her.

Smiling broadly, Marilee grabbed China by the hand. “You can ride with me. This nice gentleman, Mr. Wilson Vanderbilt, has agreed to swap vans.”

China wondered if anyone could hear the melody breaking out in her heart. Although she could fantasize about Zaire becoming her lover, she really wanted his friendship. Enchanted by the way he carried himself, she felt sure he was a decent, honorable man. China could easily admit to liking Zaire.

Zaire helped the women maneuver the steps up into the van. Smiling at China, he took hold of her hand. “It seems you’ve made a fast friend in Mrs. Cotton. I overheard her plea for Mr. Vanderbilt to change vans so you two could ride together. I hope the arrangements are agreeable.”

You have no idea how agreeable. China smiled sweetly.

“Mrs. Cotton and I have discovered a few things in common despite our age difference. I’m pleased.”

Zaire grinned. “That’s the kind of stuff we love to hear. We want our guests to be one hundred percent happy and content.”

China nodded. “This guest is both. Thanks for caring enough to ask.”

Smiling, Zaire tipped his hat and moved away.

It didn’t surprise Zaire that China wasn’t the least bit squeamish about baiting her hook with a slimy, wiggly worm. As a nurse, she’d probably seen more than her fair share of gory things. She was good at obeying orders and executing everything he’d instructed her to do—and without question. He liked how eagerly she fully engaged in the activities. China was a woman who seemed to have the same amount of zest for life as the highly active females in his family.

Many of the folks in the boat Zaire commandeered were quiet and still a tad sleepy. Once rods were cast, folks seemed perfectly willing to keep a close eye on their fishing lines. The atmosphere was peaceful as a bright yellow sun ascended.

From the first moment China felt a tug on her line, her excited yelps completely disrupted the quietness. “I’ve got something, Ms. Marilee,” she shouted. Looking at Zaire, she appeared hopeful. “Do you think it’s a fish?”

“Let’s hope so.” Zaire knew the tugging on the line could be a result of several things but had no desire to dampen China’s spirit. Her wide and bright smile was engaging. Seeing her looking so happy did his heart good.

“It’s getting stronger,” she yelled. “Please help me. I don’t want to lose it.”

The lake was kept stocked with a variety of fish. Catfish, a favorite delight in these parts, were abundant. For China’s pleasure, Zaire hoped she had a great catch and not a discarded item, like an old shoe.

China’s struggle with the line increased, growing more intense. Zaire came up behind her. Covering her hands with his, he added the extra strength needed to land the catch. She was suddenly propelled back into him and his lower anatomy responded immediately.

Avoiding China’s hips, Zaire continued to help reel in the catch. Upon revealing her grand prize, a beautiful striped bass, everyone clapped. Cheering and laughter rent the air. No sooner had the day’s first catch been taken off the hook than another fisherman yelped excitedly, telling the others about a strong tugging on the line.

In a helter-skelter manner Zaire moved from one guest to the next, helping each person reel in their prize catch. The experienced fishermen also jumped in to help out folks new to the sport. The large boat rocked but was in no danger of tipping over.

The kids’ reaction to their catches was what Zaire enjoyed most. The encouraging hugs they received from parents, especially dads, caused Zaire to wonder if he’d ever have a child of his own. The girls on the Little League baseball and Pop Warner football teams he had the pleasure of coaching were nothing short of amazing dynamos. Coaching the kids brought the greatest pleasure to the Kingdom brothers, who loved working with children because of their own abusive childhoods.

China was tickled silly to see Ms. Marilee and Mr. Vanderbilt seated on the grass lakeside, sharing a meal from provided box lunches. The lady was smiling brightly, and a lot. The two appeared pretty close in age. Could this be a love connection? Instead of intruding upon what appeared to be a personal discussion, China claimed a patch of grass a few feet away from the elderly couple.

The vans would return to the ranch once lunch was over. At two o’clock China had scheduled a horseback riding lesson. Zaire was the instructor. She feared making a fool of herself since she was intimidated by the big but beautiful beasts. For her, since the death of her father, conquering all her fears was important. She didn’t want to live out life fearful of anything.

Walking over to China, Zaire dropped down on the grassy knoll. Positive she reeked of raw fish, China felt uncomfortable having him in such close proximity. She had used sanitizing wipes to take care of her hands, but she still felt self-conscious.

Zaire grinned. “Congratulations! Not only did you land the largest fish, you caught the most. Five fish is a pretty good haul for someone who hasn’t fished in a long time. Your two rainbow trout are beauties.”

China giggled. “Who would’ve ever thought it? I regret not coming here to the ranch with Dad. He invited me numerous times, but I always had work. So far, it’s been a fun adventure. I’m sorry I missed out on the memories we could’ve made. But I’ve definitely earned bragging rights on the number of fish I caught. I bet your mother and aunts are good at fishing.”

“You got that right! They love to fish. Mom cleans all the catches, freezing what she doesn’t cook up right away. As for your dad, he has a lot to be proud of.”

“Thank you. Speaking of dads, yours seems pretty proud of his three guys. He’s lively, too, with his silky-smooth moves. Your parents dance well together. I guess rhythm and harmony are what happens when you’ve been married a long time.”

Looking right into China’s face, Zaire shrugged. “I guess five years is a long time to be married, especially by today’s standards.”

China appeared totally perplexed. “Five years? I don’t think I understand.”

“Morgan Cobb is our stepfather, a good friend of our own father. At first, we didn’t like him because he knew Dad was abusing his family. None of us understood why he’d hang out with an evil man like Macon if he wasn’t the same kind of man.”

China’s eyes softened. “Birds of a feather don’t always flock together, Zaire.”

Agreeing with her, he nodded. “You’re right. That’s the same thing Hailey told Zurich when he first voiced his negative feelings about Morgan to her.”

Briefly, China touched Zaire’s hand. “God puts people together for all sorts of reasons. I believe He does it so we can learn something we need from them. Everyone who comes into our lives is there for a specific reason, a season or perhaps a lifetime.”

“I believe in that. When we learned Mom planned to marry Cobb, it made us stone crazy. That was a real difficult time for my brothers and me.”

Fighting an urge to reach up and caress his smooth, handsome face, China smiled instead. “It obviously turned out okay. You all seem to get along so well.”

“We do. After Zurich confronted Mom about her desire to marry Morgan, we found out he was nothing like our father. She told my brother that Morgan had kept food on our table and clothes on our backs when our alcoholic father regularly drank up his paycheck. Cobb also paid for our tuition and dorm fees at Buckley Academy.”

China’s starry gaze fell upon Zaire. “Buckley Academy! Now that’s one prep school I’ve heard a lot of great things about.” She thought back on what she’d witnessed with Bernice and Morgan. “They seem extremely good together. Is he accepted now?”

“We love and deeply respect Morgan. We’ve grown close to him. He’s more than a father to us. He’s a friend. The man treats Mom like the queen she is. Who can find fault with that? Speaking of reasons and seasons, what do you hope to learn from your experiences on the ranch? And has your seasonal or lifetime partner arrived yet?”

China’s eyes suddenly grew moist. “My reason for being here is twofold. I came here to scatter my father’s ashes over the land. He was a Texan and he loved this ranch. I’ve been going nonstop since my father died a few weeks ago. I am worn out and desperately need rest and relaxation. As for a lifetime partner, he’s still out there wandering around somewhere.”

“I’m sorry about your father. You have my deepest sympathy. If he loved this ranch, maybe I knew him. I’ve met most, if not all of our guests. What’s his name?”

Sniffling, China wiped her nose with a napkin. “Brody Braxton.”

In racking his brain, Zaire recognized the name but he couldn’t put a face to it. Looking closely at China, he tried to see if she reminded him of anyone. “If it’s not too hard on you, please tell me a little about your dad.”

China’s heart overflowed with sweet memories of her dad. “Brody was a wonderful father. He raised me alone, meeting my every need.”

She cut it off there. No one needed to know her dark, personal despairs.

“He loved to horseback ride and he lived to conquer the ranch’s mechanical bull. Unfortunately, he was dominated by it.”

“Most men are. Now Mom and my aunts give that bucking mechanism pure hell. The ladies practice riding it a lot, timing each other to chart the length of time they stay on during each ride.”

China roared with laughter. “I can actually imagine them riding the bull. They’re a feisty bunch of women.”

“Getting back to your dad, I believe I may’ve met him. Do you have a picture of him?”

China dug into her tote and pulled out her wallet. Flipping to the picture compartment, she came up with her favorite one of Brody by himself. “This is Dad,” she said, handing the billfold to Zaire. “Does he look familiar?”

Zaire’s eyes flared with instant recognition. “We’ve had a lot of interaction over the years. My brothers and I simply referred to him as Mr. B. He was an amazing storyteller, weaving some of the best yarns we’ve ever heard.”

China was thrilled to know Zaire clearly remembered Brody.

“I remember Mr. B. so well. He loved to help out around here. You’re right about his love for this place. He even talked about moving back to Texas after retirement to build a house on the several acres he owned. Are you selling his land?”

“I’ve thought of it but haven’t made a final decision. I don’t know what else I can do. I’m a city-loving girl from L.A. I can’t begin to imagine Texas as my home.”

“Life around here is a far cry from city living. I worked in the city for years but was constantly drawn back to my roots. I retired soon after I came up with a viable business plan to build on the vast acreage we own. I like peace and quiet. Our starry nights are unrivaled.”

“I can see why you’d feel that way. Serenity is a perk of being way out here. I’ve never felt this kind of peace. What kind of work did you do before retiring?”

“Architectural engineering. I still do consulting work.

My education paid off when we drew up the plans to turn this place into an enormous entertainment venue. My work is my passion. I can barely wait to wake up to get my day started. At nightfall you can either find me around a campfire, involved in some activity with the guests or on my back patio stargazing. I easily lose myself to these surroundings.”

China imagined Zaire seated in front of a campfire or relaxing on a patio. He obviously appreciated and preferred the simpler things in life. Ranching was his admitted passion. What else was he ardent about?

It was hard for China to picture him a loner. A sexy woman on his arm was an easier image to conjure up. He was masculine, steeped in virility. She had missed an opportunity to inquire about his possible partner when he’d boldly asked about hers. It wasn’t like her to let too many things get by, but Zaire kept her in a tizzy.

The urge to reach over and squeeze one of Zaire’s rock-hard thighs had China edgy. She wanted to stay with him—and she also wanted to run away from his strong presence, all at the same time. China needed to will her mind to blankness. Zaire occupied way too much room inside her head.

Zaire looked at his watch. “It’s time to get back. I have a riding lesson.”

“I know. I signed up for the riding session to conquer my fear of horses. Getting on one is the only way I can do it,” China confessed.

Zaire’s eyes filled with admiration. “When something scares us, finding a way to deal with it is smart. I promise to make your first riding experience a good one.”

China grinned. “Thank you. And I promise to hold you to your promise.”

Getting China up on a horse wouldn’t be anywhere as easy as Zaire had initially thought. Each time she backed away from Ebony Dancer, she put more and more space between her and the jet-black filly. The other students had already mounted—and she was holding up the class.

Zaire took China aside. “In the interest of time, I have to start the class. There’s an hour and a half break between this riding session and my calf-roping event. Let me work with the others, then give you a private lesson. Okay?”

Though relieved by his gracious suggestion, China looked embarrassed. “I’ll stay and watch. Maybe it’ll help get my nerve up.”

He pointed at the white fence. “Stand on the other side or sit on it. Just be careful. Don’t want you to fall off and get hurt.”

Giving Zaire a thumbs-up, China scurried from the corralling ring and propped herself comfortably on the pristine fence posts. Watching the lesson was better than tackling it, especially while fear still ran rampant through her.

Several minutes into the lesson, China recognized Zaire as a master at his work. The first thing he’d accomplished was gaining the riders’ trust in his abilities to instruct. Thoroughly explaining each step he’d take them through, his tone was steady, calming.

Children didn’t look the least bit scared, making China feel rather silly. She looked forward to the private lesson and hoped Zaire didn’t think it was a contrived plan to get him alone. As she thought more about it, she easily concluded being alone with him wasn’t such a bad idea.

Walking over to the fence, Zaire helped China down. “Now you can have my undivided attention. Here’s what we’re going to do. I think you should ride with me before you attempt to get on a horse alone. We’ll move along at a slow pace.”

Picturing herself on the same horse with Zaire, China’s heart leapt. “I love your idea.” Then her smile turned to a frown. “But I’m still scared.”

“Wait here. Be right back. It’ll be okay,” he said, his tone soothing, promising. He and two ranch hands led the horses inside a gray metal barn right behind the corral.

Seated atop Thunder, galloping at a steady pace, Zaire rode back to China and rapidly dismounted. “I need you to trust me, China. Can you do that?”

Literally shaking in her boots, China nodded. “I’ll try.”

Taking her by the hand, he led her over to Thunder. “Stay, boy,” he commanded calmly. Taking a minute to think about whether to put her on the horse or get on first and help her up afterward, he decided on the latter. Remounting, he reached down a hand to her. Fear still written in her eyes, she reluctantly joined her hand with his.

In the next instant, Zaire had China seated in front of him. Putting her on the back of the horse couldn’t guarantee her safety, so he thought it best to guide from the rear. She was a little thing. Her size left him plenty of room to maneuver.

China felt exhilarated with Zaire seated right behind her. It was hot and muggy, but being on fire for him had her even hotter. Without thinking of consequences, she laid her head back against his chest. The wind tousled her hair from behind and above. China didn’t care what she looked like, not while she felt such peace.

This was not the China Braxton she was used to. Usually every strand of her hair had to be in place, and her clothes had to be immaculate and wrinkle-free or she’d feel disheveled and frumpy. She already understood why her father had loved the ranch. Out here in the open spaces, she felt her mountain of burdens rapidly rolling away.

Trotting Thunder slowly around the ring, talking to China at the same time, Zaire actually felt her beginning to relax. He snapped the reins, causing Thunder to pick up speed. “Lean forward and whisper near his ear. Gently stroke his neck and mane,” he instructed. “Thunder loves to be stroked, especially by a beautiful woman.”

Zaire’s pointed statement had China cringing, though she knew it shouldn’t.

Why had he made a point to say that beautiful women stroked Thunder?

So, maybe she had her answer. Zaire as a loner had been a half-baked thought.

Friendship was probably all they could ever have.

“Mom and my aunts have spoiled Thunder rotten. Every time they come to the stables, they visit his stall and bring him apples and carrots. He gets plenty of pampering from those beautiful ladies and from some of our female guests.”

“What about your girlfriends? Do they spoil him, too?” Unable to believe she’d asked him that, she bit down on her tongue as a punishment for her rudeness.

“Girlfriends! That’s a nice thought to wrap my head around, but I don’t have any. Nor do I have a girlfriend. It’s hard to get to know women when you’re a workaholic. My father was an alcoholic, and this son of his is obsessed with working hard.”

“I’m sorry, Zaire. I shouldn’t have stuck my nose in your private business.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Zaire laughed inwardly.

Zaire was surprised he was opening up to China in such a personal way. It wasn’t like him to share his deepest feelings, especially the painful ones. His real troubles with women started when he moved to the ranch. Most women didn’t share his enthusiasm for his cowboy lifestyle, though a few pretended to.

If only she knew how much I’ve let her in. Why is she so easy for me to spill my guts to? Look at her pretty face and those liquid chocolate eyes. Now, pal, ask yourself the same question again.

Zaire sighed. Opening up to China was easy because she had listened closely to him and seemed to care about what he had to say. He liked talking to her.

Admit it, man. You’re lonely as hell, and she turns you on. She’s also the only woman who has even come close to sparking your interest.

Now that China seemed comfortable straddling Thunder, Zaire guided the horse out of the corral and onto the open range. Maybe once she felt the wind at her face and breathed in the clean air, she’d come to love it here as much as he did. Not even his brothers knew every square inch of the ranch like he did. There were so many exciting wonders to see.

Thinking about the big oak tree he loved to sit under during his downtime, Zaire steered Thunder in its direction. Never had he shared his private haunts with a woman, but he wanted China to see and feel every special spot there was.

Zaire knew she’d be gone from his life all too soon. If he didn’t make the most of the time China was within his reach, she’d never know why he loved the ranch so much. It was a dangerously high hope, but maybe, just maybe, she’d also fall in love with Whispering Lakes Ranch.

Perhaps China can fall in love with me, too.

After helping China dismount, Zaire removed a bedroll and a couple of bottles of water from twin saddlebags. One bag was insulated for hot and cold. Unfurling the bedroll, he spread it out under the tree. Time was short. He thought of calling the ranch to have Zane take over his roping event, but he immediately thought better of it. The fear of losing his mind over a woman who’d soon leave the ranch held him back.

Sipping on an ice-cold bottle of water, China carefully studied the sturdy oak. “It’s a beautiful tree and looks like a very old one.”

“It is old. Go ahead and stretch out and relax. It’ll welcome your presence.”

“I think I will. It looks inviting.” China looked into his eyes. “By the way, I loved the ride out here. It was much smoother than I anticipated. You stole my fear right out from under me.”

Zaire nodded. “That’s all well and good, but you still have to learn to ride solo. Only then will you rid yourself of the phobia permanently.”

China sat down and instantly took off her footwear, wiggling her toes to celebrate the freedom. “I like how tranquil my spirit feels.”

The pillow Zaire had placed on the bedroll drew China’s head down to it like a magnet to metal. She looked up at the tree. “The branches are so full that they’re completely sheltering me from the sun’s blazing heat.” Within a matter of seconds, China’s eyes involuntarily drooped.

Sitting down on a navy wool blanket he’d laid out next to the bedroll, Zaire had a desire to run his fingers through China’s hair. Thoughts of kissing her juicy lips came next.

Quickly, he decided it was a bad move on his part. China would have to offer him her sweet mouth. He wasn’t into taking anything not given freely.

By the time Zaire thought of the walkie-talkie he always carried, an hour and a half had passed. It was near time to leave. He hated to awaken China, who looked so peaceful. Indulging in the unthinkable, the very thing he’d decided against a short while ago, he got up and retrieved the walkie-talkie.

Punching in a three digit code, Zaire waited for a response. “Zane, I need a favor.” He went on to tell his brother why he was calling.

“Not a problem, bro. I got your back.”

Fortunately the Kingdom family worked as a harmonious unit. Zane hadn’t hesitated in agreeing to take over the event. Knowing his scheduled roping class was in capable hands, Zaire returned to his seat. Removing his cowboy boots, he laid his head close to China’s, keeping enough distance not to accidentally disturb her.

Minutes later, Zaire joined China in a late-afternoon nap.

Seduction at Whispering Lakes

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