Читать книгу And Baby Makes Six - Linda Markowiak - Страница 2

He kissed her


He pulled her to him and tipped up her chin. And kissed her.

She forgot resistance, reserve and all her careful plans. She sensed the breadth of his shoulders and chest, his sheer masculinity. She breathed in a combination of the spicy scent of the cologne he must have put on this morning and the clean sweat from his just-completed workout. Man, that scent said. And everything about her hormone-driven body shrieked woman.

“Dad, Dad.” A pounding of feet on the stairs and through the front hall.

Abruptly Mitch broke the kiss. “Stay here,” he whispered. He took a few long strides to the door and vanished from sight. She heard muffled voices—Mitch’s and those of his sons.

Jenny smoothed her blouse. Her hands were shaking. It was a good thing the kids had come home just then.

A very good thing, because if Mitch meant what she thought he meant…

He doesn’t want to marry you, for heaven’s sake. He’s talking about starting a relationship. As in dating.

But she couldn’t date him. What Mitch didn’t realize was that he was kissing a woman who was pregnant with another man’s baby.

And Baby Makes Six

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