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Dear Reader,

I love what-ifs because they lead me down some interesting, twisted, turning paths. In Night Hawk, you will meet former Delta Force sergeant Gil Hanford, who went into the US Army at eighteen.

Gil met and worked with Sam Morrison. Sam was married to US Army Apache combat helicopter mechanic Kai Tiernan. Gil fell in love with Kai but, respectful of their marriage, he kept his distance. It was a painful time for Gil because he saw how unavailable Sam was to his wife, Kai. He could only sympathize with their plight.

Sam is killed in a firefight, and Gil is there when it occurs. Feeling grief-stricken, wanting to console Kai, he goes to her to offer his condolences. They end up in one another’s arms for five days, dealing with conflicting emotions. On the morning of the fifth day, Gil is ordered out on an undercover op. He thinks it’s for a few days, but it ends up being two years.

Kai is left without her husband and without Gil. She never finds out what happens to Gil. Thinking he’s used her to soothe his grief, Kai goes back to Wyoming and drifts from one ranch to another. Few ranchers are willing to hire a woman to be a mechanic.

Finally, four years later, she ends up at the Triple H Ranch near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It’s only half a day later that she meets the ranch foreman: Gil Hanford…

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I hope you enjoy Night Hawk.

All the best,

Night Hawk

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