Читать книгу Baby Breakout - Lisa Childs - Страница 7



The high-pitched beep of a breaking-news bulletin drew Erica Towsley’s attention to the television screen. “During a prison riot tonight at Blackwoods Penitentiary in northern Michigan, cop killer Jedidiah Kleyn was among several prisoners to escape.”

Jedidiah Kleyn.

Legs shaking, Erica dropped onto the edge of her sofa. She grabbed a pillow and clasped it against her chest as she struggled to breathe.

No. No. No. Not Jedidiah …

The report continued, “He is considered extremely dangerous.”

Goose bumps lifted on her skin. Dangerous was an understatement for Jedidiah Kleyn’s capacity for violence. Images flitted through her mind, as she recalled the graphic photographs she had been shown of the scene of the horrific crimes Jedidiah had been convicted of committing.

“If anyone believes they have seen this man or any of the other escaped …”

Ears buzzing with her pounding pulse, Erica could catch only snatches of what the serious-faced anchor-woman said.

“… contact authorities immediately. Do not approach these men …”

What if one of these men approached her? Would she have time to contact authorities before he killed her?

Baby Breakout

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