Читать книгу Red Hot - Lisa Childs - Страница 3


“Do you ever take a risk?”

Fiona’s eyes widened as Wyatt stepped away from the doorjamb to close the distance between them. “What do you mean?”

“Do you ever drive over the speed limit? Accept a drink from a stranger?”

She shook her head so vehemently a strand of red hair slipped free of its tight knot.

“You don’t know what you’re missing...” He wanted to show her. He leaned a little closer—close enough to brush his mouth across hers.

Her breath shuddered out, warm and silky against his lips. And her thick lashes drifted down as her eyes closed. He deepened the kiss—as much as he could with a desk between them. He wanted to kick it aside, wanted nothing between his body and hers. He groaned at the thought.

And she jerked back as if she’d just awakened. Her chair creaked as it rolled her away from the desk—away from him. “I asked to meet with you just to talk,” she said.

He uttered a sigh of disappointment. “That’s too bad...”

Red Hot

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