Читать книгу Deadly Exchange - Lisa Harris - Страница 3


“You’re still shaking,” Levi said.

“I’m freezing.” Kayla nodded. It was more than just the weather, but she could use something to take off the chill.

“Wait here.” Levi doubled back and a minute later, he handed her a cup of hot chocolate. She took a sip, burning the tip of her tongue in the process.

“What are you thinking?” he asked as they headed toward the tram.

“I’m worried about what we’re supposed to do if we end up finding Mercy. Even if we find her, we can’t exchange her.”

She turned to face him, tears pooling in her eyes. She needed to stay strong. Needed to keep her head clear, but all she could see was Mercy and her father lying on that slab in the morgue if they didn’t stop these men. And they couldn’t let that happen.

“Hey.” He tilted up her chin with his hand until she was looking at him. “We’re going to figure this out. I promise.”

“And if we don’t?”

He shook his head. “We have to. There’s too much at stake.”

Deadly Exchange

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