Читать книгу Deadly Safari - Lisa Harris - Страница 3


“I don’t understand.”

Meghan pushed Replay to watch the video again, but seeing it the second time didn’t alleviate the horror she felt. Two people ripped through her cabana, digging through her desk, her closet….

“They took this video of themselves trashing your room,” Alex said. “They were here. This video doesn’t show enough to be able to identify them, but they were here last night.”

Which meant she had to question all the other things that had happened over the past couple of weeks. Had they really been nothing more than coincidences? She shook her head. None of this made any sense.

“Why would someone do this?” she asked.

“They sent the video to your father, to prove to him that they could get to him.”

Her mouth suddenly felt dry as cotton. “How do you know my father?”

Meghan looked at her Texas cowboy and rubbed her temples as a thousand questions swam through her head. One begged to be asked. “Who are you?”

Deadly Safari

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