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Chapter Three

When Mama decided she was done celebrating birthdays because they made her feel old, Agnes figured she’d better make her last party a doozy, even if Mama grumbled about turning sixty.

Aqua, yellow and lime-green balloons tied to the cedar rails rimming Mama’s back deck danced in the humid air. Streamers fluttered like kite tails. At least the rain held off, and the cloud cover kept the sun from baking the guests.

Agnes jammed the knife down the center of a buttercream-yellow rose, slid the piece of birthday cake onto a paper plate and handed it to Tyler Chase, Stephen and Lindsey’s son.

“Thanks, Miss Agnes.” He trotted off, trying to shove a forkful of cake in his mouth before skittering down the deck steps to the yard.

She started to call out for him to slow down, but Lindsey snatched him first.

Satisfied the child wasn’t about to impale his tonsils, Agnes checked the pitchers of sweet tea and lemonade to make sure they were at least half-full.

Then she reached for her camera to snap a few more pictures of guests sitting at the borrowed picnic tables covered in white tablecloths that dotted the backyard and of church friends gathered inside the gazebo Daddy had built for Mama as a twenty-fifth anniversary present.

Agnes zoomed in on Mama’s group of Sunday school terrors kneeling on the stones ringing the handmade koi pond, harassing the fat orange fish darting under the floating lily pads.

Sitting in the shade with her friends, Mama seemed to be enjoying herself as they watched the couples from church play cornhole.

Agnes focused on Ian. Still dressed in his tan dress pants and white polo shirt from church, he juggled the four corn-filled bags. He stepped forward and tossed one of the bags into the cornhole board across the grass. His shirt stretched across his back. His muscled forearms rippled.

Agnes’s face burned at the memory of his strong hands on her back when he hugged her.

Ian turned, filling her viewfinder with his wind-tossed hair and wide grin. She snapped as he winked and waved at her. Her heart somersaulted against her ribs.

Josie stepped through the sliding glass door onto the deck with a fresh carton of vanilla ice cream. She set it in a tub of ice next to the sundae fixings, then tossed the empty carton into the trash can at the bottom of the steps.

“With an arm like that, maybe you should be joining your hubby in tossing those corn bags.”

“Nah, I couldn’t show him up in front of his friends.” Josie grabbed a strawberry from the watermelon fruit basket and leaned against the railing. “So, did you talk to your mom yet?”

Agnes reached for her camera again and focused on Josie’s expression as she smiled and reached for another berry. “Haven’t had time. It’s been a whirlwind weekend.”

Agnes set the camera down and reached for her sweet tea, pressing the cool glass against her heated cheeks. “I’ll talk to her after everyone leaves.”

“Talk to who, darlin’?”

Hearing Mama’s voice, Agnes stiffened. The woman had the stealth of a polecat. Agnes turned to find Mama climbing the deck stairs.

The wind ruffled the spiky points of Mama’s short cap of snowy hair. Hours spent tending to her gardens this spring afforded a sun-kissed glow across her narrow face. Her white crocheted sweater over a peacock blue and lime-green printed dress shaved a decade off her years. Agnes hoped she would age as gracefully.

“I thought you were watching the cornhole game. Would you like more lemonade, or maybe another piece of cake?” Agnes asked her.

“Agnes Joy, what’s going on?” Mama crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

Josie scooted along the deck railing toward the stairs and gestured she was going to the backyard.


Sighing, Agnes wiped her hands on the damp cloth on the edge of the table. Like a hound treeing a racoon, Mama wouldn’t leave well enough alone until Agnes told her. “No need to worry, but my building’s been sold. I have about a month to find a new place.”

Mama pressed a hand to her chest and gripped the edge of the table. “Oh, my lands, that’s absolutely perfect.”

So much for Mama freaking out.

“What are you talking about?”

“The timing, darlin’.”

“Perfect timing for what?”

“I was just telling the girls your memaw asked me to come back to Texas for the summer and help her rid up the house before she puts it up for sale. She wants to move into a condo for seniors. Less fuss.”

“When was this? You hadn’t said anything about it.”

“I held off committing to the whole summer because I promised to help Charlotte with Agape House. Plus, I’d need someone to keep an eye on things.” Mama waved a hand over the yard, then turned back to Agnes. “So this works out perfectly. We’ll store your things in the garage, and you can stay here. Since you won’t have to pay rent, you can save that money for the dream house you’re always talking about.”

Clarence and Eliza’s cottage.

They’d agreed to sell her the house, but she hadn’t had time to tell Mama all the particulars. Saving rent money and working at Agape House would help her to own the cottage a little sooner. So why wasn’t she jumping on Mama’s offer?

“I don’t know, Mama. I’m a little old to be moving back home, don’t you think?”

“Who said anything about moving back home? You’d be doing me a favor. Unless you’d rather not, of course....” Mama’s not-so-innocent sidelong glance and words frosted Agnes with a layer of guilt as thick as the buttercream frosting on her birthday cake.

“Of course I want to help, Mama. But...”

So maybe Agnes didn’t love the old brick building with its creaky pipes, temperamental heating and noisy neighbors, but the apartment had been hers to do as she pleased within the boundaries of her lease.

In less than a month, though, she’d need to find something else anyway.

What other choice did she have? Scan the classifieds for some crummy rental that fit in her budget?

She sighed. “I just need to stand on my own two feet.”

She might get knocked down, but she wouldn’t stay down.

“Agnes, your stubborn pride is your biggest flaw. You know that, right? I won’t even be here. You’ll have the house to yourself and can do plenty of standing.”

Agnes glanced at the freshly tilled garden that ran along the property separating Mama’s from Ian’s parents’. “When are you planning to leave?”

“Well, now, that depends on you. If you agree, then I can fly out next week.”

“Why so soon?”

“Why not? The sooner I get out there, the sooner I can help Memaw.” Mama wrapped an arm around Agnes’s shoulders and gave her a side hug. “This benefits both of us. You’ll see.”

No use in arguing with Mama once something stuck in her head.

Agnes’s eyes drifted to Ian talking with Nick Brennan and Stephen Chase. What would he think of her being next door for the summer?

More important, would she even be able to think of living next door to him?

Maybe they could spend some time on the dock the way they did in the past. Maybe she could put her lingering feelings for him to rest once and forever.

Not likely.

* * *

Ian wandered over to the table for a piece of Mary’s birthday cake. He wanted to see Red more than he wanted that cake.

All afternoon he tried to keep from staring at her, but with the way the yellow sleeveless dress twirled around her shapely legs or her laugh floated through the air...it was a wonder he had managed to score any points playing cornhole.

Now that the others had decided to take a break, he snuck away before they started a new game.

“Nice party, Red.” He shoved his hands in the front pockets of his Dockers and leaned against the deck railing.

“Thanks, Ian. I hear your team won.”

“Yes, the red team scored twenty-one points first. Oh, yeah, we rock.”

“Nice to see you’re a gracious winner. Want some cake?”

“Sure. Thanks.” He took the paper plate she held out to him and dug his fork through the white frosting and put it into his mouth. “It’s good. So, how many pieces have you had?”

“That’s not important. You just enjoy your cake.”

“Manning the cake table? Pretty sweet setup, if you ask me. You can have your cake, and no one will notice if you have an extra piece or two...or six.” He winked and shoved another bite in his mouth.

“I don’t believe anyone asked. A gentleman wouldn’t notice such things.” Agnes pinched a glob of frosting off the corner of his piece and stuck it in her mouth.

“You okay?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I see the smile, but the light in your eyes is snuffed out.”

“I’m wearing sunglasses, Ian. Little hard to see any kind of light. Mama invited me to spend the summer here while she hangs out with my memaw back in Texas.”

Ian’s stomach jumped. His eyes skimmed his parents’ house that edged Mary’s property.

Agnes next door all summer?

Yes, please.

In his head, he did a few fist pumps and shouted, Woo-hoo! at the top of his lungs. He shrugged. “That’d be cool.”


“Maybe? Why’s that? You and your mom get along pretty well.”

“Yes, we do, but she won’t be here if I say yes.”

“What’s the problem? She doesn’t want to go?”

“She does, and I’m sure she’ll have a great time. It’s just...”

“So what’s holding you back?”

“I’m a little old to be moving home again.”

“There’s a difference between house-sitting and moving back in. I moved back home to help Mom and Dad with Griffin. It’s definitely not permanent.”

“True. If I’m not paying rent for the summer, then I could put that money toward a down payment for the cottage.”

“So it sounds like a win-win for everyone.” Including him.

With Red next door—even for a couple of months—he could show her he was more than a buddy, the guy next door, but the guy she needed to marry.

But right now he had to get something off his chest...something that wouldn’t make her happy.

He jerked his head toward the lake. “Wanna go for a walk?”

Red waved a hand across the yard. “I can’t leave the party.”

“Just to the dock. I need to talk to you about something.”

“What’s going on? You look serious.”

“Let’s walk.”

He waited while she crossed the yard to tell Mary where she was headed. Mary lifted a hand and waved. He returned the gesture, then smothered a smile as Mary and her friends put their heads together behind Red’s back. He could only imagine what they were saying. And he figured Red wouldn’t like it.

They cut through the shrubs that ran between both properties. Ian shoved his hands in his front pockets. It would’ve been so easy to slip his fingers around hers. But she’d probably slap him or shove him into the chilly lake.

The gravel path coiled through the trees. Red teetered on the stones in those ridiculous heels.

She stopped and placed a hand on his arm. “Hold on. I have a pebble in my shoe.”

“Wear something practical, and you wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

“What do you know about fashion? You live in faded jeans, shorts or dress pants when you have to be in the office.” Red slipped the sandal off her foot and brushed away the bits of gravel.

“Woman, one of these days you’re going to break a leg wearing those crazy things.”

“At least I’ll look cute doing it.”

“Believe me, Red, you could ditch the shoes and still outshine every female in this town.” He caught a movement behind her.

A garter snake slithered across the path less than a foot behind her. If she looked back...

Grasping under her arms, he pulled her to her feet and wrapped her against his chest.

She pushed away and stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. “What’s that all about?”

Ian tightened his arms and glanced over her shoulder. The weeds swayed as the snake disappeared. “I didn’t want you to back up and sit on the garter snake behind you.”

She screeched, causing him to wince and drop his ear to his shoulder, and practically jumped into his arms. Not that he was complaining. “Relax, Red. It’s gone.”

He turned her gently so she stood behind him but could see the clear path. He reached for her hand, giving it a little tug. “Come on. Let’s go sit on the dock. I’ll protect you.”

“Thanks for not laughing at me, Ian.” She clung to his arm and rested her head against his shoulder.

He lifted his arm and wrapped it around her, squeezing gently. If only he could hold her for the next fifty or sixty years. “I’ll tease you about a lot of things, but your fears aren’t one of them.” He held her hand as she stepped over a muddy patch between the end of the path and the beginning of the dock.

Waves lapped at the shore. A frog croaked in the weeds. Somewhere along the water’s edge, a couple of ducks quacked, joining in the chorus. Baked earth mingled with the fishy scent permeating the air.

Red’s heels clomped on the wooden dock. Their shadows stretched over the blue water. Dad’s old aluminum rowboat rocked and knocked against the dock. Tall grasses sprouted between the weathered boards.

At the end of the dock, they settled in two sun-warmed Adirondack chairs, one painted lemon-yellow and the other fire-engine red.

Agnes pushed her sunglasses on top of her head and raised her face toward trails of late afternoon sunshine streaking across the dusky sky. She didn’t say anything for a moment. Sliding her glasses back on her face, she faced him. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Sighing, Ian rested his head against the back of the chair, kicked off his shoes and toed off his dress socks. “I wish I didn’t have to tell you this.”

“What’s the matter? Did you find someone who wasn’t afraid of her own shadow in that place?”

“No, nothing like that.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “It’s just that...well, there may not be an Agape House.”

“Why? What happened?”

Ian pushed himself out of his chair and stood on the edge of the dock. He curled his toes over the rough-edged boards and crossed his arms over his chest to ease some of the pressure building behind his ribs.

“Dad’s been against this project from the beginning, but Mom wants Zoe to have the best chance at a new life. When Dad learned Mom had signed the papers on behalf of the board, he packed a bag and headed for the cabin.”

“He moved out?”

Ian shrugged. “He didn’t come home last night.”

“So that’s why he didn’t come today?” She stood and moved next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Ian. What does Pete have against Agape House?”

“He had a rough childhood with alcoholic parents. He used to preach to us about the dangers of alcohol. After Zoe’s arrest, Dad hasn’t been the same. He resigned from the city council, stepped down from the church board and holes up in his office. He refuses to visit her in prison.”

“But she’s his daughter.”

He rolled up his pant legs and dropped his feet in the water. He sucked in a breath at the shock of cold against his warm feet. “Try telling him that. He’s acting like a jerk. Mom’s upset. Griff keeps asking questions we can’t answer.”

“What does your mama want to do?”

“Keep her marriage together and bring her daughter home. Dad’s demanding the impossible.”

“Well, we need to talk some sense into him.” Red slipped off her sandals and sat next to him, dipping her toes in the water.

“We?” He loved the way she teamed with him, but this was his family’s problem. She had her own issues to work out.

“I have a stake in this now, too, you know.” She bumped her shoulder against his.

Right, the cottage.

The sunlight dripped across the top of her head, catching the ginger glints in her hair and shading her face. She appeared to be sixteen instead of thirty-six.

His thoughts drifted back a couple of decades and remembered their almost daily talks on the docks. Seemed that no matter what the problem was, they could work it out sitting here with their feet in the water. If only things could be resolved as simply now.

He reached for her hand and laced his fingers through hers, squeezing gently. “This is not your problem, Red.”

She lifted their joined hands and kissed his knuckles before releasing her fingers. “Your daddy will come around.”

He loved the feel of her lips against his skin. He’d take the knuckle kiss for now, but one of these days he hoped for the chance to feel her lips on his. And not in the name of friendship either.

“How about if I pay Pete a visit and see if I can talk to him?”

He scowled at her. The woman didn’t listen. “No, Red. You’re not fighting my battles.”

“Don’t be a fool, Ian.” She dipped her hand in the water and flicked his face. “Maybe Pete just needed to be reminded about the power of second chances.”

Ian jerked as the icy drops landed on his hot skin. He wiped his eyes with the hem of his shirt. “How can restoring my family be pulling us apart?”

Agnes lifted her feet out of the water and stood. She brushed off the back of her dress, then reached for her sandals. “Like you said yesterday—sometimes it takes peeling away the layers to find the promise for the future.”

Lakeside Sweethearts

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