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The killer hauled Zoe in front of him and lifted his weapon.

She stared down the barrel, and a sob caught in her throat. “I didn’t see anything.” Okay, that was a lie, but it was the first thing that had come to mind. “The lady looked dead. He was standing over her, and I assumed he killed her. I could be mistaken.”

She wanted to laugh through the sob. She was going crazy, seconds before she was going to die.

The killer grinned, more of a sneer. “Wrong place, seriously wrong time. And you just couldn’t let it lie. Well, turns out neither can they.”

“I won’t say anything. I promise.”

“Too late. You’ve drawn attention to yourself. Now they’re convinced you’ll blab, and that can’t happen. So instead of taking you to them, I’m ending this. No more scare tactics. No more threats. Problem solved.”

Them? Realization dawned on her that he was going to kill her, and she moved. As fast as she could. Everything in her screamed to run.

He pulled the trigger.

Witness In Hiding

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