Читать книгу High Octane - Lisa Renee Jones - Страница 2


From what she’d seen of Ryan, Sabrina was pretty certain he was the man she was pretty certain he was the man she wanted.

But she also had a feeling this “wild ride” equaled a plate of poison food to a starving man—pleasure with a lethal endgame. Jumping out of a plane was enough of a dare, thank you very much. She didn’t need to add a hot cowboy with a rock-hard body and sultry brown, bedroom eyes. Besides, it wasn’t as if she was champing at the bit to skydive anyway.

“I can wait for the other instructor,” she said. “No rush, really. I’ll comeback next weekend, or maybe the one after that.”

A slow smile charged Ryan’s too-handsome face. “I’ll be easy with you, darlin’. I promise.”

He promises. Said the cat to the mouse, she thought cynically, but that didn’t stop her imagination from conjuring an image of her strapped to a parachute, with him attached to her…er…backside. Uh-huh, he would be dangerous in all kinds of ways.

High Octane

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