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Chapter Three


To: princess.lullah@email.com

From: lola@lolasland.com

Subject: I’m a starlet, get me out of here!

Lullah, you’ve got to save me!

There is a severe, 99.9% chance that I’m about to die of a not-even-cureable case of boredomitis.

No, really. I’m not even joking. What is a joke is that in my journal, after our little talk before you left, I have laughing titled this summer vacay ‘the summer of re-invention’ after our little talk before you left. Ha.

Well, I am three whole weeks into the summer holiday, a time that is meant to be filled with fun, adventure and memory-makin’ moments, yet my life, as I know it, is still very much the same old, lame old.

I have no friends and I have no ‘thing’.

I want friends and I want a ‘thing’.

My ‘something’. At this point, my anything.

Lullah, I am beyond frustrated.

I’d also really like Mum to cheer up, Cat to stop chewing everything in sight and to move to NY. Like, this afternoon, if possible.

Until then, please provide me with tales of your muchos glammy life so that I can feel even more sorry for myself, take to my bed and watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s for the 127th time.

Miss you. A lot.

L oxoxox


I really do want a ‘thing’.

Something that makes people go ‘Wow, Lola Love is cool’ because cool and Lola Love are words that are never, ever mentioned in the same sentence.

Weirdo, loser girl and Lola Love however, are mentioned on a near daily basis, thanks to Eva Satine.

Eva Satine is a toxic girl.

Oh, there’s no doubting the girl’s ability to throw an outfit together or her ‘just-stepped-out-of-a-salon’ silky soft blonde hair, but with all that superficial stuff comes the most horrible of insides, all knotty, angry and self-obsessed.

She’s very clever though.

Eva has fooled the entire school with her butter-wouldn’t-melt, snake-like charm and has won herself the much coveted, Miss I-am-Popularity-Personfied title.

I, on the other hand, have become her very own official torment toy. And it’s not as though Eva is not alone in her quest to make my life considerably difficult on a daily basis. Nope, because like every popular-girl-in-the-playground before her, she has the obligatory, plastic-looking hair-flickin’ clique. Me and Angel call them ‘The Negative Ninas’ (but I don’t think they’re losing any sleep over it) who are the girls at school who arrive everywhere in a stinky mist of Eau Du Nasty, have the same outline as Eva but fade into insignificance compared to the real thing. If they weren’t so rude and obnoxious I might even feel sorry for them.

But ‘The Negative Ninas’ are rude and obnoxious.

They use cuss words that would make a trucker blush and they have a never-ending supply of put-downs.

So I don’t feel sorry for them. Not one little bit.

And just in case you were worried that they weren’t super mean enough, they don’t just stop at name-calling either. Oh no, these girls are premier league. They’ve read every script of every high school teen movie ever made and are completely up to date with their roles as popular-girls-who-make-lonely-weirdo-girl-feel-really-bad.

Now, before I press play on this particular scene of shame straight from the life of me, you absolutely need to know that if I had my way, for the sake of self-preservation, it’d be on the cutting room floor.



But for some reason the delete button won’t work and this scene is on constant rewind, play and repeat in my mind.

You will soon see why…

Livin’ la Vida Lola

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