Читать книгу The Millionaire and the Cowgirl - Lisa Jackson - Страница 3



Dear Reader,

Some things are just meant to happen. That’s what I thought when I was asked to contribute to FORTUNE’S CHILDREN. I was thrilled and honored to be a part of the group of authors creating stories about this very special family, and I was thankful that I was asked to do a story surrounding a ranch, a rich playboy and a secret baby.

I’m a fifth-generation Oregonian and grew up surrounded by cousins and grandparents, as well as great-aunts and uncles. My grandparents and great-grandparents lived on farms complete with cattle, chickens, sheep and hogs. My cousins and sister, Natalie Bishop (another Silhouette author), and I played on the banks of a small creek that wound through a thick stand of old growth timber, chased each other on deer and sheep trails, or swam in the Molalla River. It was a magical, special childhood. We weren’t nearly as wealthy as the Fortunes, of course, but we had that same sense of togetherness and love that wound through our generations, the common and tightly woven bond of family.

I felt it was fitting that this, The Millionaire and the Cowgirl, should be my fortieth book for Silhouette—a novel celebrating love and trust and the meaning of family. I’m thrilled to be able to contribute and hope you enjoy reading about Samantha, Kyle and Caitlyn.

I feel this is a special book, a milestone in the fifteen years I’ve written for Silhouette. Many of you have written me, asking for more stories with a Western setting, where the characters live on ranches, and this is for you. I hope you love this series as much as I do.


Lisa Jackson

The Millionaire and the Cowgirl

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