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“Alana, can you hear me?”

Locke wanted to make her wake up, but it was probably a good thing she wasn’t conscious to feel her injuries.

She moaned. Locke gathered her closer to him and put his chin on her head. If someone had wanted to distract them, they’d succeeded. They had hit Locke in the place where it hurt the most and forced him to turn his mission from the president’s safety to taking care of his partner. Because he was going to make sure Alana was safe.

Somewhere along the way she had become more important to him than his job, and Locke was never going to apologize for that.

As he looked down at his unconscious partner, Locke realized that if he was going to save the president, he had to set aside his feelings for Alana. If it could be used against him, then it was a liability. And liabilities cost him his job. If the president was killed because Locke was distracted by Alana, all of them would lose.

He had to let her go.

Homefront Defenders

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