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Chapter 6

“You know, when I came to celebrate, this wasn’t what I had in mind.” Ivan handed his grandmother her ice cream, and then parked his SUV alongside the ice-cream parlor.

“Hey, I’m sick of sitting around watching television all day,” Cecile Mangum replied. “It’s my birthday. I wanted a change of scenery, and you’re the only one of us with a driver’s license. I really appreciate you taking me to my favorite ice-cream parlor, honey. Of course, if you prefer that I take the wheel I...”

“Oh, no, you don’t, Speed Racer. I can manage.”

Ivan’s grandmother snorted. “I go through one little red light, and the whole community is up in arms.”

“GiGi, you almost caused a four-car pileup behind you. Not to mention the couple on the park bench.”

“Hey, they moved, didn’t they?”

“Luckily for you, they were still able to,” Ivan pointed out. “Not everyone that old is that limber.”

“Presumably that’s why you’re here. I do appreciate the visit,” she replied.

Ivan reached over and squeezed her heavily veined hand. “It’s my pleasure.”

“I love my gift. How’d you know I like owls?”

“I didn’t.” His thoughts drifted to Tiffany. “I had some help trying to find something nearly as wise as you.”

“Scoundrel.” She chuckled. “And where’s that other rascal?”

“Cole had to work late. He’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Work indeed.” She took a spoonful of her chocolate sundae. “My grandson is probably out chasing skirts. Mangum men have always been charmers. You know, when your granddaddy was alive, he could charm me right out of my—”

Ivan quickly put up a hand to stop her. He took a healthy sip of his milk shake.

“Saints preserve me. You aren’t sitting next to the Virgin Mary, you know. It ain’t over till it’s over.”

Ivan looked decidedly uncomfortable. “Next subject, please?”

“Fine. If you don’t want to talk about my love life, how about yours?”

“There’s nothing to tell, GiGi. I’m not seeing anyone.”

“Hmm...I hear a restless note in your voice, honey. You need to make time for romance, and don’t give me that gibberish about work.”

“It’s not gibberish. I’m proud of what I do.”

“Yes, but can work get you a date?”

“I have a policy about not fraternizing with my employees...in that capacity.”

“Bah. Do you have a policy for everything? How boring is that? Ivan, work doesn’t keep you warm at night, or fill you with a burning desire to—”

“I get it,” he interrupted again.

“My body is old, sweetheart, not the mind. You need to find a woman who can make you happy...make your soul smile. That’s the kind of connection I had with your grandfather. It’s rare enough to find without you purposefully overlooking it.”

That made Ivan smile. He leaned over and kissed his grandmother’s cheek. “Who says I’ve overlooked it? What makes you think I’d bring every girl I date here?”

Cecile did a double take. “Every? Hell, how about any?”

Ivan stayed another few minutes, sparring with his grandmother before escorting her back to the assisted-living facility. On the drive home, he pondered her words. Some of her advice was spot-on. Ivan was stuck in a rut, and he needed to shake things up.

When it came to relationships, the challenge had been maintaining them. When he loved, he was all in. There was no in-between. Debra was the last woman he’d given his heart to, and she had handed it back with artillery shells in it. It hadn’t been loaned out since. There’d been women, but it was strictly physical, or as his grandmother put it, to get his ice-cream cone dipped once in a while. She was incorrigible. Cecile Mangum was a virtuoso at human nature, and seeing someone’s true colors. If Ivan could’ve done that half as well, he’d have saved himself a lot of heartache.

Debra’s deception had cut deep, but it was history. Ivan had survived. Now a new woman had caught his eye and breathed life back into him. She was exciting and beautiful.

Yes, definitely time to move on.

* * *

Tiffany spotted Ivan walk in. “Damn, you’re good! I love it,” she said excitedly.

“That’s good to hear,” he replied.

The Petite Boutique was not officially open, so they were alone.

“No, really. I love hearing the chime when the door opens. To know I’ve got 24/7 monitoring gives me a sense of security, and the surveillance feature...wow,” she exclaimed. “That I can be home and use my laptop to see the inside of my store blows my mind.”

It was hard not to get caught up in her excitement. Her eyes sparkled with it. Ivan was unable to keep from grinning, either. “Then I’ve done my job. I promised you Mission: Impossible, but on a budget,” he teased.

Ivan showed Tiffany more features and set up her surveillance program on her laptop. He helped her through the tutorial, as well as pointed out additional upgrades she could get later.

“Thank you for doing all this for me, Ivan.”

“It’s been my pleasure, Tiffany.”

Her associate, Celeste, walked through the door. When it chimed, the two shared a smile.

She walked him out. “So what’s next for you?”

“Jeannie asked me to conduct another senior safety class.”

“That sounds like fun.”

Suddenly, Ivan’s expression turned mischievous. “Great. I need an assistant.”

She stopped smiling. “Me? Huh? I... No, I couldn’t. I’d be terrible at it.”

“I doubt it. You said you’d taken self-defense classes before.”

“Yeah, but that was some time ago.”

“So you’re saying you can’t do it?”

There was a hint of challenge in his voice that ruffled Tiffany’s competitive side. She nodded before her cautious side could catch up. “I’ll do it. When is it?”

“Tonight. The name of the class will be on the door. If there’s a change, I’ll call you.”

“I don’t know, Ivan, I—”

Without warning, he held a finger up to her lips to silence her. She stilled.


“Hmm?” She mumbled around his hand.

“Say yes.”

He moved his finger from her lips, but remained in close proximity.

“Yes,” she heard herself whisper.

The air crackled with tension. Unable to help herself, she gravitated toward him. They stood there for infinite moments staring at each other until a horn broke the spell.

Ivan backed up. “I’ll see you tonight at five. I’ll text you the address. Traffic may be rough, so give yourself extra time to get there. Bye, Tiffany.”

Without another word, Ivan was gone, leaving her standing on the sidewalk in front of her store with a baffled expression on her face. She raised a hand up to her mouth. His hold over her in that moment was complete and all-consuming.

When she regained her wits, Tiffany was mortified. The worst realization was that she had wanted a kiss to happen, more than she wanted to take her next breath.

Tiffany gazed after him until his Range Rover was out of sight. Ivan’s lips and everything else on him are off-limits. She vowed to repeat the sentence like a litany for the rest of the day in hopes of remembering that he was already taken, and to stop her heart, mind and soul from pining for a man she could never have.

* * *

Hours later, Tiffany arrived home worn-out, and no closer to not thinking about Ivan Mangum than before. After showering and putting on workout clothes, she surveyed herself in the mirror. Tiffany was nervous. Attending an exercise class was one thing, but being up there with the instructor was completely different. Especially when the instructor was Ivan.

“You can do this,” she said to her reflection.

Ivan had thrown down a challenge, and she planned to show him she could deliver. Their encounter outside of her store came to mind. Feeling his finger on her lips was flat-out shocking...and sensuous! Thank goodness he’d left before she’d voiced the desire to kiss him. She checked the clock, then grabbed her gym bag and headed out the door.

The community center was located in Washington Park on the South Side of Chicago. Tiffany parked and strolled into the building. She had a few minutes to spare, so she unpacked a yoga mat and warmed up. She was on her last rep of stretches when Ivan walked in.


“Hey,” she responded. Tiffany rolled up her mat. “I was warming up.”

“Good. Our class should start in a few minutes.”

Ivan dropped his bag in a corner and strode over. “I’m glad you made it.”

“Of course—especially since you practically made me. Something you picked up in the military, huh, Yoda?”

He burst out laughing. “Well, apparently it worked. You’re here, and I’m grateful,” he said quietly.

Tiffany tried not to fall under his spell a second time. It was hard when he was looking at her with that same intense look as earlier. When you almost kissed him.

She tried to dismiss it, but it was hard to let go. The fact that he was wearing more physique-enhancing active wear didn’t help.

“So what’s on the agenda?” she asked, trying to ignore his effect on her.

“I’d like to cover some basic moves our group can learn to ward off would-be attackers. If they’re approached by someone bent on doing them harm, they can’t outrun their assailant. They’ll need to stand their ground. That won’t be expected by most purse snatchers. They’ll be expecting the flight-or-fight mechanism to kick in and will use it to their advantage to overpower the elderly person and take what they want.”

“Or worse, do them bodily harm.”

“Exactly. I’ll touch on situational awareness, too. Knowing what’s going on around them can decrease the chances of being approached by someone waiting to strike. We’ll cover the basics, but most importantly, we’re going to have some fun and get some exercise.”

“You got it, Coach Mangum,” Tiffany said. “I’m ready.”

* * *

Ivan’s class lasted an hour. He started with an informational session about himself and his background. Tiffany learned that he’d traveled many places, had trained with military personnel in over six countries, was fluent in several languages, an expert marksman, and studied mixed martial arts for the past few years.

In addition to being a lethal weapon, he was all business when it came to teaching the elderly how to protect themselves. She assisted him by demonstrating how to render an attacker senseless with a few well-placed Cane-Fu moves using their canes as a weapon.

Next, Ivan showed them palms to the nose, kicks to the groin, gouges to the eye and punches to the trachea. Ivan used Tiffany as the aggressor to show the class how to protect against a side-arm grab and a two-handed collar grab. Afterward, he checked people’s posture to ensure they were doing the moves effectively and without injury.

The hour flew by for Tiffany. She was actually disappointed when it came to an end. Quite a few people praised her efforts.

“I hope you’ll be coming back, little lady,” one man said.

“I’ll be here whenever Coach Mangum needs me,” she promised.

When the last of the students had left, Ivan came up to her.

“I thought that went well.”

“Well is an understatement,” she said. “Ivan, what you did for the class was inspiring. You could see their self-confidence growing as they learned and practiced each move. It’s a great feeling to be able to help someone overcome their fears and to give them the knowledge they need to allow them to feel empowered, to know that they have it within themselves to fight back if the situation arises.”

“Exactly,” he said eagerly. “The most important thing is getting the time needed to get away safely, or to render the bad guy incapacitated so they can get help.”

“You did a wonderful thing.”

He grinned down at her. “We did a wonderful thing. You were great.”

Tiffany couldn’t help the warmth that crept up her cheeks. “It was easy. You’re good at this. People can’t help but feel safer when you’re around.”

“Speaking of safe, how’s the security system working for you?”

“It’s been great, and I feel much safer now. Taking your class helped, too. I’ve learned a lot of ways to protect myself. Especially escaping a bear-hug hold.”

“Remember, the key to the bear-hug breakaway is to hook your foot around your attacker’s leg. Then both your hands go immediately to his, and then grab a finger or thumb and pull away from the body to break the hold.”

Before Tiffany could reply, Ivan dipped behind her and grabbed her waist. She immediately hooked one leg around his, and then planted her other foot. Tiffany put her hands on his arms, pushed down and then grabbed his thumb. She pushed it back.

“Good, now follow up with kicks to the groin and solar plexus, or elbows to the neck and face.”

They practiced a few times. Ivan was a big man, and though he did not use his full weight while going through the motions, Tiffany was still winded.

He nodded with approval. “Much better, but remember—” he grabbed her suddenly and spun her away from him so that her back was flush against his front “—quick blows, and then get out of there.” His breath caressed her ear in an intimate whisper. “And never, ever let your guard down.”

He turned her again so that they were facing each other, but he did not release her. Her arms came up to his shoulders to steady herself. Tiffany was breathing heavily from the exertion—or was it the close proximity to Ivan? She honestly didn’t know.

“Thank you for showing me that technique. You must be good at a lot of these.”

He chuckled. “I’ve had a great deal of practice over the years.”

Tiffany’s eyes met his. A warm heat spread from the lower half of her body upward. Her voice was barely above a whisper when she said, “I’ll bet.”

His eyes darkened instantly. Tiffany was too caught up in the sudden predatory gleam in his eye to move. Mortified at her own words, she blushed. “What I meant was...”

“You didn’t mean to give me a compliment?” he asked.

“No, I was...just not like that.”

Ivan lowered his arms, and she was free. Tiffany felt the rush of space between them. It was hard not to protest at the loss of warmth from his embrace.

“How about I walk you out?”


He escorted her to her car and made sure she was inside and settled. He sat back on his haunches so they were eye level.

“Thanks again for coming.”

“My pleasure.”

“Good night, Tiffany. Ring me one when you get home so that I know you’re safe.”

She looked surprised. “Oh, sure.”

He stood up, tapped her door, and then moved back. Tiffany waved and drove away.

She decided to take the long way home to give herself some time to process what had happened after their exercise class. Out of the blue, their light, jovial manner had changed to something thick, tangible and most definitely sexual.

Recalling their conversation sent tingles throughout her body. She had never been that suggestive before, but being alone with Ivan after such a hands-on type of class made the nerve endings in her body go supercharged. She could feel an undercurrent. His amber eyes reminded her of a tiger’s, making her wonder if there were a few seconds before being devoured that the jungle cat’s prey stood mesmerized by the sheer hypnotic effect of its golden gaze.

The feeling was similar to observing one of her favorite paintings. The longer she stared at it, the more she wanted to stare.

When she was wrapped in Ivan’s ironclad embrace, the only thing on her mind was that she wanted him to kiss her. Not the quick peck on the lips, but the most thorough, deep, erotic kiss she’d ever had in her life.

* * *

As Ivan drove home, he thought about his evening. He had enjoyed teaching the seniors’ class—and spending time with Tiffany.

Who are you kidding? It’s the most fun you’ve had in a while.

He thought about the gleam in Tiffany’s eyes when she took him down for the first time. There was such a sense of accomplishment and confidence in her expression that he had to chuckle. Before she got back to business, she took a victory lap around the class that reminded him of Sylvester Stallone jumping up and down in triumph in the movie Rocky. She was something else.

He also recounted their playful banter and how, seconds later, it took everything in him not to grab her and claim her sexy mouth for a searing kiss. His body reacted instantly to the memory of how good she looked. Suddenly uncomfortable at the tightness below his waist, Ivan shifted a few times in his seat.

His cell phone rang. Thankful for the distraction, Ivan answered. “Hey, Cole. What’s up?”

“You done with class?”

“Yeah, why?”

“How about dinner at Giordano’s?”

“Sure. I’ll get us a table.”

Ivan arrived and ordered a beer. As he sipped it, he thought about his social life. GiGi was right. It was pretty boring. It was all work and family obligations. Not that he would ever shirk one of his responsibilities. Ivan was overzealous when it came to doing what was expected of him. The army had amplified that mantra. Still, there was more out there, and it was passing him by.

His thoughts strayed to Debra. Pain and remorse wrapped themselves around his heart like a vise grip.

“You’re scaring potential dates off,” Cole greeted him, sitting down.

Ivan pushed away the melancholy. “I’ll do my best.”

Since they already knew the menu, they ordered a deep-dish pizza with everything on it.

“So how was class?” Cole asked after their server left.

“Good. Tiffany was a fantastic assistant,” he said proudly. “You should’ve seen her.”

“Tiffany helped teach your class? As in, ‘she’s my client,’ Tiffany?”


“What happened to that whole rule thing?”

“Technically, she’s not my client anymore,” Ivan pointed out.

“Great. Does that mean you’re going to ask her out?”

Ivan was silent.

“Don’t even try to convince me that you don’t want to. You should’ve seen your face when you described your evening. I thought you were going to need a towel to wipe the drool.”

Ivan grinned and took another sip of beer. “Shut up.”

“Dude, tell me I’m wrong,” Cole countered. “I don’t know why you’re trying to act like you aren’t attracted to her.”

“That’s not what I’m doing. In fact—”

Cole sat back in his chair. “Then what are you doing, Ivan?” He interrupted. “I’ve seen her. The woman is seriously working the hotness factor. Plus, she’s warm, funny and for whatever reason likes you. You scowl all the time, have no sense of humor and no love life. Why all that drives women out of their panties, I’ll never know.”

Ivan glanced over at his brother. “Wait...how do you know she likes me?”

Cole shook his head. “You’re pathetic.”


“How is it you can hear a grenade pin being pulled from twenty clicks away, you’re a weapon unto yourself, an expert strategist, and can speak not one, but several languages in addition to English, but something as rudimentary as a woman who can’t keep her eyes off you goes poof...right over your head?”

“Okay, it’s not twenty clicks, and you have two seconds to answer the question,” Ivan warned.

Cole took a pull on the beer he had been given. “In that whole list of stuff, that’s all you got out of it?”

Ivan stared at him.

Cole shook his head. “It’s how she looks at you when she thinks nobody is looking, Ivan. She hangs on your every word, and the most telling sign was when you arrived late the other night and she thought you weren’t coming. She looked like someone had kicked her puppy.”

Ivan took a breath, then said, “Earlier this afternoon, we almost kissed.”

Cole leaned back in his chair with a shocked but satisfied grin. “Tell me everything.”

Ivan filled his brother in on his day and the connection he felt with Tiffany. Cole listened intently. When Ivan was finished, Cole said, “So what’s with the long face?”


“What is? Call her up, take her on a proper date and get this thing going. What am I missing?”

Ivan frowned. “Debra.”

Cole let out an expletive. “I told you to take care of that situation, but you didn’t listen. Now you have to clear the air with Tiffany, and you know how that’s going to go.”

“I know,” Ivan replied. “I’m not sure she’s going to understand.”

“To be honest, big brother, I don’t understand why she’s still in your life. Cut her loose, and be done with it.”

“Debra and I were over a long time ago. She made her choice, and I respected it. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t have much of a choice, did I? She picked Brian to spend her life with, and I’ve been dealing with that decision ever since.”

Her Heart's Desire

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