Читать книгу The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace - Далай-лама XIV, Литагент HarperCollins USD, Дуглас Абрамс Арава - Страница 33
Truth is more powerful than force of arms
Since my escape from Tibet, I have been living in exile in India. I was reluctantly forced to admit that I would be able to serve my people better from outside the country. Tibet has been under Chinese occupation for 40 years now. We have nothing other than our determination – and the truth – to help us deal with the Chinese. Despite the brainwashing, despite their use of all possible forms of atrocity and propaganda, despite all the terrible methods they have applied, the truth remains the truth. Our camp has neither money nor propaganda, it has nothing but our own simple voices. And yet most people have now lost confidence in the strong voices of the Chinese. Our voice may be gentle, but it has more credibility. The determination of ordinary human beings will triumph over any force of arms.