Читать книгу How Can I Stop Climate Change: What is it and how to help - Литагент HarperCollins USD, F. M. L. Thompson - Страница 46

fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect


Plants, trees and ocean plankton containing carbon absorbed many millions of years ago fossilised underground to form oil, coal and gas. When these are burnt the carbon is released, and combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. The first person on record to recognise the power of fossil fuels to change the climate was Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist who published his ‘greenhouse law’ in 1896. Arrhenius estimated that doubling carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would lead to a rise in temperature of 5 °C and thought this promised a warmer climate in colder parts of the world. His maths wasn’t far off but few people today would agree with his predictions that rising temperatures are a good thing.

How Can I Stop Climate Change: What is it and how to help

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