Читать книгу A Fucked Up Life in Books - Литагент HarperCollins USD, J. F. C. Harrison, Professor J. D. Scoffbowl - Страница 19



Being a fucking massive geek, rather than asking my parents for a party or a car for my 18th birthday present, I asked for a trip to the Normandy beaches so that I could go on a D-Day tour.

My Mum happily booked us tickets for everything that I wanted to see. I was going with her because I knew that she would fuck off and leave me alone. This way I could really learn about War.

Mum’s friend heard that we were going, and decided for the first time ever to give me a birthday present: Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. She’d bought me it because it was about ‘The War’. I decided not to tell her what was wrong with this, but instead thanked her graciously and packed it in my bag for the journey.

A Fucked Up Life in Books

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