Читать книгу Bird Brain: Over 2,400 Questions to Test Your Bird Knowledge - Литагент HarperCollins USD, F. M. L. Thompson - Страница 33

2010 A Pete Morris – ABC Answers: see here


1  Of which American state is the Rhode Island Red the state bird?

2  In which decade did Sir Peter Scott first notice the significance of bill patterns to enable individual Bewick’s Swans to be told apart?

3  When was the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands signed? Was it 1961, 1971 or 1981?

4  In which country is Ramsar after which the International Convention on Wetlands is named?

5  In which county have both Pacific auks on the British List been recorded?

6  Where would you go to see Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis?

7  What material did the Japanese use to make mist-nets for catching birds for food during World War II, and which were subsequently adopted in 1956 for ringing?

8  Which of the following birds does not exist: Minute Piculet, Miniature Tit-babbler, Tiny Hawk, Small Minivet?

9  What species of swan was found dead at Cellardyke from avian flu in 2006?

10  What species was it at first thought to be?

11  What species has hybridised with chickens, guineafowl, two species of goose, 41 species of duck and has also indulged in homosexual necrophilia?

12  Kakapo only breed when the fruit of which trees are superabundant?

13  ‘On a tree by a river a little tom-tit – sang “willow, titwillow titwillow …”’ comes from The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan. What was the tom-tit?

14  What is the title of the African Bird Club journal?

15  In 1456 what finch species was the first to be involved in singing competitions in Europe?

16  What birds can be Velvet-mantled, White-bellied, Crow-billed, Fork-tailed or Hair-crested?

17  What is ptilochronology used to measure?

18  Who wrote the foreword for either the first or the second Atlas of Breeding Birds of Britain and Ireland?

19  In which country is BANCA the BirdLife partner?

20  What is a ‘mock nightingale’ according to Gilbert White?

Bird Brain: Over 2,400 Questions to Test Your Bird Knowledge

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