Читать книгу Digital Photographer - Литагент HarperCollins USD, J. F. C. Harrison, Professor J. D. Scoffbowl - Страница 14
ОглавлениеVenturing into the countryside to photograph animals in the wild for the first time can be an exciting experience, but also a disappointing one. Most species quite sensibly stay well away from people, so you need an extremely powerful lens to stand any chance of filling the frame. At the right time of day you may have success with rabbits and deer, but animals such as foxes and badgers may prove elusive unless you have specialist knowledge of their habits and habitats. To stand any chance at all you will need to wear drab clothes, avoid aftershave or perfume, and move slowly and carefully.
Using a telephoto zoom it is possible to get decent shots of small, distant creatures. Try to capture them doing something interesting.
CLOSE-UPS Powerful closeups can be created using an ordinary telephoto zoom – as in this dramatic photograph of a horse’s eye.
ON SAFARI If you are fortunate enough to be able to go on a wildlife safari, the scope for amazing photographs of animals in the wild is unlimited. Take a good telephoto lens and a tripod with you.