Читать книгу Every Time We Say Goodbye - Liz Flaherty - Страница 3


He loved her face.

When he touched her, trailing his forefinger down the sweet line of her cheek, he was surprised at the strength of his emotional response. He wanted to be Rhett Butler or Mr. Darcy or at least one of Louis L’Amour’s Sacketts and take her in his arms. Maybe carry her up a flight of stairs since the Dower House had such a nice wide set. This wasn’t a book and he was definitely no hero, but he wanted to protect her from all harm, to lend peace to her soul tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Regret worked its way inexorably into his thoughts. Regret because they didn’t have tomorrows.

But they did have now. He lowered his mouth to hers, keeping the kiss light, almost friendly. But more.

Every Time We Say Goodbye

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