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My heartfelt gratitude goes to Danna Bonfiglio, who introduced me to Venus and inspired me to make it Libby’s guardian planet in a way I never could have imagined on my own. Danna’s commitment to the high school students she teaches is an even greater inspiration.

Thanks also to author Jim Cangany, whose wholehearted sharing of his knowledge of clinical depression made The Happiness Pact a better book. I couldn’t have written it without his answers to my shamelessly intrusive questions.

In nearly every town there is a building full of books, CDs and DVDs, there for the education, enlightenment and pleasure of all who enter. I work in one, have had cards in others and appreciate every one of them, so it is to libraries—and to their tireless librarians, boards and Friends—that this book is dedicated.

The Happiness Pact

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