Читать книгу Communication and Economic Life - Liz Moor - Страница 12
Оглавление1 1 In addition to studies that focus on the reporting of the macro economy, finance, and so on, some scholars have considered the representation of business and entrepreneurship, particularly in ‘reality’ television formats. See, e.g., Couldry and Littler (2011) and Kelly and Boyle (2011).
2 2 Coyle is not the first economist to raise questions about the value of GDP, either as a measure of ‘the economy’, or for understanding economic wellbeing. See Stiglitz et al. (2009), or for a more recent example see Portes (2020).
3 3 David Graeber (2019) similarly describes the ‘near-theological hold’ that neoclassical economic thinking has over mass media and public institutions.
4 4 In Media, Culture and Society, for example, of the articles published between 2009 and 2019 more than 500 mentioned ‘finance’; only 11 mentioned ‘housework’.
5 5 Contrary to much work in consumer culture studies, Miller argues that the consumption of capitalist commodities is ‘hardly ever about individuals and subjectivities’ and is more usually motivated by ‘the construction of key relationships’ (Miller 1998: 194).