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Princeton Theological Monograph Series
ОглавлениеK. C. Hanson, Series Editor
Recent volumes in the series
David A. Ackerman
Lo, I Tell You a Mystery:Cross, Resurrection, and Paraenesis in the Rhetoric of 1 Corinthians
Philip L. Mayo
“Those Who Call Themselves Jews”:
The Church and Judaism in the Apocalypse of John
John A. Vissers
The Neo-Orthodox Theology of W. W. Bryden
Byron C. Bangert
Consenting to God and Nature
Stephen Finlan and Vladimir Kharlamov, editors
Theōsis: Deification in Christian Theology
Richard Valantasis et al., editors
The Subjective Eye: Essays Culture, Religion, and Gender
in Honor of Margaret R. Miles
Caryn Riswold
Coram Deo: Human Life in the Vision of God
Paul O. Ingram, editor
Constructing a Relational Cosmology
Mark A. Ellis, editor and translator
The Arminian Confession of 1621