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Table of Contents

One Hundred and Forty-fourth Thousand.

Now ready, New Edition, post 8vo, half-bound, price 7s. 6d.

BEETON'S (Mrs.) BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, comprising every kind of Practical Information on Domestic Economy and Modern Cookery, with numerous Woodcuts and Coloured Illustrations.

"Mrs. Isabella Beeton's 'Book of Household Management' aims at being a compendium of household duties in every grade of household life, from the mistress to the maid-of-all-work. It is illustrated by numerous diagrams, exhibiting the various articles of food in their original state, and there are also coloured plates to show how they ought to look when dished and ready for the table. The verdict of a practical cook of great experience, on returning the book to her mistress, was, 'Ma'am, I consider it an excellent work; it is full of useful information about everything, which is quite delightful; and I should say any one might learn to cook from it who never tried before."—The Athenæum.

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BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL INFORMATION, A to Z. Comprising Geography, Biography, History, Mythology, Biblical Knowledge, Chronology, with the Pronunciation of every Proper Name.

"The 'Dictionary of Universal Information,' just published by Mr. S. O. Beeton, supplies a desideratum much and widely felt--that of a comprehensive yet portable dictionary of proper names. The 'Encyclopædia Britannica,' the 'English Encyclopædia,' and the other great digests of human knowledge, in consequence of their high price, are accessible only to a few. In such works no special provision is made for supplying short and comprehensive information regarding individual words, arranged in their alphabetical order, of the kind most likely to be required by the great mass of general readers. Mr. Beeton to some extent enters a new field in devoting a Dictionary exclusively to proper names in Geography, History, Biography, Mythology, Bible Knowledge, and Chronology. In these pages condensation has been in every way sought after, and we know of no work which supplies more information at a smaller cost."—The Times.

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With numerous Illustrations.

BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL INFORMATION, A to Z. Comprising the Sciences, Arts, Literary Knowledge, with the Etymology and Pronunciation of every Leading Term.

"Mr. Beeton has published quite a library of general knowledge and information, and his books of reference contain as much as many more elaborate works, though published at half the price, and with less than half the pretence."—The Saturday Review.

Uniform with Mrs. Beeton's "Household Management," half-bound, price 7s. 6d.

BEETON'S BOOK OF GARDEN MANAGEMENT AND RURAL ECONOMY. Embracing all kinds of Information connected with Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden Cultivation, Orchid Houses, Bees, &c., &c., with numerous Cuts.

Uniform with Mrs. Beeton's "Household Management," half-bound, price 7s. 6d.

BEETON'S BOOK OF HOME PETS; showing How to Rear and Manage in Sickness and in Health--Birds, Poultry, Pigeons, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Dogs, Cats, Squirrels, Tortoises, Fancy Mice, Bees, Silkworms, Ponies, Donkeys, Goats, Inhabitants of the Aquarium, &c., &c. Illustrated by upwards of 200 Engravings and 11 beautifully Coloured Plates by Harrison Weir and F. Keyl.

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HOUSEHOLD AMUSEMENTS AND ENJOYMENTS. Comprising Acting-Charades, Burlesques, Conundrums, Enigmas, Rebuses, and a number of new Puzzles in endless variety. With Folding Coloured Frontispiece.

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BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF EVERY-DAY COOKERY. With numerous Illustrations. By Mrs. Isabella Beeton, Author of "The Book of Household Management." Being the First of the "All About It" Books.

Mrs. BEETON prepared this volume in compliance with the wishes of a great number of correspondents, who were desirous of possessing a Book of Economical Recipes, which might be thoroughly relied on, and which could be purchased for a lower price than the "Household Management." It has passed through numerous editions, and each day increases in favour with middle-class families.

Cloth elegant, gilt edges, price 3s. 6d., uniform with the "Book of Birds."

BEETON'S BOOK OF POULTRY AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Showing How to Rear and Manage in Sickness and in Health--Pigeons, Poultry, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Squirrels, Fancy Mice, Tortoises, Bees, Silkworms, Ponies, Donkeys, Inhabitants of the Aquarium, &c., &c.

This volume contains upwards of One Hundred Engravings and Five Coloured Plates from Water-Colour Drawings by Harrison Weir.

Cloth elegant, gilt edges, price 3s. 6d.

BEETON'S BOOK OF BIRDS; showing How to Rear and Manage them in Sickness and in Health.

This volume contains upwards of One Hundred Engravings and Six exquisitely Coloured Plates, printed fac-simile from Coloured Sketches by Harrison Weir. The engravings embrace every variety of cage, cot, trap, frame, diagrams illustrating methods of stuffing, and illustrating the principal species of birds kept as pets.

New Books & New Editions, Published by Ward, Lock, and Tyler

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