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The populism that has enraptured large segments of the populations of democratic societies is a main source of inspiration for this book. The question that is central to the book—What accounts for the emotional grip of stories?—is a question I want to ask of the current popular movements that support autocracy, nativism, and racism. If ever a historical moment presented itself as requiring a sociological exploration of ideologically powered zeal, that moment is now.
Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States when I was nearing completion of the book. Both during the presidential campaign in 2016 and after the election, in 2017, stories swirled—about Trump and his rival Hillary Clinton, foreign interference in electoral politics, corruption, treason, election fraud, tax fraud, corporate greed, secret surveillance, child sexual abuse, adult sexual abuse, government regulations and jobs, terrorists and other criminals crossing our borders, and about who and what America is and ought to be and what Americans need. No narrative was too far-fetched or improbable. We are spellbound by the stories of our times, both the stories we judge to be false and those we judge to be true. And we are stunned by the discovery—a new one, it seems, for a broad public and even many political experts—of the real-world impacts of people’s stories.
If the spectacle and impact of today’s stories have stimulated my thinking, they have also at times been exhausting. For deeply felt support I want to thank Linda and Larry Blair, Michelle Brown, Michelle Christian, Julia Chu, Reuben Danzing, Emily Gaarder, Carol Nickle, Joey Presser, and Jon Shefner. My resistance friends Jenny Jones, Deloris Mabins, and Charlene Negendank and my Heska Amuna community have truly sustained me.
I am also indebted to the International Society for the Study of Narrative for literature recommendations, to the Culture and Animals Foundation for financial support, and to the University of Tennessee for a faculty development leave. I gained immeasurably from a month in residence at the University of Oslo alongside Sveinung Sandberg, Thomas Ugelvik, and Ingvild Knævelsrud Rabe, and many wonderful others, of that fine institution. Maura Roessner of the University of California Press was unsparing with encouragement and guidance.
I am especially grateful to my children, Ansel and Halen Presser, and glad for the story we are developing together about fairness, compassion, and love.