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“Do you need love, Uncle Rick?”

“Huh?” He focused on the road as he tried to decipher what his niece meant. “We all need love, sweetie.” He gulped. If this was parenting, he was about to flunk. “Why do you ask?”

“’Cause I heard Penny talking to Miss Miranda an’ Penny said you needed love so you’d stop hurting. I love you real lots and Kyle does, too.”

“I don’t think I have any special hurt today, sweetheart, but if I did, for sure your hug would fix it,” he said. Penny had said he needed love? What in the world? Suddenly a lightbulb clicked on inside his head.

Could Penny be matchmaking?

Had she misunderstood their last conversation and decided that he needed a woman in his life?

Once they were home and the kids were tucked in, the idea came to him. Maybe it was Penny who needed a matchmaker.

He sat down to make a list of male friends who might fit her bill. Only thing was, he ended up deleting most of them because imagining Penny with any of his buddies gave Rick an unsettled feeling in his stomach.

Must have been the fast food. Certainly couldn’t be because he was interested in Penny’s personal life.

The Twins' Family Wish

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