Читать книгу The Rancher's Family Wish - Lois Richer - Страница 11


Chapter Two

“I’m afraid I wore out your kids.” Tanner liked the way Sophie’s upswept hair left her graceful neck free for his inspection.

“I hope they behaved.” Three and a half hours later the cook’s black fitted blouse and slacks still looked pristine. In fact, Sophie appeared relaxed and calm, exactly the type of competent professional you’d want catering your occasion. “Davy...”

“Loves horses. I could barely keep him from saddling up. His enthusiasm is great.” Tanner chuckled at her surprise. “No kidding. He’s a natural cowboy. They’re sleeping in the other room. Want to check?” She nodded so he led the way.

Sophie’s lovely face softened when she saw Beth curled in Burt’s chair in front of the fire next to Davy, who’d thrown his arm across her shoulder in a protective manner. Tanner pointed to the kitchen and after a long moment she nodded and followed.

“Thank you,” Sophie said quietly.

“They’re good kids. After my meeting ended I took them out to feed the rabbits. They approve of the bunnies’ new home.” He smiled at her eye roll. “How did the job go?”

“Perfectly. I have just enough beef left over to make us a stew tomorrow and not a spoonful remains of my chocolate cherry trifle.” Despite the lines of weariness around her eyes, Sophie looked happy. “And I have two new jobs.”

“Great.” He motioned to the stove. “Do you have time for tea? I just made a pot.”

“I’d love a cup. Thank you.” Sophie sank into the chair he offered. “Somehow I didn’t see you as a tea drinker.”

“Burt only drank coffee in the morning. He refused to make it after that. Since my coffee is worse than mud it was easier to drink whatever he made. It’s pretty hard even for me to mess up tea bags.” He poured tea into two mugs before realizing he should have used the good cups. “I have some pie left. Would you like a slice?”

“No, thanks. I like making pie but eating it is bad for my waist.” Sophie frowned at him. “Which kinds were left?”

“One apple and one strawberry rhubarb.” He sat down across from her thinking that there was nothing wrong with her waist. “Don’t make that face. It wasn’t because they didn’t like them,” he reassured her. “They did. I knew most of them would take seconds or thirds so I hid two pieces before they got here.”

She frowned. “Why?”

“Because I wanted some for tomorrow.” He shrugged when she grinned. “Self-preservation. You make very good pies.”

“Thank you but I’m sure your housekeeper keeps you well fed.” Sophie’s gaze moved around the kitchen.

“I don’t have a housekeeper. The hands are all married and eat at home. Moses prefers his own cooking. It’s just me.” She looked dubious. “It’s true. When he was alive, Burt did the cooking or we ate out.”

“What a shame with a kitchen like this. It’s a cook’s dream.” A soft yearning look filled Sophie’s face as she studied the stainless steel appliances. “You have every piece of equipment any cook could dream of.”

“Probably.” He shrugged carelessly. “Burt had this room redone several months ago and then asked the Public Health Department to certify it as commercial. He hoped to use it for meal preparation when he got the camps going.”

“When will that be?” Sophie leaned back in her chair, mug in hand, and let the steam bathe her face.

“Good question.” Tanner forced himself to stop staring at her and admitted, “I’m struggling to get things started because I don’t have Burt’s gift for striking up conversations with kids. I’m not even sure how to start a camp or whatever for them. Actually I’m scared witless at the thought of hosting a group of troubled kids for a whole week, but that was Burt’s goal.”

“Why must you start with a full-week camp?” Sophie tilted her head, her face thoughtful. “Couldn’t you try a one-day riding camp first, maybe get some practice at running that before you branch out?”

Tanner blinked. He’d been overwhelmed by the scope of Burt’s impossible dream, but this smaller step seemed feasible.

“How do you see that working?” He waited with a wiggle of excitement flaring inside, for Sophie to expand on her idea.

“Hmm. Maybe the kids would arrive Saturday morning between seven and eight? You could have a buffet breakfast while they assemble. Kids are always hungry.” She smiled, her full lips tipping up in a way that set his heart thudding. “After that they could mingle among the horses.”

“That way we could assess their skills without being too obvious.” Logical and organized. Tanner liked that about Sophie. “Also they could get to know their ride. But we’d need some time to prepare the horses,” he mused with a frown.

“So maybe a little explanation about the horses while you prepare. After that you tell them the rules for the trail ride and what to expect.” Sophie glanced at him, eyebrows lifted in a question. “Then you mount up.”

“And just ride?” He thought that sounded boring.

“You could break up the ride.” Sophie didn’t laugh or mock him for his lack of ideas. Instead she chewed on her bottom lip, a frown marring her smooth forehead as she thought it through. “Maybe you’d stop along the way to explain about the desert, the animals that live here, talk about Wranglers Ranch and how it came to be—stuff like that.”

“That’d be Moses’s job,” Tanner said, thinking how easily her plan came together. “He knows everything there is to know about this spread and the desert adjoining us.”

“Perfect.” Her smile made him feel as if he could handle this.

Suddenly Tanner didn’t find Burt’s dream quite so daunting.

“At the end of the ride you might have a campfire picnic or maybe a chuck wagon dinner.” Sophie studied him, assessing his response. “Doable?”

“Sure. We could follow that with stories, maybe bring up God’s creation,” Tanner added thoughtfully. “It’s a good plan. A small group would give us a chance to do a trial run, iron out problems.”

“It wouldn’t be hard to turn that into a two-day camp, either, if you had somewhere on the ranch for people to camp out overnight. Breakfast in the desert, ride back to the ranch for lunch, then head home. It sounds—” Sophie’s smile faltered. “You’re frowning.”

“Because I don’t see how this plan attracts street kids.” Tanner avoided her gaze. “They were Burt’s primary focus.”

“Maybe to get there you have to start with other kids,” Sophie said in a thoughtful voice. “Maybe if you got a buzz going about this place, street kids would come out of curiosity. There are lots of needy kids who could benefit from coming here. Building a rapport with a horse and the people who care for them could be a bridge to reaching many kids.”

“You think?” Tanner hadn’t considered that.

“Sure. I’d enroll Davy in a program like that if it was available and I could afford it.” Sophie set her cup down and placed her hands in her lap. Her voice dropped. “Actually I’m willing to try almost anything to engage him. He’s not yet nine but he’s already gotten in with a bad bunch of kids. His behavior and attitude are suffering at school, too. I’m his mother but I feel like I’m failing him.”

“I sincerely doubt that.” Tanner didn’t think a caring mom like her would ever disappoint her child or abandon him as his own mother had.

“I homeschool Beth and that takes a lot of prep time, but I have to do it. She just wasn’t progressing at her school.” Sophie sighed. “By necessity she gets a lot of attention from me. So does my job and when I’ve finished that—”

“You’re wiped out,” he completed, seeing the weariness in her posture.

“Yes.” Sophie’s head drooped. “And Davy suffers. His ‘friends’ have already persuaded him to steal a candy bar. I reprimanded and punished him but I’m worried about what comes next. I don’t know what to do. I’m doing the best I can but...”

Tanner had to say something to erase the misery on her face.

“Davy was great tonight. He even offered to help Moses muck out stalls.” He grinned as astonishment filled Sophie’s face. “Don’t worry, I didn’t let him. I said we’d need your permission first, but Davy is definitely intrigued by the animals. He went from tough bravado to quiet gentleness in about three seconds flat when he met an abused horse someone dropped off today.”

“My son—gentle?” Sophie’s big brown eyes stretched wide. “Davy?”

“Davy,” Tanner affirmed. He liked her honesty about her son. “Maybe that’s an interest you can build on, which is also why this idea of yours could be worthwhile.” His brain whirled with ideas. “If Wranglers helped only Davy it would at least be a step toward making Burt’s dream come true.”

“Doing that means a lot to you?” she said softly.

“It’s the only reason I accepted his legacy of Wranglers. I have less than two years left to turn Burt’s dream into reality. Maybe a day camp is the way to finally start down that path.” Tanner grabbed a pen and pad of paper from near the phone. “For me the biggest issue will be the food. Hey!” He grinned at her. “Could we hire you to cook?”

“I’d need to check dates but I’m sure we could work out something.” Sophie didn’t look at him as she asked, “Maybe I could cook in lieu of Davy’s fee to attend?”

“We could talk about that.” Tanner saw hurt flicker through her eyes when he didn’t immediately accept and mentally kicked himself for causing it. But his strong reactions to this woman scared him. He didn’t want to encourage anything that could be construed as personal with her. Or anyone else. “I need to keep everything businesslike,” he excused quickly.

“Of course. So do I.” The hurt look disappeared as she nodded. “Profit and loss to make it official. Then when you’ve done several camps you’ll have built a résumé that you can use for schools or public agencies so they’ll see you’re not just playing at this. Good idea.”

It hadn’t been his idea at all. It was hers. And a good one at that.

“Thank you for understanding, Sophie. But I would like to have Davy attend the first camp.” He saw her surprise. Don’t say anything about what he did. Don’t get involved, his brain ordered. Too late.

“Why?” Sophie’s gaze narrowed. “Because you feel sorry for him?”

“Sorry?” How could he phrase this without offending her? “No. I see Davy as sort of a guinea pig. Maybe I should say ‘test subject.’” Sophie’s dark eyes narrowed so Tanner hurried to clarify. “If Davy was part of the first ride, I could question him afterward and see from his perspective where we missed a need or should do something differently. I wouldn’t want to ask a guest those kinds of questions. But if Davy was part of my team—” He saw skepticism in her intelligent gaze. “You don’t want that.”

“I think it’s wonderful of you and he’d love it, I’m sure.” The frown furrowing her forehead returned. What a concerned mother she was. “But what if he does something he shouldn’t? What if he messes up?”

He already has.

“Then we’ll learn from that, too.” Tanner smiled at her. Somehow it seemed important to reach this boy. At least he could do that, couldn’t he? “Davy’s a little kid. What could happen?”

“You’d be surprised.” A wry tilt of her lips told Tanner Sophie’s equanimity was returning. “Okay, but I hope you don’t regret this idea. You do realize Davy doesn’t know how to ride.”

“So we’ll teach him.” Tanner shrugged to show her it was no big deal. Suddenly he wanted to know more about Sophie. “Your husband must have been glad of your quick thinking.” Immediately shutters dropped over her eyes, telling him it was the wrong thing to say. “That’s private. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.” She huffed out a sigh and then sipped her tea. Just when he thought she would get up and leave, Sophie lifted her head and looked him in the eye. “I guess Marty did depend on me. He certainly didn’t have a head for business.”

“Is Davy like him?” Tanner asked, curious about the man this lovely woman had married.

“I hope not.” Sophie smiled at his startled look. “I loved my husband but he wasn’t what you’d call responsible. Marty was like a big kid, carefree, enjoying himself without worrying about the future.”

“Tough on you,” he murmured.

“Yes. I was the heavy, the one who said no to his wilder ideas, and Davy was old enough to see that.” Sophie’s pretty face tightened at the memory. “I’m trying to teach my son that responsibility is part of growing up, that nobody gets out of it.”

“Is that what Marty tried to do, get out of his responsibility?” It was none of Tanner’s business but he had to ask. His stomach knotted when Sophie slowly nodded. What would she think if she knew of his past irresponsibility? “How did Marty die?”

Normally Tanner would have steered far away from such personal questions. But here, in the intimacy of his kitchen, he had a strange feeling that Sophie wanted to share her past and that she needed to talk to someone. He’d guess she didn’t do that often but maybe with her kids asleep and her job finished, she could finally relax. She’d helped him. He wanted to help her.

“I’m a good listener, Sophie,” he assured her quietly. Silence yawned.

“Marty died riding bulls at the rodeo.”

It wasn’t so much those seven words as the way Sophie said them that told Tanner how much her husband’s decision to take that risk had affected her. He made no comment, simply waited for her to continue.

“Beth was three months old and our medical bills were huge. Marty was looking for an easy way to pay them off.” She bowed her head as if ashamed about her debt. “The rodeo purse was a large amount. Marty being Marty never considered it was so large because no one could ride the animal, or that he might get hurt trying. After three seconds, the bull threw him, then trampled him. Marty was unconscious for four days before he died.”

Leaving Sophie with even larger medical bills and no one to help her. Irritation toward the careless husband built with a rush of—what? Not pity. Sympathy? Compassion—that was it. And a wish that he’d been there to help her. But why was that? Tanner was a loner. He barely knew Sophie Armstrong. So why should he feel she needed his help?

“That must have been very hard for you, alone with a newborn and another child.” A thousand questions bubbled inside him. “What did you do?”

“I cried for a while but that was useless so I grabbed control of my life.” Sophie’s voice hardened. “I felt like I’d lost it in high school when I learned I was pregnant with Davy. My parents were furious their daughter had strayed from the Christian path.” Her voice showed the strain of that time. “They insisted Marty and I get married. I obeyed them even though I had a lot of doubts about marriage and motherhood at sixteen.”

“Sixteen? Wow. That is young.” Tanner gulped down the memory of his own life at sixteen and the mistake he was still running from, the thing that made him utterly unworthy of Burt’s trust or anyone’s love. “When Marty died, did you contact your parents?”

“His and mine both, to tell them of his death. I could have used my parents’ support then but I couldn’t take their recriminations.” Sophie’s usually laughing lips tightened. “My parents are big into rules and judgment. I didn’t need the guilt of hearing about how my sins were coming back to roost.”

“His parents couldn’t help, either?” Sophie shook her head. “So you were alone. How did you survive?” Tanner was aghast that this young woman had faced life as the sole support for two very young children.

“Marty had an insurance policy. I got it the day he bought a house that was beyond our means. The policy paid off our mortgage but we couldn’t afford to live there so I sold the place and everything else we didn’t absolutely need.” Sophie’s chin thrust out as if she expected some argument from Tanner, as if she’d had to justify her decision before.

Tanner remained silent, amazed at her pluck and grit.

“That money, a cleaning job with a neighbor babysitting for free and the food bank gave us a cushion while I figured out my next step.” She shrugged. “People liked my cooking so I started selling it at farmers’ markets to make a few dollars extra. That grew into catering and eventually allowed me to stay home with Beth. We manage now.”

“So you have your own business.” Tanner felt enormously proud of Sophie and he barely knew her!

“It hasn’t been easy, but yes, I love being my own boss.” She grimaced. “Along the way I’ve struggled to figure out God’s plan but—hey, that’s enough of my life story.”

“Thank you for sharing it with me,” Tanner said and meant it. “You’re a remarkable woman, Sophie Armstrong.”

“I’m just a mom trying to do the very best for my kids. They come first.” She said it with a fierce purpose, her eyes dark with determination. “Davy and Beth are why I keep pushing through the problems. My kids are my life. I will never knowingly endanger them. I will also never again allow my life to be controlled by someone else.”

Sophie’s darkened eyes and stern voice brooked no argument. Her harsh life had obviously strengthened her but Tanner hated to see the tiny fan lines of stress at the sides of her eyes.

“So now you believe Davy needs to learn responsibility?” He waited for her nod, feeling slightly guilty for thinking he had something he could teach this boy, he who had abdicated fatherhood of his own child. “How will you teach him that?” he asked curiously.

“By finding something he loves and then indulging it as much as I can afford. Maybe he’ll begin to understand that some things are worth working for.” Her firm clear voice and focused gaze told him Sophie needed no greater motivation for her life than her kids.

How Tanner admired that motherly devotion. “And Beth? What does she need?”

“Beth—” Sophie paused, her face momentarily reflective. “Beth will be fine.” Her dark eyes softened and the hard thrust of her jaw relaxed. “She takes whatever life hands her and turns it into a rainbow. She’s adaptable. Davy’s different.” Her lips pinched tight. “He needs something...more.”

“God certainly knew what He was doing when He made you their mother.” Tanner was positive he’d never known anyone more determined than Sophie Armstrong. He noted her quick glance at the wall clock, saw it swerve to rest on Beth’s card sitting on a shelf. Her smile returned. “It’s a pretty card,” he said. “More tea?”

“No, thanks. I must get home.” She rose, set her cup in the sink then faced him. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me out tonight, Tanner.”

“I think four pies more than covered that bill. This ranch will have a new reputation at church thanks to you. The best eats ever at Wranglers Ranch.” He grinned and when she smiled back he decided Sophie’s pies weren’t the best thing about her. Her smile was.

Silence yawned between them. Tanner’s gaze locked with hers and he couldn’t look away from those intense brown eyes until Sophie’s cough snapped the electrical current running between them.

“I need to go,” she said again. “But if I can somehow help with your project here at Wranglers, I hope you’ll tell me.”

“Thanks.” How generous to make such a gracious offer with all she had on her plate. “I will.”

She nodded once before she stepped around him and walked into the living room. “Come on, guys. Time to get home.”

Tanner watched in silent admiration as Sophie gently shook Davy’s shoulder, then Beth’s, wakening them in a tender loving tone. The children roused easily, yawning as they straightened.

“We had the bestest time, Mama. Thank you, Cowboy Tanner.” Beth insisted on calling him Cowboy. Tanner liked it. It made him feel as if he was somehow more noteworthy than the men she usually encountered. He basked in her sweet smile.

“You’re welcome, Beth. I hope you come again.” Tanner surprised himself with the invitation. Sophie’s presence here made his pulse speed up, and that made him nervous. He was all about not getting involved, yet there was something about Sophie and her little family that drew him, made him want to interact with them again.

“Hey, Mom.” Davy was fully awake now and full of information. “Bethy was telling Tanner how you homeschool her and how you’re the leader.”

“I’m just chairman of the homeschool association,” Sophie corrected gently.

“Whatever. Anyway I remembered you said you have to arrange an outing for the homeschool kids.” He grinned at his sister. “Beth and me think coming to Wranglers Ranch would be fun. I could come, too. To help,” he added, his chest puffed out.

Tanner hadn’t encouraged Davy when he’d posed the thought earlier, and he was glad he hadn’t because a doubtful look washed over Sophie’s face as she glanced from her son to him.

“You’d be a big help, son. But I don’t know about visiting a ranch. Not all the homeschool kids can ride horses. What would they do out here?” she asked.

“There’s tons of stuff to do.” Davy grinned at Tanner. “This old guy, Moses, knows all about the original settlers and the Indians that lived here first. He tells lots of cool stories.”

“And the horses need people to feed and brush them,” Beth added. “I got to pet a white one. It’s called Jeremiah, right?” she asked Tanner, who nodded.

“I’d rather ride Gideon. He looks like he’s fast.” Davy’s eyes glowed with excitement.

“Moses, Jeremiah and Gideon. Sounds like you’ve got an Old Testament theme going at Wranglers Ranch.” Sophie smiled at Tanner.

My, how he liked that smile.

“Burt’s idea. Every time he read a passage about a Bible character’s struggles, he’d figure out how he could apply that lesson to his own life. Then he’d use the hero’s name on a rescued horse to remind himself.” Tanner nodded. “We have Melchizedek, Ehud, Balaam—want me to continue?”

“I get the idea. Old Testament heroes.” She rolled her eyes.

“And heroines. Burt was an equal opportunity namer.” Tanner couldn’t smother his laughter when Sophie’s face twisted in a droll look. “No kidding. We have Rhoda, Abishag and Bathsheba to name a few.”

“Abishag?” Sophie’s chortles lifted the gloom that had settled over the house since Burt’s passing. Tanner felt as if the joyful sound swept the house free of grief and loss and replaced it with—hope?

“Maybe you haven’t read about her. Abishag was a beautiful young woman who was chosen to marry David in his old age and cherish him.” Tanner shrugged. “I’m not sure what Burt’s lesson about her was but there must have been one because he chose that name for a mare.”

“Abishag is a really pretty horse. She has black and white spots.” Davy turned to Tanner. “What kind did you say?”

“A pinto,” he said, then fell silent as the children regaled their mother with all the things they’d done with Tanner.

“Okay, odd names aside,” Sophie said when they finally ran out of stories, “since my kids are so impressed with Wranglers Ranch, maybe you and I should have a discussion about arranging for the homeschool kids to come here. This sounds like a great place to visit.”

Davy cheered so loudly the dog started to yowl.

“Sheba, quiet.” Tanner tried to shush the excited animal.

“Sheba.” Sophie slid her arm around each child’s shoulder. “As in queen of—?” She arched one dark eyebrow in a question.

“Everything.” Tanner laughed at her groan. It was such fun teasing with Sophie. He walked with her as she shepherded her family out to her van, waited till they were all buckled in, then leaned toward the driver’s open window. “I really appreciate those pies, Sophie. And I hope you’ll come again soon. Your homeschool kids are also welcome if they want to visit.”

“I’ll see what the rest of the board thinks. They might want to visit your ranch first.” She frowned. “Would that be a problem?”

“Not at all, but you should give me a heads-up before you come,” he said quickly. He liked to be prepared, get his barriers up, Burt would have said. “We’re working on replacement fencing up in the hills and I’m not always here.”

“Okay.” Was Sophie’s hesitation because she was as loath to leave as he was to have her go? “See you.”

I hope so.

He nodded and waved. When the van’s red taillights disappeared around the bend, Tanner let his hand fall to his side, marveling at how alone it suddenly felt in this place that had been his home for so long, the place he enjoyed particularly because of the solitude. Tonight he’d welcome company to stop him from thinking about Sophie, but Moses had disappeared to his little cottage after the kids had fallen asleep.

Tanner walked back inside Burt’s home, then jerked to a stop, suddenly seeing the rooms through new eyes. The updated modernity of the stainless steel kitchen and pristinely tiled bathroom didn’t match the worn and shabby masculinity of the living room. Whenever possible Tanner avoided sitting in Burt’s leather chair, the place where the kids had slept, because it had a spring that hit him in exactly the wrong spot. And it was becoming increasingly difficult to get comfortable on the stained and sagging plaid sofa, which was far too tattered to be restored by simple cleaning.

Tanner kept the place as tidy as he could, but tonight, through Sophie’s eyes, he wondered who in their right mind had chosen the dreary red-and-black wallpaper, which in no way went with the horrible mud-brown carpet that was alternately matted in places and threadbare in others. There was no warm, cozy feeling here, not like at Sophie’s home.

He thought about her suggestions for a day camp, which in his opinion had real merit. But if he pursued it there could be occasions when groups would have to come inside, say if it was raining or too windy outside. Burt had worked hard on the exterior appearance of Wranglers Ranch because he wanted those who visited to see his ranch in top-notch condition. Shouldn’t that include the inside of the house, as well?

This room definitely didn’t say “welcome.” Tanner didn’t have a clue how to achieve a hospitable feel, but he figured there were people in Tucson who did. He’d told Sophie he’d be working on fences, but his ranch hands were more than capable of doing that. He went along only in hopes the open spaces would help him figure out how to make Burt’s dream live. Instead Sophie had showed him how to start.

Tanner went back to the kitchen, grabbed his Bible from a shelf and sat down, prepared to ask God about his next move. Immediately his nose caught Sophie’s citrusy fragrance and his brain framed her laughing face.

Would she come back to Wranglers? Soon?

And why did it matter so much?

The Rancher's Family Wish

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