Читать книгу An Accidental Mom - Loree Lough - Страница 2

“My Sunday school teacher said that if you give your troubles to God, He will help you through them.”


Lily smiled at the young boy. “She’s absolutely right, Nate.”

“I’ve been asking God for a mom forever. And when you found that dog? I talked to Him about that, too. No mom, no dog. ’Nuff said.”

“God doesn’t always answer with a ‘yes,’ Nate, but He always answers,” she explained. “Maybe he’s saying ‘Wait.’ When the time’s right, if it’s His will…”

“His will? What’s that?”

“Well, will is…it’s like a plan. Long before you were born, God knew you, knew what was best for you, too. And for as long as you live, He’ll do everything in His power to see that you have what you need.”

“What I need is a mom.” And under his breath, “Dog would be nice, too.”

Oh, if only she could fill that role! He was adorable, big-hearted, smarter than any four-year-old she’d ever met. And he was part of his father. No wonder she was crazy about him!

An Accidental Mom

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