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Dear Reader,

Once upon a time, my Psych 101 professor taught a lesson I’ve never forgotten.

“The class clown cracked a joke, and his fellow students laughed like crazy. When he repeated it, fewer laughed. He told the joke again, and no one laughed.” He paused, then said, “If the same joke stops being funny when we hear it more than once, what makes us think anything good will come of dredging up past hurts over and over?”

We all have a past. But what if our mistakes still shame us to the core?

As a teen, Ian Sylvestry found himself incarcerated after his reaction to his mother’s abandonment sent the dominoes toppling. Upon his release, it took time to convince others that he’d turned his life around, but Ian succeeded—or thought he had—until a chance meeting with the girl he’d left behind.

Confronted with the man he has become, can Maleah Turner forgive the irresponsible behavior that took him from her?

Why is it so hard, I wonder, to cope with the sins of our past? Perhaps we need to make this our life motto: “The future is stardust, because you can dream it; the present is clay, because you can mold it; but the past is stone, because you can never change it.”

Be sure to look for the next book in my By Way of the Lighthouse miniseries. And if you enjoyed The Man She Knew, write me c/o Facebook, Twitter or www.loreelough.com!

Wishing you nothing but happy memories,


The Man She Knew

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