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IT TOOK LONGER than Miles had counted on to get all the supplies they needed, plus groceries. Because he knew Maxi wasn’t working on all cylinders yet, he made a point not to rush her.

For the most part, she held it together, but even at his apartment, she’d trailed him into every room, sticking close while he gathered up clothes, his laptop and overnight kit.

Apparently she was afraid to be more than a few feet away from him.

In one respect, he liked that. She wanted a protector? He’d gladly step up.

On the other hand, he didn’t like seeing her this way. When he’d first met her, she’d been all bold, up-front honesty. She’d wanted him, she’d said so, and they’d both enjoyed themselves.

Now she tiptoed around it. Sure, he’d caught the subtle hints she’d thrown out, picked up on her vibe.

He wanted more than that.

He wanted her outright admission so that this time they could start with a clean slate.

She claimed to have ended things because of poor choices in her past, and the mess of her life. Well, he wasn’t a poor choice, and her life was no less messy now. Hell, if his suspicions were right, it’d get worse before it got better.

He’d give her a day before he started digging for details. Right now, she was too exhausted.

The proof was on the drive home, when she conked out for the duration.

Not that he minded. With her asleep, he was free to look at her all he wanted. Half-curled in the seat next to him, only her seat belt keeping her upright, she had that boneless, utterly relaxed look about her.

Could be the first good sleep she’d had in a while, all because she knew he’d keep her safe.

He constantly glanced at her. The light tan and sun streaks in her golden hair told him she’d done plenty of work outside. Though still shapely, she’d lost a few pounds. Her nails, once perfectly manicured, were now short and buffed.

The changes didn’t detract from her appeal; she was still a nearly irresistible temptation.

But he would resist, because he had a plan, and by God, he’d stick to it, starting with giving her some time.

Miles began prioritizing in his mind. Making the farmhouse secure was top of the list. Soon as possible, he’d also get on his laptop to do some research.

That recent ex she’d mentioned... Miles wanted to know more about him, but he’d have to be careful how he asked.

Maxi couldn’t know how much it mattered to him.

Had she been in love? Was she still in love?

Didn’t seem so, but women could be funny about things like that, especially a woman scorned, as the saying went.

She claimed to want to avoid men now, so Gary, the cheating bastard, must have had some effect.

It’d be better, Miles decided, if he’d only hurt her pride, and not her heart.

Unfortunately, her ex wasn’t the only worry. Whether she liked it or not, he had to consider her siblings, too. By the minute, motives piled up, growing the list of suspects.

As the wheels of the SUV went from pavement to gravel, Maxi stirred, sitting up sluggishly and looking out the window as if trying to orient herself.

Stiffening, her gaze shot to him, and then she visibly relaxed.

“How do you feel?”

“Mmm, good.” Stretching—and looking sinfully sexy in the process—she mumbled, “Sorry about that.”

“You needed the sleep.”

“I don’t usually nap.”

“All things considered, you were due.”

“I guess.” She yawned widely behind her hand, rubbed her eyes and smiled at him.

That smile was so sweet, so innocent and trusting, he felt it clean through to his heart. “I want to get started on the floodlights today, but I think we should take care of the groceries first. Will we have to go into town to dump the old food?”

“No. I have a big locking Dumpster and the garbage gets picked up tomorrow.”

“Perfect timing.”

Her gaze shifted away. “We’d accomplish a lot more if I put away the food while you worked on the lights.”

Miles heard the unspoken but, so he held silent.

“But,” she whispered, “I’m still not ready to be alone.”

He wouldn’t mind if that attitude carried over to bedtime. “It’s not a problem.”

“Right. I’m afraid to be in my own home? It’s idiotic.”

“Actually, it’d be idiotic if you weren’t worried.”

As if he hadn’t spoken, she said, “And it’s not your job to play grocery shopper and light installer on top of being a bodyguard.”

“How many bodyguards have you hired?”

“I...” Stymied, she frowned. “Only you. Why?”

“My job is to ensure your safety. That involves making the farmhouse more secure and, when necessary, sticking close. Since I’m not the type to stand around idle while you do chores, you can damn well plan on me helping. With whatever. Got it?”

Gratitude curled her mouth and softened her tone. “Doesn’t sound like I have a choice.”

“It’s part of the bodyguard code.” The SUV bumped and bounced over potholes in the rough road. While he had her undivided attention, he decided to sneak in a little work. “This ex of yours. Does he know you moved out here?”

“I didn’t tell him. If he knows, he found out from someone else.”

“Like who?”

“Well, he works with my sister.”

Great. He really needed to do some research. Getting details in drips and drabs wasn’t working for him.

As neutrally as he could, Miles said, “Yeah? Doing what?”

“He’s a receptionist.” She made a face and added, “Gary is pretty. He looks good in a boutique joint that caters to other pretty people.”

Jealousy subsided. “Pretty, huh?” She said it with enough disdain to make him laugh.

“Yeah. Some would call him handsome—but not as handsome as you.”

Miles said nothing to that.

“He’s tall, too.” Then she quickly added, “But not as tall as you.”

Semi-amused, semi-annoyed, Miles said, “He’s a cheater, so we can kill the comparisons, okay?”

Chagrined, she nodded. “I’m just wondering what I ever really saw in him.”

Yeah, Miles was wondering that, too.

Lower, she added, “I guess I thought he was elegant. Very stylish, trim, impeccable dresser. And far, far different from the first guy I cared about.”

“You were younger then.”

“And obviously dumber. Gary comes off as sophisticated and...” She shrugged with the truth. “More acceptable to my family.”

Miles soaked that in. So she still wanted their approval, did she? Just not enough to disregard her grandma’s wishes. “Do you think your sister would tell him where you are?”

“Who knows what Harlow might do? She’s annoyed enough with me to want payback.”

“So she knows you two split?”

“Yeah. She couldn’t believe I’d end a relationship over one ‘indiscretion.’ She thought I should give him another chance.”


“My thought exactly. But if she did tell him, he hasn’t shown up here.”

“Or,” Miles said with emphasis, “maybe he’s shown up and you just don’t know it.”

She toyed with her braid while considering it. “Gary isn’t the type to be a stalker.”

“You never know.” Miles flexed his hands on the wheel. “Describe him to me.”

Wary now, she said, “You’re not going to do anything crazy, are you?”

“If you’re asking if I’ll demolish him, that’s not my plan.”

“Doesn’t sound like you’re ruling it out, though.”

Being honest, Miles said, “If I find him lurking around here or doing anything shady to scare you, yeah, you can bet your sweet ass I’ll take him apart.”

She stared at him in awe, then grinned. “My sweet ass, huh?”

“Your ass is very sweet.” He cocked a brow and prompted, “Description?”

Biting her lip to keep the grin at bay, Maxi gave it quick thought. “Hmm, let’s see. He’s twenty-eight. Close to six feet tall. Light brown hair, blue eyes. Trim.” She turned to glance out the window, then did a quick double take. “Wow, the sky’s getting dark.”

Miles bent to peer up through the windshield. “Well, hell. A storm’s rolling in.”

“We need the rain, but I’d rather it hold off another day or two.”

He parked in the driveway and, hurrying now, went around to the back to open the storage area. He noticed Maxi standing there, staring at the front door.

He didn’t see anything amiss but asked anyway. “Something wrong?”

“Just thinking about unlocking it for you.”

Yet she didn’t move. Miles’s heart softened. “Come here, Maxi.”

Feet dragging, she headed his way. “What?”

“Carry this.” He took the keys from her, then gave her his duffel and overnight bag. They weren’t heavy, but they required both her hands. “I can get the door.” He wouldn’t mention her nervousness; they’d said enough on it. Going forward, he’d try to ensure she didn’t have to mention it.

Loading his own arms with grocery bags, he said, “Come on.”

Together, they made multiple trips until all the groceries were in the kitchen and all the security supplies were unloaded on the dining room table.

They’d just finished carrying bags of the old food out to the big bin when the sky opened up in a great deluge. The cats must have known it was coming, because Miles didn’t see a single one. Grabbing Maxi’s hand, he raced for the front porch while the stinging rain pounded onto them.

Maxi laughed as she slipped and almost went down. Barely breaking stride, he scooped her up in his arms and bounded up the steps. Because they were soaked, he stopped outside the door and let her slide down his body. Lightning cut through the bloated black clouds. Thunder shook the foundation.

Steam rose between them.

Miles watched as rain dripped down her body, her top plastered to her breasts.

The chill drew her nipples tight.

Well, hell. If he didn’t find a distraction fast, he was a goner and he knew it. He glanced around the yard and found inspiration. “The cats are conspicuously absent.”

Blinking at the intrusion of that nonsense comment, she looked down and tugged her top away from her body. “They’re probably in the barn.”

“Hopefully.” Already puddles formed around her yard. “It’s going to be muddy.”

She nodded. “If this doesn’t let up, we’re going to get soaked again when we feed them dinner.”

We. He liked sharing that responsibility with her. Normally he’d have offered to take care of it while she stayed warm and dry.

Knowing how she’d react to that, he kept the offer to himself.

Lightning crashed again, making her jump. “Wow, that was close.”

“It’ll probably blow over, but yeah, we should get inside.” He opened the door and urged her in. “Towels?”

“I’ll grab them.” After stepping out of her sandals, she ducked into the main floor bathroom and grabbed two large white towels, handing one to him. They dried off the best they could.

Without thinking about it, Miles pulled off his sodden T-shirt, walked back out to the porch and wrung it out. When he turned to step back in, he found Maxi staring at him, her dark eyes consuming, her body tense in sexual awareness.

God, the things she did to him.

For a few heartbeats, neither of them moved. Slowly Miles came in, closing and locking the door behind him.

She cleared her throat. “I need to change.” Again, her gaze flickered to his chest.

“Me, too.” Ignoring the sparks, he gestured to the steps. “We can go up and grab your clothes first.”

Though she nodded, she didn’t yet move, and she didn’t take her rapt attention off his abs. Miles could almost see her mental struggle.

Oh, yeah, she wanted him.

He wouldn’t have to wait long to get what he wanted in return.

Finally, with a low sound of regret, she rushed past him.

Hiding his grin, Miles followed her up.

In her bedroom, she said, “If you don’t mind, I’ll just change in the closet.”

“Suit yourself.” He couldn’t sit, not with his jeans wet, so he walked to the window to glance out. The rain hadn’t slowed yet. He turned back to see that she’d gone into the closet, but hadn’t completely closed the door.

Close Contact

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