Читать книгу Fast Burn - Lori Foster - Страница 13
ОглавлениеIT DIDN’T TAKE long for Brand to realize he’d made a strategic mistake.
Clutching at him, Sahara adjusted her position, taking his tongue when he went in for a deeper taste, then giving her own as he tried to retreat.
Her low sound of pleasure made him throb, especially when she twisted so her breasts more fully met his chest and her bottom squirmed over his lap, or more specifically, over his thickening erection.
Whoa, a boner right now would be wholly out of place.
Easing up by slow degrees, Brand kissed the corner of her mouth, her stubborn jaw, the sleek column of her throat.
She was so soft and fragrant everywhere. He could get drunk on the scent of her skin, on the feel of her against him, on the taste of her mouth and the sexy sounds she made...
More prominent than his need, though, was her reaction to his questions. She was usually so forthright that her avoidance now worried him.
Pressing her head to his shoulder, he drew a few deep breaths, giving them both time to recover before asking, “What rules?”
Still limp against him, she muttered, “God, you’re stubborn.”
Her hair felt like silk through his fingers. “If we’re comparing...”
“We’re not.” She huffed, but didn’t try to get away. “If you must know, I bluffed through most of my nervousness. I didn’t want them to know that I was concerned so I acted like they were nothing, less than nothing.”
That didn’t surprise him at all. Sahara could be terrified, and she’d show indifference. “Pride?”
“In part, sure. But I also wanted to find out what I could about Scott, so I kept pushing.”
Like she often did with him. Only he wasn’t a kidnapper, and they both knew he’d never hurt her.
Seconds ticked by before she softly added, “I was told to behave or I’d be stripped naked and tied to the cot.”
“Obviously I couldn’t let that happen.”
She couldn’t have stopped them—and that’s why she’d been making the weapons. He gathered her closer, proud of her, impressed and overwhelmed with the need to protect.
Forget beating the shit out of the guy; he’d kill him instead.
She whispered, “It frustrates me that in some ways women are weaker than men.”
When it came to possible rape, she meant, and he wanted to crush her closer still. “I’m sorry you went through that.”
“Even that vile threat wouldn’t have been so unsettling, except...well, I don’t know if I imagined it or not, but he seemed to...” She gave it some thought. “Like isn’t the right word, but then neither is want. It’s hard to explain and I might be way off base but I think he...”
When she curled a little tighter against him, Brand said, “I’ve never known anyone as smart and intuitive as you. Whatever you’re thinking, I’d bet a championship belt that you’re dead-on.”
She pushed back to see his face. “Really?”
“Really.” Sahara always packed a sensual punch, but now, with her hair loose and her eyes vulnerable, she could bring him to his knees. “You have great instincts, honey.”
Her teeth worried her plump bottom lip before she gave it up. “He admired me, Brand. Now isn’t that bizarre?”
“No. I can’t imagine any man not admiring you.”
“I...” She closed her mouth, opened it again and finally said, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Seeing that she was a little more relaxed, he asked, “How could you tell what he felt?”
“The way he’d look at me as if I’d surprised him, and the way he’d smile at me. I even made him laugh a few times, and not necessarily on purpose. He constantly warned off the other guys but then he’d touch me when he shouldn’t, when there was no reason to. Like sitting so close that his thigh was against mine.” She shuddered.
To keep her talking, Brand suggested, “Maybe he wanted to play on your helplessness.”
Umbrage brought her brows together. “I was never helpless.”