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DARE WATCHED AS Molly all but deflated.

It couldn’t have been more plain how she dreaded seeing her father. And no wonder. She was the smartest woman he’d ever met, so she probably already suspected her father’s involvement.

Under the table, he clasped her thigh. When he got her alone, he’d comfort her in a hundred different ways. He only hoped that part of the comforting could be done in the nude, preferably on a soft bed.

Thinking that stirred him, so he had to push the erotic image aside. “I’d like to see both of them at the same time, if possible.”

Oblivious to the undercurrent, Natalie shrugged. “Only time to catch them both at home is pretty early. Right after breakfast, Dad takes off to the gym, and Kathi takes off for one of her many scheduled things.”

“Bishop goes to the gym every day?”

Molly smirked. “His personal appearance is real important to him.”

“Kathi encourages him. She likes it that he stays in shape.” Natalie wrinkled her nose. “The two of them are really big on image.”

Molly slumped back in her chair. “Kathi means well, but she’s forever telling us that we need to exercise more.”

That insulted Jett. “The hell you say?”

Natalie added, “According to Kathi, we’re too soft.”

“We should tone up,” Molly chimed in, saying, “because we jiggle.”

Dare shared an incredulous look with Jett, before ruling out such nonsense. “I think it’s safe to say that men enjoy women who are soft.”

Getting a handful of Natalie’s soft hip, Jett agreed. “Hell, yeah.”

Laughing, Natalie moved his hand to her waist. “Don’t worry. Molly and I don’t take it to heart. We both learned long ago to just let the criticisms roll right off.”

“Good.” Jett cupped her neck and drew her face to his. “Because you can take my word for it—you’re beautiful.”

Molly watched them share a kiss, and she smiled at Dare. He could almost read her thoughts and see the wistfulness in her expression. She was happy for her sister, but did she want the same for herself?

When he didn’t return her smile, she sighed and shook her head at him, as if he were a lost cause.

Was that how she saw him?

Rubbing the back of his neck didn’t really ease his sudden tension. “What about your stepmother? You said she takes off in the morning, too? To do what?”

Molly picked a piece of pepperoni off her pizza. “Kathi stays involved in a lot of stuff. Tennis, swimming, aerobics and a whole slew of fundraisers and public projects. She stays busy, but she always sets things up around Dad’s schedule.”

Nodding, Natalie added, “Because God knows he doesn’t try to accommodate her.”

“Most times,” Molly said, “he barely acknowledges her. I don’t know why she puts up with him, if you want the truth.”

“I wouldn’t,” Natalie said. “But for Kathi, I guess it’s a trade-off. She likes the prestige of Dad’s wealth. The fancy parties with the upper crust of society. The respect and …” She searched for the right word.

“Power,” Molly supplied. “Dad has a certain level of authority, and they both know it.”

Dare twisted to look at the clock on the kitchen wall. “How early are you talking?”

Following his gaze, Natalie, too, checked the clock. “You’ve probably got three and a half hours. They’re always up by six and out of the house by seven-thirty. You can call on them anytime in between that and catch them at home. After that it’s a guessing game. They both stay überbusy with stuff.”

“Thanks.” That would give him some time. He watched Molly take her pizza apart, eating the pepperoni ahead of the rest. She had feminine hands, despite the short nails. She licked pizza sauce off the tip of one finger, and everything in him clenched in need.

He wanted her again, bad. Soon as he got her sister and Jett out the door, he’d work that out.

With that end goal in mind, he sent a pointed look at Jett. “If you’re done eating …”

“Dare.” Sounding stern, Molly admonished him. “Don’t be so rude.”

“Not a problem.” Jett stood, bringing Natalie to her feet with him. “We should get going anyway. And I’m sure you two have plans to make.”

Natalie wavered. “I don’t understand why you want to visit Dad and Kathi.”

“You said it yourself.” Jett put an arm around her. “Your dad has influence, so he probably has connections that’ll assist their inquiries.” Over Natalie’s head, he gave one small negative shake at Dare.

Both Dare and Molly understood: Natalie didn’t need to know that her father might be complicit in Molly’s kidnapping. She was in love, looking toward a bright future. No reason to drop a black reality on her right now.

“I guess.” The strain of exhaustion and worry showed on Natalie’s face. “But I really hate to let you out of my sight. I’m so afraid you’ll disappear on me again.”

“I promise that I won’t.” Molly hugged her sister tight. “Go home and try to get some sleep now. I’m safe, and I’m going to stay safe.”

As if she sensed how things would soon be changing, Natalie lingered in the hug. “We have so much to talk about.”

“I know.” Showing that inner strength that Dare admired so much, Molly smiled when Natalie finally released her. “I’ll call you later, when I can.” In a stage whisper meant to tease, she added, “I’m dying to hear all the details about your and Jett’s whirlwind romance.”

“Ditto,” Natalie told her. She gave a pointed look at Dare. “I think your story is going to be far more riveting.”

“Makes sense,” Jett said. “She is a writer, after all.”

Jett had the nonchalant air of a man who knew his ability, so wasn’t threatened by much. Dare only hoped the attitude was warranted. “All joking aside, you two need to be careful. I don’t think there’s any direct threat to Natalie, but we know that the apartment was being watched, so someone could be keeping tabs on her, too. We can’t assume otherwise.”

“Never would.” Jett kept Natalie close to his side and pulled out his wallet. He fished out a business card and handed it to Dare. “If anything happens, give me a call. I’ll keep my phone on me.” He met his gaze. “You want to share a number so I can return the favor?”

“Oh, yeah,” Natalie said. “I want to be able to call Molly.”

Molly shook her head. “My purse is missing, and my phone was in it.”

“Not a problem. We’ll get her another phone today, but until then …” Dare got a pen and paper from the table that had held the note. He jotted down his number and gave it to Jett. Depending on what happened tomorrow with Molly’s father, they might be leaving straight from there to return to his home, and Molly wouldn’t get a chance to see her sister again for a while.

The only way he’d be staying is if he busted her father right off and could call in the authorities to put an end to the threat.

Jett looked around the apartment. “You have this place locked down?”

“I rigged a few things. No one is going to get in without me knowing it.”

Molly turned to him with surprise. “When did you do that?”

Not touching her was getting damned difficult. “While you were sleeping.”

She tucked in her chin. “I’m usually a light sleeper, but I didn’t hear you.”

Which only showed how safe she felt with him, and how sated she’d been after her climax. “You were … really out.” He couldn’t hold back a sense of satisfaction.

“Oh.” Color tinged her cheeks.

“That reminds me, I also stacked your mail over on the table. You have some stuff that looks important. I think from your publisher and maybe your agent.”

Immediately she put down her napkin and went to the table to check it out. Natalie followed her.

Dare motioned for Jett to join him around the corner into the kitchen.

“Nice work. You knew she wouldn’t ignore business.”

“We needed a minute.” Dare kept his voice low to keep from alerting the women. “Do you still have friends in the FBI?”

“‘Course. How can I help?”

“For starters, keep Natalie pinned down. I didn’t want to rattle Molly any more than she already is, but neither of them should be out and about on her own.”

“Already made that decision.” Jett ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not going to be easy, though, especially when she gets back to teaching.”

“Figure it out.” Molly was his priority, but as her sister, Natalie got his concern through association.

“Yeah, I will.” He considered things, but only for a moment. Then, with a shrug of resignation, he stated, “I’ll either drive her or follow her. Don’t worry about it.”

With that settled, Dare said, “Molly’s car.”

“What about it?”

“It’s been sitting out there in the lot the whole time she was gone, easy prey for tampering. No way in hell am I letting her in it until it’s been checked. But it’s not safe to leave it there, either.”

Comprehension lifted Jett’s chin. “Ah. You want me to get someone to check it over?”

“Off the grid.” Dare made sure Jett understood the stipulations. “I don’t want the FBI up my ass about this, getting in my way. So unless you know someone who owes you a favor—”

“I have a friend from ATF. Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it done right away, then let you know.”

Perfect. “If it’s clean, have it towed somewhere safe, will you?”

“To ensure it stays that way.” He nodded. “Sure, no problem.”

“Thanks.” Dare clapped him on the shoulder. “I appreciate the help.”

Molly stepped back into the kitchen, landed a look of suspicion on each man but chose to let it go. “I need to deposit some checks at the bank, and I have a contract to mail back at the post office.”

“All right.” Dare couldn’t expect her to put her livelihood on hold. With him by her side, a few stops should be safe enough. “We can take care of that after we leave your father’s.”

She nodded but continued to study both men. “Everything okay?”

“I need your car keys.” He didn’t give her a chance to question that. “Jett will move it someplace safe until you’re back here.”

Dare could tell that she didn’t buy that simplified version, but she went to a drawer in the kitchen and withdrew a spare key.

“Thanks.” Jett took it from her and stuffed it into his pocket.

Natalie had followed Molly in. She put her hands together, stared up at Dare and the tearful smile came. She opened her arms and embraced him tight. “Thank you, Dare. I’m so glad to know that she’s safe with you.”

Relieved that Molly at least had her sister’s support, Dare returned the hug with genuine affection. As Natalie stepped away from him, she turned her face and mouthed again to Molly, with even more exaggeration, Oh, my God.

Dare had no idea what her theatrics were about this time, but Molly nodded in dramatic agreement.

Shaking his head at the women, Jett said, “If there’s any news, let us know.”

“I will. Thanks.”

Jett kissed Molly on the cheek and, finally, escorted Natalie out of the apartment.

The second they were alone, Dare’s sexual desire sharpened. He went to the door and fastened the lock, then moved the chair to wedge it under the knob.

Seeing that, Molly’s face tightened with dread. “You’re sure those guys in the van are gone?”

“I watched them leave.” Dare came over to her. “But either way, I’m not going to let anyone touch you. You have my word.”

A sad smile flickered. “If anyone can make that promise, I believe you can.”

He needed to change the subject to lighten her mood. “What was all that oh-my-God business from your sister?”

Genuine humor brightened her smile a touch more. Molly poked him in the side. “Your hard body impressed her, that’s all.”

How ridiculous. “Meaning Jett is a slouch, huh?”

Now she laughed. “No, of course not. You saw him.”

Refusing to compliment another man’s physicality, Dare just grunted.

Molly wasn’t fooled. “You know he’s a prime specimen, Dare Macintosh. Don’t pretend otherwise.” She turned to look out the window, watching her sister and Jett leave the lot. “It’s just that you’re so far beyond average buffness, not many guys could ever compare.” She put a hand to the glass. “You’re beyond anything, I think.”

He knew his own ability, had always accepted it, but her excessive praise made his ears hot. “You’re being silly, Molly. I’m just a man.”

“No.” She shook her head, and Dare saw her shoulders slump a little. “You’re exceptional in so many ways. Natalie was just acknowledging it to me.”

Dare stood behind her, not touching her, but close enough to feel her heat and breathe in her scent. Keeping his hands off her challenged him. Even after her sister and Jett pulled out of the lot, she stood there.

“You okay, honey?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I am. It’s just …” She gave up her supervision from the window. “When will I get to see her again?”

What she really wanted to know was when would her life be returned to normal. Sometimes being an honest man sucked. He would have liked to lie to her, to promise her a quick resolution. But lying to her would never sit right. “I don’t know, baby. But I’m working on it.”

Soft breath left her in a sigh. She closed her eyes, but only for a second of grief. When she opened them again, the melancholy had been replaced with acceptance. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t do that.”

“I don’t mean to be a complainer. You’re doing so much already. And I know it’s going to work out eventually.”

“You are far from a complainer, Molly.” She was so damned accepting that it amazed him.

“I guess … being here, back at my apartment …” She waved a hand, at a loss for the right words. “I just see so many loose ends that I can’t really tie up, not while I have to keep looking over my shoulder.”

Her warmth drew him, so Dare trailed a knuckle along her jaw. “Will you tell your agent or publisher what happened?”

“God, no.” With an emphatic shake of her head, she said, “The fewer people who know, the better I like it. If it comes out, then it does. I won’t hide from it or be … be ashamed about it.”

“You have no reason to be.”

She agreed. “But this is one of those things that if I tell even a little of it, people will want to know more. They’ll start digging for every ugly detail.” Pride stiffened her spine. “It’s private, and I have no interest in advertising it.”

Dare got it. Many would pity her if they knew what she’d endured, and some would speculate on things that had not happened. Molly wasn’t the type to accept wrong assumptions or excess compassion.

But she wasn’t naive. She knew the truth would come out eventually. “I guess that’s not the kind of publicity you want.”

“Can you imagine?” She stepped up against him and wrapped her arms around him. “I already feel far too exposed without people talking about it.”

The perfect fit of her in his arms stirred Dare more, but right now what she wanted, what she needed, was comfort, so he only held her.

Through the window he saw that the black night had faded to gray. Before long, the sun would rise.

Molly tipped her head back to see him. “I think I’ll take a bath.”

Disappointment knotted his guts, but no way in hell would he let her know that. “Okay.” Exhaustion pulled at him, but he wouldn’t sleep. Not yet. Not until he had her somewhere safe. “It’ll do you good to relax a little. Go ahead, and I’ll clean up the mess in here.”

Both palms on his chest, Molly whispered, “I was sort of hoping that you’d join me.”

That compelling offer blasted his tiredness into oblivion. “Yeah?”

An impish smile teased him. “I don’t know, though. The tub isn’t huge,” she said. “And you’re awfully … big.”

He fought the grin trying to take over. “If we work on our positioning, I think we’ll fit just fine.” After one quick kiss, he turned her and planted a light swat on that tempting ass. “Go get things started while I put this mess away.”

She sent an indulgent laugh over her shoulder. “Chris is right, you know. You are a neat freak.”

The mention of Chris made him wonder how his girls were doing. It was too early to call, but he’d check in with them on the way to her father’s home.

Dare watched Molly disappear around the corner, and a second later he heard the water running. Primed, he made short work of the empty cola cans and pizza box. After rinsing the few dishes they’d used, he put them into her dishwasher. Other, soured dishes, had been in there since her abduction, so he went ahead and ran a cycle.

Already he’d seen every inch of her place. But as he surveyed it again, he thought that it could benefit from a good cleaning; it showed the absence of use since she’d been gone. If they were staying, he’d help her with that. But he wanted Molly as far from this place as he could get her, the sooner the better.

After checking all the windows again, Dare went to find her in the bathroom.

She didn’t hear him come in, and he lounged against the doorframe, content to watch her. Already naked, with her shoulder-length hair pinned atop her head, she tested the water filling the tub—and gave Dare one hell of a show.

Lust carried him forward until he had her within reach. From behind, he cupped his hand over her sex—and she jumped in startled surprise, jerking around to face him.

Face going hot, she said, “You are far too quiet for a big man.”

Dare’s attention went to her heavy breasts. He cupped one in each hand, but resolutely held himself in check. She wanted a bath, he’d give her a bath. And now that he’d already had her, he’d be able to explore her body as he wanted without losing control.

Releasing her, he moved to the tub and turned off the water. “Get in.”

She bit her lips, already breathing fast. Dare waited, visually exploring her ripe body until she gave in. He held her hand as she climbed into the tub and eased down into the warm water. Steam rose around her. The water lapped at the bottom of her breasts.

Wearing only jeans, Dare knelt down on the outside of the tub. “Lean back.”

“I thought you were going to get in with me.”

“I will. After.”

“After … what?”

“After you come for me again.”

Her eyes rounded, and she started to protest. Dare leaned in and drew one nipple into his mouth. She inhaled sharply, tangling her fingers into his hair and holding him close.

Dipping his hand down into the water, Dare cupped her inner thigh and parted her legs. “Bend your knees, Molly.” He helped her to lean back as he gave that instruction.

Uncertain, she reclined in the tub until most of her body was submerged. After parting her legs more, Dare lifted one foot up and to the outside of the tub, then growled at the sight of her. “Just like that.”

“I …”

“Shh.” He picked up the soap and built up a lather in his hands. “Let me enjoy you.”

“Oh, God.” She closed her eyes and half turned her face away from him.

Smiling, Dare used the slick suds to tease her breasts, concentrating on her pointed nipples. Sliding his fingers around them, slicking over them, tugging.

Molly groaned, but quickly stifled the sound.

When her legs started to tense and close, Dare stopped her. He caught the leg closest to him and held her still. “Relax, Molly.” He could see her small clitoris, now distended, begging for attention. He wanted to taste her again, and he would. Soon. “You’re beautiful.”

“I’m not. I mean, I’m not ugly, I know that. I was just worried about the bruises before. But … I mean, I’m not fishing for compliments or anything. It’s just that I’m not …”

Dare rinsed her breasts, removing all the slick soap, then again playing with her nipples, using the new friction to arouse her even more.

Beneath the water, her small hands curled into tight fists. The sleek muscles in her thighs tensed. She’d lost weight through her ordeal, and he wondered how she would look when fully recovered. Would she flesh out even more with another ten or twelve pounds?

Leaning over her, a hand on each thigh to ensure her legs stayed open, he blew on her nipples. They drew painfully tight, and he couldn’t resist drawing on her again, tonguing her nipples, sucking. He could spend an hour doing just this, but given her wriggling and panting, Molly wouldn’t last if he did.

She needed release. Now.

Dipping both hands into the water, Dare said, “Keep wide-open for me, baby, okay?”

A soft groan was her only reply. Dare opened her lips, pressed one finger into her, and encountered silky slickness. He eased back from the grip of her body and added a second finger.

Her back arched as he worked them into her, slid out and pushed in again. With his other hand, he played with her clitoris, softly circling with his thumb, gauging her every shuddering breath, each small contraction.


He looked up at her face, saw her eyes squeezed tight, her lips parted to accommodate her deep, fast breaths. He strained his jeans, she was so damn sexy.

And so real.

With a broken moan, she grabbed his wrist, holding him still with his fingers buried inside her. Water sloshed out of the tub as she curled forward—and came.

Damn, but he’d misjudged his own discipline. His earlier release meant nothing, not with her like this, so wild, so carnal.

Gasping, she oh-so-slowly settled back again, limp, her legs dropped open, her arms lax. Dare eased his fingers from her and felt her flinch with an aftershock of sensation.

Standing, he shucked off his jeans and boxers and, holding her shoulders forward, stepped into the tub behind her. With a sigh, she rested back against his chest.

He knew she was sensitive still, but he couldn’t resist covering each breast with a hand. He kissed her temple and tried to ignore his raging hard-on.


“Yeah?” He sounded hoarse even to his own ears.

“I’ve never …” She went silent, then struggled to sit up, to turn and face him. She looked at his body, at his erection, and a shameless grin appeared, followed by an embarrassed laugh. “I feel like a … I don’t know. A hussy?”

Dare grinned. “You’re a healthy woman, thank God.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand. If someone would have told me that I’d do … well, what we just did … I’d have died of embarrassment just thinking about it.”

“Why?” He toyed with a damp tendril of hair that hung to her shoulder. Her dewy skin looked lustrous and smooth, the bruises almost gone. His stomach knotted with the need to taste her all over.

“Because it’s not like me. I mean, I wasn’t a virgin—”

Emphatic, Dare interrupted her to warn, “I don’t want to hear about you with other men.”

That gave her pause. Then she complained, “I wasn’t going to give you details, for crying out loud.”

Damn right, she wasn’t. “How about I cut to the chase here?” He drew her down to him, chest to chest, and kissed her. With his hands on her ass, ready to explore again, he said, “You aren’t used to being so uninhibited.”

“I’m really not.” She jumped when he pressed a finger into her from behind. “Dare.”

Against her lips, he whispered, “Hmm?” She was even slicker now, a little swollen, and he wanted to hear her come again. As he teased in and out of her, he kissed her more deeply, loving the way her belly moved against his boner, how her cushiony breasts rubbed on his chest. “Scoot up.”

“I don’t know about this.” But she arched her back, driving his fingers deeper.

“Scoot up, Molly. I want to suck on your nipples.”

She whimpered, and her sex tightened around his fingers—but she finally did as he asked. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she levered up—and Dare closed his mouth around her, sucking hard.

She let out a deep, vibrating moan, rocking against him, damn near pushing him toward release until she finally cried out, climaxing hard again.

On a sigh, she whispered, “Oh, my God,” and tried to settle down against him.

Laughing, Dare caught her shoulders and sat up with her in the tub. “Baby, don’t go to sleep on me.”

“No, I won’t.” But her eyes were slumberous, her body utterly boneless.

Dare grabbed the soap and washed while looking at her. At half-mast, her lids looked heavy, her lashes long. The heat of the bath and her orgasms had left her skin rosy.

And he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything.

After he rinsed, he used the soap on her. Ignoring her disconcerted exclamations, he bathed every inch of her, lingering between her legs again until he knew he had to stop torturing himself or he’d lose it.

He stepped out of the tub to dry off, then helped her out, too.

Licking her lips, Molly stared down at his aching erection. She reached out a hand, saying, “I had wanted to spend a little more time on you.”

Ah, hell. Feeling a nearly uncontrollable surge of lust, Dare caught her wrist just short of her touching him. “Not this time.” He’d had her, but he hadn’t gotten enough. Not yet.

He was beginning to think a lifetime wouldn’t be time enough, not with this one particular woman.

Men Of Honour

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