Читать книгу Valere Aude: Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration - Louis Dechmann - Страница 15



Table of Contents

The course of study in connection with the above consists of


to be issued in weekly instalments, the whole course to extend over a period of two years.

Each lesson will consist, approximately, of some twenty-two to twenty-five full-sized pages (i.e. 25/28 lines of 8/12 words each) which will be mailed to every subscriber weekly prepaid.

It is necessary, in view of contingent expenses that a membership of One thousand subscribers should be obtained, as only when such an amount of support is guaranteed would the printing of the hundred lectures under the easy and advantageous terms offered be at all justified.

If, however, it should be represented to me by those most immediately interested, that it is their desire to Confine the Club to narrower limits, I might, though with some reluctance, consider the advisability of reducing the minimum membership to One hundred students provided that these should agree to contribute the sum total of the fees for the two years course in advance.

With every twentieth lesson will be forwarded to the subscriber, gratis, one of five well bound volumes of superior literary attraction and interest.

These five volumes are as follows:

ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY (profusely illustrated with coloured plates and containing folding manikin) especially compiled for the student.

MANUAL OF PHYSIOLOGY, especially compiled for the student.

MANUAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, especially compiled for the student.

MANUAL OF BIOLOGICAL THERAPY, Dechmann's system, (500 pages).

MEDICAL DICTIONARY (pocket edition in flexible leather with gilt edges, giving 30,000 definitions.)

At the end of the course each student in good standing, will receive free of cost a Membership Diploma in the form of a beautifully artistic colour plate, the facsimile of which will appear herewith.

"Within the Bud; the Procreation of a Healthy, Happy, and Beautiful Child of the Desired Sex, by L. Dechmann, Biologist." This is a book of 302 pages, the paper bound edition retailing at $3.00, the edition de luxe at $5.00, can be obtained at any book store or direct from the author.

The above literature cannot be otherwise procured, and its cost actually amounts to nearly one-half the subscription for the entire course of lessons.

At the close of the course a beautiful engraved cover design for binding the 100 lessons may be obtained at the price of $1.00.

Separate file binders and perforators for the lessons, each cover holding some 300 pages, may be obtained at the nominal cost of about 50 cents each; one of these will be delivered free with the first lesson.

Valere Aude: Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration

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