Читать книгу Kultur in Cartoons - Louis Raemaekers - Страница 4

List of Cartoons


Table of Contents

The Zeppelin Raider 2
The Exhumation of the Martyrs of Aerschot 4
The Old Serb 6
The “Lusitania” Nightmare 8
“Fancy, How Nice!” 10
The Laodiceans 12
“A Pitiful Exodus” 14
“Death the Friend” 16
A Higher Pile 18
Peace Reigns at Dinant 20
Humanity vs. Kultur 22
The Bill 24
“You Need Not Storm This Place” 26
Hohenzollern Madness 28
“My Master Asks You to Look After These Doves” 30
Famine in Belgium 32
Poor Old Thing 34
Germany and the Neutrals 36
Those Horrible Britons 38
Dr. Kuyper to Germany 40
The Kaiser’s Diplomacy 42
Cain 44
The Counter-Attack at Douaumont 46
The Morning Paper 48
“And Such a Brave Zepp He Was” 50
Flying Over Holland 52
“If They Don’t Increase Their Army” 54
Religion and Patriotism 56
The Prisoners 58
“Well, My Friend” 60
“How Quiet It Must be in the English Harbors Blockaded by Our Fleet” 62
The Brigands 64
It Looks So in Serbia 66
Victory by Imposture 68
Shell-Making 70
Another Australian Success 72
The Sea the Path of Victory 74
Balaam and His Ass 76
A Genuine Dutchman 78
Another Victory for the Germans 80
Submarine “Bags” 82
Within the Pincers 84
German Poison 86
The Organization of Victory by Imposture 88
Wittenberg 90
The Broken Alliance 92
The Shower-Bath 94
The Anniversary Bouquet 96
The Stranded Submarine 98
Herod’s Nightmare 100
“My Beloved People” 102
On Their Way to Verdun 104
Bethmann-Hollweg’s Peace Song 106
A German “Victory” 108
“Waiting” 110
The Kaiser as a Diplomatist 112
Hun Hypocrisy 114
The Prussian Guard 116
Greek Treachery 118
The World’s Judgment Seat 120
The Kaiser’s Cry for Peace 122
Tit for Tat 124
Forced Labor in Germany 126
The Fall of the Child-Slayer 128
The Climber 130
Culture at Wittenberg 132
The “Civilians” 134
Two Peals of Thunder 136
A Universal Conscience 138
Joan of Arc and St. George 140
The Bringers of Happiness 142
The Old Poilu 144
Humanity Torpedoed 146
The Super-Hooligans 148
Before the Fall 150
The Shirkers 152
For Merit 154
Duty vs. Militarism 156
The Troubadour 158
See the Conquering Hero Comes 160
Belgium 162
The Giant’s Task 164
“I Must Have Something for My Trouble” 166
“Cinema Chocolate” 168
The Doctrine of Expediency 170
Murder on the High Seas 172
Pounding Austria 174
Durchhalten—“Hold Out” 176
The Satyr of the Sea 178
War Council with Ferdinand and Enver Pasha 180
The Burial of Private Walker 182
The Supreme Effort 184
“Wer reitet so spät Durch Nacht und Wind? Das ist der Vater mit seinem Kind” 186
The Voices of the Guns 188
The Death’s-Head Hussar 190
The “Franc-tireur” Excuse 192
The Entry Into Constantinople 194
“Come Away, My Dear!” 196
The “Harmless” German 198
The Propagandist in Holland 200
Tetanus 202
Shakspere’s Tercentenary 204
Nobody Sees Me 206
The Orient Express 208
The Bloomersdyk 210
The “U” Boats Off the American Coast 212
To the Peace Woman 214
The Wolf Bleats 216
Strict Neutrality 218

Kultur in Cartoons

Kultur in Cartoons

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