Читать книгу Bedtime Stories for the Child in You - Louise D. Jewell - Страница 4
Story #1: Wake-Up Call
ОглавлениеAt one time, I could only remember the painful memories of my childhood. My emotions were either of anger or sadness. And then, one day, a friend shared about a support group that was helping her sort out stuff from her past.
I called her up and asked, “Tell me more about this group. Is it a Bible study?”
“It’s a twelve-step recovery group, Lou. And it has made such a difference in my life.” I thought long and hard and decided to check it out.
I will never forget walking into that hall. Fifty people sat in a circle. I spied an empty seat and sat down. I prayed no one would single me out.
The meeting began, and one by one, people told their stories. When my turn came to speak, I said, “Hi. I’m Louise.”
“Hello, Louise,” replied fifty voices.
I glanced about the room, their warmth reaching within me. Smiling faces greeted me hello. They were ready to hear me speak. For the first time in my life, I felt safe among people.
My recovery began that day. The day someone listened to my story.
I brought home the intro packet and read every word. It was as if someone asked all the questions I had wondered about throughout my life. By week three, I had found a sponsor, and I began to work the steps.
On that day in May 1998, I began to recall and celebrate the good memories of my childhood.
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
~ Corrie ten Boom