Читать книгу Southern Literature From 1579-1895 - Louise Manly - Страница 11

A Confederate Exile on His Way to Mexico Sarah A. Dorsey 338
Address in Congress, 1800, on the Death of Washington Henry Lee 124
A Dream of the South Wind Paul H. Hayne 349
Advice to His Nephew George Washington 76
A Health E. C. Pinkney 232
Alamo, Fall of the 192
A Learned and Interesting Conversation Augusta E. Wilson 384
Allen, James Lane 398
Anecdotes of Alexander H. Stephens 296, 297
An Honest Man George Washington 73
Ante-bellum Civilization Henry W. Grady 416
Arber, Professor, on John Smith’s Writings 35
A Sage Conversation A. B. Longstreet 182
Ascent of Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina Christian Reid 409
Ascent of the James River, 1607 John Smith 42
Ashby John R. Thompson 318
Audubon, John James 153
Bacon, Nathaniel 330
Bagby, George William 332
Baldwin, Joseph G. 294
Barbe, Waitman 441
Battle of Noewee, 1776 John Drayton 129
Battle of San Jacinto, 1836 Sam Houston 193
Battle of the Blue Licks, Ky., 1782 400
Battle of Tohopeka, or Horse-Shoe Bend, Ala. 302
Bear Hunt David Crockett 175
Beauvoir 270, 273
Beautiful and the Poetical, The, Jas. Wood Davidson 373
Beauty is Holiness 395
Benton, Thomas Hart 158
“Be sure you are right,” David Crockett 178
Big John, on the Cherokees Bill Arp 327
Bill Arp (Charles Henry Smith) 326
Bivouac of the Dead Theodore O’Hara 308
Blind Preacher William Wirt 132
Boone, Daniel 401
British Treaty with the Cherokees, 1755 David Ramsay 105
Burning of Jamestown, 1676 St. George H. Tucker 330
Byrd, Evelyn 56
Byrd, William 54
Calhoun, John Caldwell 161
Calhoun and the Union 275
Calhoun, Death of 300
Capture of Fort Motte Henry Lee 120
Cause of the Texan War of Independence Sam Houston 190
Cawein, Madison 442
Changes Wrought by the War Z. B. Vance 360
Chanler, Mrs. Amélie Rives 431
Character of Washington James Madison 112
Cherokees, Big John on the Bill Arp 327
Clay, Henry 147
Closing Year, The George D. Prentice 228
Commerce and Wealth vs. War Hugh S. Legaré 217
Conscience George Washington 74
Cooke, Philip Pendleton 305
Cooke, John Esten 350
Corn-Shucking and Christmas Times 362
Country Gentleman in Virginia and His Wife John P. Kennedy 205
Country Gentlemen 360
Cow-Boy’s Song 339
Craddock, Charles Egbert, (Miss M. N. Murfree) 423
Crockett, David 173
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe 321
Dale, General Sam 302
Dandridge, Mrs. Danske 429
Daughter of Mendoza M. B. Lamar 223
Davidson, James Wood 373
Davis, Jefferson 269
Davis, Winnie 270
Davis, Mrs. Varina Jefferson 271
Davy Crockett’s Motto 178
Days of My Youth, or Resignation St. George Tucker 115
Death of Calhoun 300
Death of Lieutenant Herndon 249
Dedication Sonnet (to his Mother) Robert Burns Wilson 407
Deep-Sea Soundings M. F. Maury 247
Defence of Nullification John C. Calhoun 164
Demosthenes Hugh S. Legaré 219
DeSaussure, Judge, and Social Dining in Columbia 201
Discourses of Christ Thomas Jefferson 98
Dismal Swamp William Byrd 61
Dixie 444
Dixie and Yankee Doodle 319
Doom of Occonestoga Wm. Gilmore Simms 255
Dorsey, Mrs. Sarah Anne 336
Drayton, William Henry 87
Drayton, John 127
Dreaming in the Trenches Wm. Gordon McCabe 393
Duel Between Randolph and Clay, 1826 Thomas H. Benton 159
Duke of Saxe-Weimar in Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, 1825 Hugh S. Legaré 221
Duties of a Judge John Marshall 118
Duty Robert E. Lee 266
England and America, Relations between J. L. M. Curry 322
English Katie Henry Timrod 344
Ennui 101
Establishment of the University of Virginia George Tucker 143
Fairbanks, George Rainsford 311
Fair Daughter of the Sun Robert Burns Wilson 406
Farewell Address to the American People, 1796 George Washington 77
Farewell to the Senate, 1861 Jefferson Davis 274
Farewell to the Senate, 1861 Robert Toombs 286
Father of His Country Henry Lee 124
First Indian Baptism in America Francis L. Hawks 225
“First in War, first in Peace” 124
Five Demands of the South 286
Florence Vane Philip Pendleton Cooke 305
Fort King, Florida 311
Fort Motte, Capture of Henry Lee 120
Freedom of Religious Opinion Thomas Jefferson 98
Gayarré, Charles Étienne Arthur 235
George the Third’s Abdication of Power in America William Henry Drayton 89
Gladstone’s Opinion of the United States 322
Goliad, Massacre at 192
Grady, Henry Woodfen 413
Grave of Dr. Elisha Mitchell 411
Gulf Stream M. F. Maury 246
Hampton at the Battle of Noewee, South Carolina, 1776 130
Happiness Edgar Allan Poe 281
Harland, Marion (Mrs. M. V. Terhune) 379
“Harnt” that Walks Chilhowee, The Charles Egbert Craddock 423
Harper’s Ferry, Scenery at 95
Harris, Joel Chandler 401
Harvest Home of the Indians John Lawson 53
Hatchet Story Mason L. Weems 126
Hawks, Francis Lister 224
Hayne, Robert Young 185
Hayne, Paul Hamilton 346
Hayne, William Hamilton 346
Helen, To Edgar Allan Poe 279
Henry, Patrick 82
Hermitage, General Jackson at The 271
Heroic Death of Lieutenant Herndon M. F. Maury 249
Hope, James Barron 370
Horse-Shoe Bend, Battle of 302
Houston, Sam 189
How Horse-Shoe and Andrew Captured Five Men John P. Kennedy 210
How Ruby Played George William Bagby 332
How to Answer Calumny George Washington 74
How to Deal with the Indians Sam Houston 196
Human Virtue R. E. Lee 266
Humming-Bird, The J. J. Audubon 157
Hymn for Magnolia Cemetery Henry Timrod 345
“If This Be Treason—” Patrick Henry 84
“I’ll HAUNT you,” 317
Indian Doom of Excommunication 255
Israfel Edgar Allan Poe 279
Jackson, General, at Home 271
Jamestown, Burning of, 1676 St. George H. Tucker 330
James Waddell, the Blind Preacher William Wirt 132
Jefferson, Thomas 91
Jefferson’s Last Letter, June 24, 1826 Thomas Jefferson 101
Jefferson’s Preference for Country Life George Tucker 142
Jefferson’s Religious Opinions at Twenty Thomas Jefferson 94
John Hook, Patrick Henry against William Wirt 135
Johnston, Richard Malcolm 314
Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. 376
Jud. Brownin’s Account of Rubinstein’s Playing George William Bagby 332
Kennedy, John Pendleton 204
Key, Francis Scott 151
King, Grace 437
La Fayette, Madison’s Opinion of James Madison 110
La Grande Demoiselle Grace King 437
Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte 223
Land Where We Were Dreaming, The D. B. Lucas 388
Lanier, Sidney 394
Lanier, To Sidney Waitman Barbe 442
La Rabida 291
Last Letter of Jefferson, June 24, 1826 Thomas Jefferson 101
Laurens, Henry 67
Laurens, John, the “Bayard of the Revolution” 67
Laws of Government A. H. Stephens 297
Lawson, John 48
Lee, Henry 119
Lee, Robert Edward 265
Lee’s Last Order R. E. Lee 266
Lee’s Letter Accepting the Presidency of Washington College R. E. Lee 268
Legaré, Hugh Swinton 217
Letter to Martha Jefferson Thomas Jefferson 100
Le Vert, Madame Octavia Walton 288
Life Ever Seems—Sonnet Henry Timrod 344
Life of the President of the United States Jefferson Davis 272
Literary Society in Columbia in 1825 Wm. C. Preston 201
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin 180
Lost Colony of Roanoke F. L. Hawks 226
Louisiana in 1750-’70 C. E. A. Gayarré 236
Lucas, Daniel Bedinger 387
Madam Washington at the Peace Ball Marion Harland 381
Madison, James 109
Madison, Mrs. Dolly 110
Madison’s Opinion of La Fayette James Madison 110
Magnolia Cemetery, Hymn for Dedication Henry Timrod 345
Major Jones’s Christmas Present W. T. Thompson 368
Marion Harland, (Mrs. M. V. Terhune) 379
Marion, Sumpter and David Ramsay 107
Marion, the “Swamp-Fox” Wm. Gilmore Simms 262
Marquis de Vaudreuil, the “Great Marquis” 237
Marse Chan’s Last Battle Thomas Nelson Page 421
“Marseillaise of the Confederacy” 389
Marshall, John 116
Maryland, My Maryland 390
Mary Washington When a Girl Marion Harland 381
Mary Washington’s Monument Marion Harland 379
Master and Slave 413
Maury, Matthew Fontaine 243
Maxims of Jefferson 94
McCabe, William Gordon 393
M’Cord, Mrs. Louisa Susannah 291
M’Cord, D. J. 201, 291
Meek, Alexander Beaufort 301
Military Dinner Party George Washington 76
Military Insubordination Henry Clay 148
“Millions for Defence” 116
Mitchell’s Grave, Mt. Mitchell, N. C. 411
Mocking-Bird, The J. J. Audubon 155
Mocking-Bird (At Night) Paul H. Hayne 348
Mocking-Bird, To The Albert Pike 365
Mocking-Bird and Nightingale Compared 100
Mr. Hezekiah Ellington’s Recovery R. M. Johnston 315
Murfree, Mary Noailles, (Charles Egbert Craddock) 423
Music in Camp John R. Thompson 319
My Life Is Like the Summer Rose R. H. Wilde 179
My Maryland James R. Randall 390
Naming of Tallahassee, The 288
Natural Bridge of Virginia 97
Ned Brace at Church A. B. Longstreet 180
No Geographical Lines in Patriotism Henry Clay 148
North Carolina in 1700–1708 John Lawson 49
Not Bound by State Lines Patrick Henry 84
Nullification, Defence of John C. Calhoun 164
Object-Lesson in the Cause of Patriotism John Drayton 128
Occonestoga, Doom of Wm. Gilmore Simms 255
October—A Sonnet Paul H. Hayne 349
Official Patronage John C. Calhoun 167
O’Hara, Theodore 308
Old Church at Jamestown 39, 331
On a Bear Hunt David Crockett 175
Osceola, Leader of the Seminoles George R. Fairbanks 311, 312
Our Right to Those Countries John Smith 38
Page, John, Letter to 94
Page, Thomas Nelson 419
Paragraphs George D. Prentice 231
Partisan Leader N. Beverley Tucker 168
Party Spirit George Washington 79
Patrick Henry against John Hook William Wirt 135
Patrick Henry’s Famous Revolution Speech Patrick Henry 84
Patriot in the Tower Henry Laurens 68
Payne, John Howard, among the Cherokees 327
Pike, Albert 365
Pinkney, Edward Coate 231
Plea for a Republic James Madison 111
Pocahontas—Rescue of John Smith John Smith 35
Poe, Edgar Allan 276
Poet’s Vision.—A Sonnet William Gilmore Simms 255
Political Patronage John C. Calhoun 167
Power of the Supreme Court John Marshall 117
Powhatan 35
Preference for Country Life George Tucker 142
Prentice, George Denison 228
Preston, Mrs. Margaret Junkin 324
Preston, William Campbell 199
Prologue to Arms and the Man James Barren Hope 371
Prologue to Autobiography David Crockett 173
Races in Virginia, 1765 John Esten Cooke 351
Ramsay, David 103
Randall, James Ryder 389
Randolph, John, of Roanoke 137
Raven, The Edgar Allan Poe 281
Red Eagle, or Weatherford A. B. Meek 302
Red Eagle and General Jackson 304
Reid, Christian, (Frances C. Fisher, Mrs. Tiernan) 407
Relations Between England and America J. L. M. Curry 322
Religion and Morality George Washington 81
Religious Freedom Thomas Jefferson 98
“Remember the Alamo!” 195
Rescue of Captain Smith by Pocahontas John Smith 35
Resignation: or, Days of My Youth St. George Tucker 115
Revision of the State Constitution John Randolph 138
Revolutionary Object-Lesson John Drayton 128
Revolution Speech, 1775 Patrick Henry 84
Rives, Amélie (Mrs. Chanler) 431
“Rope of sand” 186
Rubinstein’s Playing George William Bagby 332
Ryan, Abram Joseph, (Father Ryan) 392
Sage Conversation, A A. B. Longstreet 182
Salzburger Settlement in Georgia, 1734 C. C. Jones, Jr. 376
Sang-Digger,[2] The Amélie Rives 432
Savannah in 1735 378
Scenery at Harper’s Ferry and at the Natural Bridge Thomas Jefferson 95
Selecting the Site of Richmond and of Petersburg, 1733 William Byrd 58
Seminole War 313
Sergeant Jasper at Fort Moultrie, 1776 David Ramsay 106
Sergeant Jasper at Savannah, 1779 107
Sidney Lanier, To Waitman Barbe 442
Siege of Fort Moultrie David Ramsay 106
Simms, William Gilmore 252
Sketch in the Senate, February 5, 1850 A. H. Stephens 298
Slavery, Remark on Patrick Henry 84
Slave, Master and 413
Smith, Charles Henry (Bill Arp) 326
Smith, John 33
Smith, John, Writings of 35
Song of the Chattahoochee Sidney Lanier 396
Sonnet: Dedication R. B. Wilson 407
Song: We Break the Glass E. C. Pinkney 233
Sonnet: Life ever seems Henry Timrod 344
Sonnet: October Paul H. Hayne 349
Sonnet: Poet’s Vision William Gilmore Simms 255
South Before the War, The Henry W. Grady 413
Southern Literary Messenger 277, 317, 332
Southern “Mammy” and the Children 363
Speaking of Clay in the Senate, 1850, The 298
Spelling and Grammar (Prologue to Autobiography) David Crockett 173
Spirit and Wood-Sparrow, The Danske Dandridge 430
Sports of a Kentucky School in 1795 James Lane Allen 399
Spotswood, Ex-Gov., and his Home in 1732 58
Star-Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key 151
State Sovereignty and Liberty Robert Y. Hayne 185
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton 296
Stonewall Jackson’s Last Words 324
Storm Off the Bermudas Wm. Strachey 45
Strachey, William 45
Sugar-Cane: Introduction into the United States 236
Sumpter and Marion David Ramsay 107
“Swamp-Fox,” The 262
System of Our Government John C. Calhoun 164
Tanis Amélie Rives 432
Tar-Baby, The Joel Chandler Harris 403
Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia (Marion Harland) 379
Texas Prairie and Cow-Boy’s Song 339
Southern Literature From 1579-1895

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