| Page |
A Confederate Exile on His Way to Mexico | Sarah A. Dorsey | 338 |
Address in Congress, 1800, on the Death of Washington | Henry Lee | 124 |
A Dream of the South Wind | Paul H. Hayne | 349 |
Advice to His Nephew | George Washington | 76 |
A Health | E. C. Pinkney | 232 |
Alamo, Fall of the | 192 |
A Learned and Interesting Conversation | Augusta E. Wilson | 384 |
Allen, James Lane | 398 |
Anecdotes of Alexander H. Stephens | 296, 297 |
An Honest Man | George Washington | 73 |
Ante-bellum Civilization | Henry W. Grady | 416 |
Arber, Professor, on John Smith’s Writings | 35 |
A Sage Conversation | A. B. Longstreet | 182 |
Ascent of Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina | Christian Reid | 409 |
Ascent of the James River, 1607 | John Smith | 42 |
Ashby | John R. Thompson | 318 |
Audubon, John James | 153 |
Bacon, Nathaniel | 330 |
Bagby, George William | 332 |
Baldwin, Joseph G. | 294 |
Barbe, Waitman | 441 |
Battle of Noewee, 1776 | John Drayton | 129 |
Battle of San Jacinto, 1836 | Sam Houston | 193 |
Battle of the Blue Licks, Ky., 1782 | 400 |
Battle of Tohopeka, or Horse-Shoe Bend, Ala. | 302 |
Bear Hunt | David Crockett | 175 |
Beauvoir | 270, 273 |
Beautiful and the Poetical, The, | Jas. Wood Davidson | 373 |
Beauty is Holiness | 395 |
Benton, Thomas Hart | 158 |
“Be sure you are right,” | David Crockett | 178 |
Big John, on the Cherokees | Bill Arp | 327 |
Bill Arp (Charles Henry Smith) | 326 |
Bivouac of the Dead | Theodore O’Hara | 308 |
Blind Preacher | William Wirt | 132 |
Boone, Daniel | 401 |
British Treaty with the Cherokees, 1755 | David Ramsay | 105 |
Burning of Jamestown, 1676 | St. George H. Tucker | 330 |
Byrd, Evelyn | 56 |
Byrd, William | 54 |
Calhoun, John Caldwell | 161 |
Calhoun and the Union | 275 |
Calhoun, Death of | 300 |
Capture of Fort Motte | Henry Lee | 120 |
Cause of the Texan War of Independence | Sam Houston | 190 |
Cawein, Madison | 442 |
Changes Wrought by the War | Z. B. Vance | 360 |
Chanler, Mrs. Amélie Rives | 431 |
Character of Washington | James Madison | 112 |
Cherokees, Big John on the | Bill Arp | 327 |
Clay, Henry | 147 |
Closing Year, The | George D. Prentice | 228 |
Commerce and Wealth vs. War | Hugh S. Legaré | 217 |
Conscience | George Washington | 74 |
Cooke, Philip Pendleton | 305 |
Cooke, John Esten | 350 |
Corn-Shucking and Christmas Times | 362 |
Country Gentleman in Virginia and His Wife | John P. Kennedy | 205 |
Country Gentlemen | 360 |
Cow-Boy’s Song | 339 |
Craddock, Charles Egbert, (Miss M. N. Murfree) | 423 |
Crockett, David | 173 |
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe | 321 |
Dale, General Sam | 302 |
Dandridge, Mrs. Danske | 429 |
Daughter of Mendoza | M. B. Lamar | 223 |
Davidson, James Wood | 373 |
Davis, Jefferson | 269 |
Davis, Winnie | 270 |
Davis, Mrs. Varina Jefferson | 271 |
Davy Crockett’s Motto | 178 |
Days of My Youth, or Resignation | St. George Tucker | 115 |
Death of Calhoun | 300 |
Death of Lieutenant Herndon | 249 |
Dedication Sonnet (to his Mother) | Robert Burns Wilson | 407 |
Deep-Sea Soundings | M. F. Maury | 247 |
Defence of Nullification | John C. Calhoun | 164 |
Demosthenes | Hugh S. Legaré | 219 |
DeSaussure, Judge, and Social Dining in Columbia | 201 |
Discourses of Christ | Thomas Jefferson | 98 |
Dismal Swamp | William Byrd | 61 |
Dixie | 444 |
Dixie and Yankee Doodle | 319 |
Doom of Occonestoga | Wm. Gilmore Simms | 255 |
Dorsey, Mrs. Sarah Anne | 336 |
Drayton, William Henry | 87 |
Drayton, John | 127 |
Dreaming in the Trenches | Wm. Gordon McCabe | 393 |
Duel Between Randolph and Clay, 1826 | Thomas H. Benton | 159 |
Duke of Saxe-Weimar in Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, 1825 | Hugh S. Legaré | 221 |
Duties of a Judge | John Marshall | 118 |
Duty | Robert E. Lee | 266 |
England and America, Relations between | J. L. M. Curry | 322 |
English Katie | Henry Timrod | 344 |
Ennui | 101 |
Establishment of the University of Virginia | George Tucker | 143 |
Fairbanks, George Rainsford | 311 |
Fair Daughter of the Sun | Robert Burns Wilson | 406 |
Farewell Address to the American People, 1796 | George Washington | 77 |
Farewell to the Senate, 1861 | Jefferson Davis | 274 |
Farewell to the Senate, 1861 | Robert Toombs | 286 |
Father of His Country | Henry Lee | 124 |
First Indian Baptism in America | Francis L. Hawks | 225 |
“First in War, first in Peace” | 124 |
Five Demands of the South | 286 |
Florence Vane | Philip Pendleton Cooke | 305 |
Fort King, Florida | 311 |
Fort Motte, Capture of | Henry Lee | 120 |
Freedom of Religious Opinion | Thomas Jefferson | 98 |
Gayarré, Charles Étienne Arthur | 235 |
George the Third’s Abdication of Power in America | William Henry Drayton | 89 |
Gladstone’s Opinion of the United States | 322 |
Goliad, Massacre at | 192 |
Grady, Henry Woodfen | 413 |
Grave of Dr. Elisha Mitchell | 411 |
Gulf Stream | M. F. Maury | 246 |
Hampton at the Battle of Noewee, South Carolina, 1776 | 130 |
Happiness | Edgar Allan Poe | 281 |
Harland, Marion (Mrs. M. V. Terhune) | 379 |
“Harnt” that Walks Chilhowee, The | Charles Egbert Craddock | 423 |
Harper’s Ferry, Scenery at | 95 |
Harris, Joel Chandler | 401 |
Harvest Home of the Indians | John Lawson | 53 |
Hatchet Story | Mason L. Weems | 126 |
Hawks, Francis Lister | 224 |
Hayne, Robert Young | 185 |
Hayne, Paul Hamilton | 346 |
Hayne, William Hamilton | 346 |
Helen, To | Edgar Allan Poe | 279 |
Henry, Patrick | 82 |
Hermitage, General Jackson at The | 271 |
Heroic Death of Lieutenant Herndon | M. F. Maury | 249 |
Hope, James Barron | 370 |
Horse-Shoe Bend, Battle of | 302 |
Houston, Sam | 189 |
How Horse-Shoe and Andrew Captured Five Men | John P. Kennedy | 210 |
How Ruby Played | George William Bagby | 332 |
How to Answer Calumny | George Washington | 74 |
How to Deal with the Indians | Sam Houston | 196 |
Human Virtue | R. E. Lee | 266 |
Humming-Bird, The | J. J. Audubon | 157 |
Hymn for Magnolia Cemetery | Henry Timrod | 345 |
“If This Be Treason—” | Patrick Henry | 84 |
“I’ll HAUNT you,” | 317 |
Indian Doom of Excommunication | 255 |
Israfel | Edgar Allan Poe | 279 |
Jackson, General, at Home | 271 |
Jamestown, Burning of, 1676 | St. George H. Tucker | 330 |
James Waddell, the Blind Preacher | William Wirt | 132 |
Jefferson, Thomas | 91 |
Jefferson’s Last Letter, June 24, 1826 | Thomas Jefferson | 101 |
Jefferson’s Preference for Country Life | George Tucker | 142 |
Jefferson’s Religious Opinions at Twenty | Thomas Jefferson | 94 |
John Hook, Patrick Henry against | William Wirt | 135 |
Johnston, Richard Malcolm | 314 |
Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. | 376 |
Jud. Brownin’s Account of Rubinstein’s Playing | George William Bagby | 332 |
Kennedy, John Pendleton | 204 |
Key, Francis Scott | 151 |
King, Grace | 437 |
La Fayette, Madison’s Opinion of | James Madison | 110 |
La Grande Demoiselle | Grace King | 437 |
Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte | 223 |
Land Where We Were Dreaming, The | D. B. Lucas | 388 |
Lanier, Sidney | 394 |
Lanier, To Sidney | Waitman Barbe | 442 |
La Rabida | 291 |
Last Letter of Jefferson, June 24, 1826 | Thomas Jefferson | 101 |
Laurens, Henry | 67 |
Laurens, John, the “Bayard of the Revolution” | 67 |
Laws of Government | A. H. Stephens | 297 |
Lawson, John | 48 |
Lee, Henry | 119 |
Lee, Robert Edward | 265 |
Lee’s Last Order | R. E. Lee | 266 |
Lee’s Letter Accepting the Presidency of Washington College | R. E. Lee | 268 |
Legaré, Hugh Swinton | 217 |
Letter to Martha Jefferson | Thomas Jefferson | 100 |
Le Vert, Madame Octavia Walton | 288 |
Life Ever Seems—Sonnet | Henry Timrod | 344 |
Life of the President of the United States | Jefferson Davis | 272 |
Literary Society in Columbia in 1825 | Wm. C. Preston | 201 |
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin | 180 |
Lost Colony of Roanoke | F. L. Hawks | 226 |
Louisiana in 1750-’70 | C. E. A. Gayarré | 236 |
Lucas, Daniel Bedinger | 387 |
Madam Washington at the Peace Ball | Marion Harland | 381 |
Madison, James | 109 |
Madison, Mrs. Dolly | 110 |
Madison’s Opinion of La Fayette | James Madison | 110 |
Magnolia Cemetery, Hymn for Dedication | Henry Timrod | 345 |
Major Jones’s Christmas Present | W. T. Thompson | 368 |
Marion Harland, (Mrs. M. V. Terhune) | 379 |
Marion, Sumpter and | David Ramsay | 107 |
Marion, the “Swamp-Fox” | Wm. Gilmore Simms | 262 |
Marquis de Vaudreuil, the “Great Marquis” | 237 |
Marse Chan’s Last Battle | Thomas Nelson Page | 421 |
“Marseillaise of the Confederacy” | 389 |
Marshall, John | 116 |
Maryland, My Maryland | 390 |
Mary Washington When a Girl | Marion Harland | 381 |
Mary Washington’s Monument | Marion Harland | 379 |
Master and Slave | 413 |
Maury, Matthew Fontaine | 243 |
Maxims of Jefferson | 94 |
McCabe, William Gordon | 393 |
M’Cord, Mrs. Louisa Susannah | 291 |
M’Cord, D. J. | 201, 291 |
Meek, Alexander Beaufort | 301 |
Military Dinner Party | George Washington | 76 |
Military Insubordination | Henry Clay | 148 |
“Millions for Defence” | 116 |
Mitchell’s Grave, Mt. Mitchell, N. C. | 411 |
Mocking-Bird, The | J. J. Audubon | 155 |
Mocking-Bird (At Night) | Paul H. Hayne | 348 |
Mocking-Bird, To The | Albert Pike | 365 |
Mocking-Bird and Nightingale Compared | 100 |
Mr. Hezekiah Ellington’s Recovery | R. M. Johnston | 315 |
Murfree, Mary Noailles, (Charles Egbert Craddock) | 423 |
Music in Camp | John R. Thompson | 319 |
My Life Is Like the Summer Rose | R. H. Wilde | 179 |
My Maryland | James R. Randall | 390 |
Naming of Tallahassee, The | 288 |
Natural Bridge of Virginia | 97 |
Ned Brace at Church | A. B. Longstreet | 180 |
No Geographical Lines in Patriotism | Henry Clay | 148 |
North Carolina in 1700–1708 | John Lawson | 49 |
Not Bound by State Lines | Patrick Henry | 84 |
Nullification, Defence of | John C. Calhoun | 164 |
Object-Lesson in the Cause of Patriotism | John Drayton | 128 |
Occonestoga, Doom of | Wm. Gilmore Simms | 255 |
October—A Sonnet | Paul H. Hayne | 349 |
Official Patronage | John C. Calhoun | 167 |
O’Hara, Theodore | 308 |
Old Church at Jamestown | 39, 331 |
On a Bear Hunt | David Crockett | 175 |
Osceola, Leader of the Seminoles | George R. Fairbanks | 311, 312 |
Our Right to Those Countries | John Smith | 38 |
Page, John, Letter to | 94 |
Page, Thomas Nelson | 419 |
Paragraphs | George D. Prentice | 231 |
Partisan Leader | N. Beverley Tucker | 168 |
Party Spirit | George Washington | 79 |
Patrick Henry against John Hook | William Wirt | 135 |
Patrick Henry’s Famous Revolution Speech | Patrick Henry | 84 |
Patriot in the Tower | Henry Laurens | 68 |
Payne, John Howard, among the Cherokees | 327 |
Pike, Albert | 365 |
Pinkney, Edward Coate | 231 |
Plea for a Republic | James Madison | 111 |
Pocahontas—Rescue of John Smith | John Smith | 35 |
Poe, Edgar Allan | 276 |
Poet’s Vision.—A Sonnet | William Gilmore Simms | 255 |
Political Patronage | John C. Calhoun | 167 |
Power of the Supreme Court | John Marshall | 117 |
Powhatan | 35 |
Preference for Country Life | George Tucker | 142 |
Prentice, George Denison | 228 |
Preston, Mrs. Margaret Junkin | 324 |
Preston, William Campbell | 199 |
Prologue to Arms and the Man | James Barren Hope | 371 |
Prologue to Autobiography | David Crockett | 173 |
Races in Virginia, 1765 | John Esten Cooke | 351 |
Ramsay, David | 103 |
Randall, James Ryder | 389 |
Randolph, John, of Roanoke | 137 |
Raven, The | Edgar Allan Poe | 281 |
Red Eagle, or Weatherford | A. B. Meek | 302 |
Red Eagle and General Jackson | 304 |
Reid, Christian, (Frances C. Fisher, Mrs. Tiernan) | 407 |
Relations Between England and America | J. L. M. Curry | 322 |
Religion and Morality | George Washington | 81 |
Religious Freedom | Thomas Jefferson | 98 |
“Remember the Alamo!” | 195 |
Rescue of Captain Smith by Pocahontas | John Smith | 35 |
Resignation: or, Days of My Youth | St. George Tucker | 115 |
Revision of the State Constitution | John Randolph | 138 |
Revolutionary Object-Lesson | John Drayton | 128 |
Revolution Speech, 1775 | Patrick Henry | 84 |
Rives, Amélie (Mrs. Chanler) | 431 |
“Rope of sand” | 186 |
Rubinstein’s Playing | George William Bagby | 332 |
Ryan, Abram Joseph, (Father Ryan) | 392 |
Sage Conversation, A | A. B. Longstreet | 182 |
Salzburger Settlement in Georgia, 1734 | C. C. Jones, Jr. | 376 |
Sang-Digger,[2] The | Amélie Rives | 432 |
Savannah in 1735 | 378 |
Scenery at Harper’s Ferry and at the Natural Bridge | Thomas Jefferson | 95 |
Selecting the Site of Richmond and of Petersburg, 1733 | William Byrd | 58 |
Seminole War | 313 |
Sergeant Jasper at Fort Moultrie, 1776 | David Ramsay | 106 |
Sergeant Jasper at Savannah, 1779 | 107 |
Sidney Lanier, To | Waitman Barbe | 442 |
Siege of Fort Moultrie | David Ramsay | 106 |
Simms, William Gilmore | 252 |
Sketch in the Senate, February 5, 1850 | A. H. Stephens | 298 |
Slavery, Remark on | Patrick Henry | 84 |
Slave, Master and | 413 |
Smith, Charles Henry (Bill Arp) | 326 |
Smith, John | 33 |
Smith, John, Writings of | 35 |
Song of the Chattahoochee | Sidney Lanier | 396 |
Sonnet: Dedication | R. B. Wilson | 407 |
Song: We Break the Glass | E. C. Pinkney | 233 |
Sonnet: Life ever seems | Henry Timrod | 344 |
Sonnet: October | Paul H. Hayne | 349 |
Sonnet: Poet’s Vision | William Gilmore Simms | 255 |
South Before the War, The | Henry W. Grady | 413 |
Southern Literary Messenger | 277, 317, 332 |
Southern “Mammy” and the Children | 363 |
Speaking of Clay in the Senate, 1850, The | 298 |
Spelling and Grammar (Prologue to Autobiography) | David Crockett | 173 |
Spirit and Wood-Sparrow, The | Danske Dandridge | 430 |
Sports of a Kentucky School in 1795 | James Lane Allen | 399 |
Spotswood, Ex-Gov., and his Home in 1732 | 58 |
Star-Spangled Banner | Francis Scott Key | 151 |
State Sovereignty and Liberty | Robert Y. Hayne | 185 |
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton | 296 |
Stonewall Jackson’s Last Words | 324 |
Storm Off the Bermudas | Wm. Strachey | 45 |
Strachey, William | 45 |
Sugar-Cane: Introduction into the United States | 236 |
Sumpter and Marion | David Ramsay | 107 |
“Swamp-Fox,” The | 262 |
System of Our Government | John C. Calhoun | 164 |
Tanis | Amélie Rives | 432 |
Tar-Baby, The | Joel Chandler Harris | 403 |
Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia (Marion Harland) | 379 |
Texas Prairie and Cow-Boy’s Song | 339 |