Читать книгу Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission - Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission - Страница 16

ARTICLE IX. SECTION I. All communications relating to the exposition should be addressed to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, St. Louis, U.S.A.


SEC. II. All packages containing exhibits must be addressed to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company.

SEC. III. Direction labels will be furnished by the Exposition Company to be attached to each package. This label must be filled out so as to convey the following information:

(a) The department in which the exhibit is to be installed.

(b) The country, State, or Territory from which the package is consigned.

(c) The name and address of the exhibitor and the total number of packages sent by such exhibitor.

SEC. IV. In boxing or casing any material intended for exhibition, screws should be employed in preference to nails or steel hoops, and packages should be addressed on two or more sides. Each package should contain a list of the goods therein.

SEC. V. Consignments intended for different buildings should be in separate packages, and not be included in the same box, crate, or barrel.

SEC. VI. Freight and express charges and all charges appertaining to the transportation of material belonging to individuals, such as exhibits, building material, concession material and supplies, etc., must be prepaid at the point of shipment, and the goods delivered at the exposition clear of all charges of any description incident to the transportation.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission

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