Читать книгу Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission - Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission - Страница 34
Оглавление1. The total number of jurors in the international jury of awards shall be approximately 2 per cent of the total number of exhibitors, but not in excess of that number, and each nation having 50 exhibitors or more shall be entitled to representation on the jury. The number of jurors from each art or industry and for each nationality represented shall, as far as practicable, be proportional to the number of exhibitors and the importance of the exhibits.
Of this selected body of international jurors three graded juries will be constituted: One, the general organization of group juries; two, department juries; three, a superior jury.
2. Each group jury shall be composed of jurors and alternates.
The number of alternates shall in no case exceed one-fourth of the number of jurors, and they shall have a deliberative voice and vote only when occupying the places of absent jurors.
3. The United States jurors and alternates of the group juries shall be nominated by the chiefs of departments to which the respective groups belong. The jurors and alternates of the group juries representing foreign countries and the United States insular possessions shall be nominated by the commissioners of such countries.
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company shall certify to the board of lady managers the number of groups in which the exhibits have been produced in whole or in part by female labor; to each of the groups so certified the board of lady managers may appoint one juror and one alternate to that juror; such appointees, when confirmed, shall have the privileges and be amenable to the regulations provided for other jurors and alternates.
All the above nominations shall be made not later than August 1, 1904, except that nominations made to fill vacancies may be made at any subsequent time.
Jury nominations made by commissioners of foreign countries
shall be forwarded to the president of the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition Company.
Nominations made by chiefs of departments and by the board of
lady managers shall be submitted to the director of exhibits,
and when approved he shall transmit them to the president of the
Exposition Company.
The nomination of group jurors and alternates, when approved by the president of the exposition, shall be transmitted to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission for the approval of that body.
These nominations having been considered and confirmed by the authorities, as provided by section 6 of the act of Congress relating to the approval of the awarding of premiums, the appointments to the international jury shall be made in accordance with section 6 of Article XXII of the official rules and regulations of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company.
4. Each group jury shall choose its own officers, consisting of a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary.
Of the two first-named officers one shall be a citizen of the United States and the other shall be from a foreign country represented in the division of exhibits.
5. The chief of each department shall have general charge of the organization and direction of the group of juries in his department for the purpose of securing the proper examinations of all exhibits and to see that the work laid out for the juries is conducted strictly in accordance with the official rules and regulations.
He shall be admitted to all sessions of these juries for the purpose of directing their attention to matters relating to the judging of exhibits.
6. The work of the group juries shall begin September 1, 1904, and shall be completed not later than twenty days thereafter.
Examinations or other work not completed in the time specified
herein will be transferred to the department jury.
7. Group juries may, on the recommendation of the chiefs of their respective departments, and with the approval of the director of exhibits, have authority to appoint, as associates or experts, one or more persons especially skilled in matters submitted for examination. These experts shall participate only in such special work as they are selected to perform and shall have no vote on the question of the merit of the exhibit under consideration.
8. Each group jury shall carefully examine all exhibits pertaining to the group to which it has been assigned. It shall also consider and pass upon the merits of the collaborators whose work may be conspicuous in the design, development, or construction of the exhibits.
The jury shall prepare separate lists presenting the names of such exhibitors as are out of competition, awards recommended to exhibitors in order of merit, awards recommended to collaborators in order of merit, a report giving an account of the most important objects exhibited, and a general account of the group as a whole.
These papers shall be certified to the chief of the department to which the group belongs, and the chief of the department shall certify the same, with such recommendations as he may deem advisable, to the department jury.