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ОглавлениеAnd now he was here. In a state of complete bafflement regarding his new human condition, he watched internally as reels of information played across his mind. He recapped that…so powerful was the pull of the Earth that life forms who incarnate there, immediately and completely identified with its intense material quality, and renouncing their primary connection with spirit they would choose to rotate back to Earth and the physical, lifetime after lifetime in a continuing cycle.
Now captive, in this new state of physicality he ruminated over the wisdom of his choice. But only for a moment. His choice had been voluntary, born of an insatiable desire to help the Earthlings remember who they truly were. And he knew that he could succeed in this only if he lived the experience of being human in all of its detail.
From Altura, he had absorbed innumerable records of myths and legends about this planet. He welcomed the memories of the Earth legends. Maybe there he could find new leads on these confusing thoughts and sensations that he was experiencing.
And with that he recalled the details of that Earth legend that had outlined how this planet had veered away from the pattern of creation and had become the dense physical form that set it apart from the rest of "the ALL." This was the legend of the Fall of Mankind – a legend lost long ago to the archives of human history.
It all started with the story of Creation that defines everything, everywhere. Before time, before space, before form, there was the void. It was boundless, infinite, having no parameters. A complete unity of everything, all knowing, complete, holding the knowledge of all that ever was and ever would be. It encompassed all of life. Nothing was that was not of the void, and all was perfection there. It was ultimate bliss. But over time there developed within the void, slight movements, ever so subtle ripples of a desire to know itself, not as a whole with no parameters, but in all its intimate detail. This was an urge to experience itself outside of this state of absolute, infinite completeness. This need grew and grew in its intensity, spreading across the void, until it could no longer be contained. To truly know itself, the boundless had then to distribute itself into its multiple units.
And so began the process of creation. In a burst of creative energy and a fusion of sound, light and color, the void splintered at its core to allow for the release of its elements and to create for them the context, the universes in which they would give expression to their desires. This outburst of creative energy gave birth to planets, galaxies and universes, all of them, over eons of time, emanating life species and formations, best suited to the fuller expression of that entity. Each represented that original impetus to experience itself in manifest form, rather than in a perfect blissful state of simply being and complete knowing. Some of the creations were non-physical, and some gave themselves forms that were a combination of light and the semi-physical, according to preference. These were one-dimensional, amorphous beings imbued with light and with the ability to move with ease between form and the formless void. All were absorbed in a fiesta of creation, constantly manifesting situations and images, simply with a thought or word, and according to their varied capacities and interests. But these manifestations had no real solidity and could just as easily be made to dissolve. The void had come alive in a panorama of creation with its units, mammoth and miniscule absorbed in the art of creation for the pleasure of pure experience.
And then a group of Light Beings got the idea that Creation would best be served if the forms created could be made more solid so that the experience of being physical could be, in their perception, more fully real. They became convinced that this solidifying of form would be a gift to the creative process. And so, they began an intense study of how to solidify form. Their intentions were wholesome, but their level of understanding of the repercussions of their choice was incomplete - a sure recipe for disaster. The higher level beings tried valiantly to dissuade them. They pointed out that by solidifying form into three and four dimensions they were introducing a semi-permanence into the being that would change everything. It would require the formation of internal structures and systems. It would mean that these forms could no longer move in and out of the spirit world with ease. It would result in a strong identification with the physical and an inability to easily dissociate and dissolve the forms created. They were warned that this would result in the eventual loss of memory of connection with spirit.
Dissolving a three-dimensional solid form would no longer be the easy ebb and flow experience it now was, but would come to be associated with slow decay, destruction and pain. The eventual, inescapable separation from the physical form would come to be known as death, an event that would strike up the deepest fear in Earthlings and would be considered highly undesirable. The Earth creators were warned that whereas the creation of solid form would give the illusion of being the optimum in the creative process, it would ultimately produce the opposite effect, as non-dissolvable forms would simply populate space and drain energy sources, if they could not readily be released back to the void. They were cautioned that pursuing that path would eventually visit on Earth not only a myriad of ills, pain, decay and death and a disassociation with spirit, but it would also generate competition and division between the units formed, with all of the attendant negatives. They were cautioned that to keep the illusion of separateness alive, egos would arise. And notions of good and evil would derive from this attachment to physicality, individuality and the related egos, as any perceived encroachment against the individual form and its ego would be graded on some scale of desirable or undesirable, harmful or unharmful, some scale of good or evil. In the non-physical realm, where there are no attachments to form or individuality, given that they can be dispensed with at will, there are not these formulations of good and evil attached to the experience created. It is simply an experience. It just is whatever it is.
The Earth creators however could not be moved, so enamored were they with the vision they had generated for this planet and its life forms, which in their perception would be the ultimate achievement in helping the void experience itself. For them, Planet Earth was to be the wonder of the universe – the testing ground for a unique expression of the VOID at the level of matter. And as laid out in the Laws of the Universe, their will had to be respected. Planet Earth was born and was indeed unique.
In the design of this showpiece of the universe, the Earth creators pooled their best talent. The result – a study in magic and wonder - destined to lure all that came within its range, to enter and experience its magnificence. In creating this masterpiece, these gods had been unsparing in their use of variety. Towering mountains and undulating valleys provided a backdrop of arresting contrast. Flora and fauna abounded in myriad varieties, making the planet a garden of delight. In the raw presence of the Earth’s aura, one could sometimes feel an inexplicable brush with spirit – like touching the garment of GOD – but this was not sustained as in other realms.
The gift of variety permeated everything, extending upward to the human species – the crowning point of the planet’s life forms. The solid forms created were endowed with five senses to allow them to fully appreciate the feel, taste and texture of being physical. Earthlings were endowed with personality to allow them to build and differentiate themselves as individuals. They were given, too, a complicated network of emotions and physiology all intended to serve as a barometer for the physical experience. Over time, however, the personality and the five senses became the primary point of reference, and these each served to reinforce the notion that the physical was all there really was and to further erase the memory of connection with spirit. To protect the physical form from tumbling through space, gravity was introduced. Units of time were invented to measure movement in space. Before this, time had not existed in the VOID.
Earth was now stuck in the dense and limited reality of the physical world with mankind placing extreme value on the material and on the individuality of the unit. While the Earth creators had been well-intentioned and had succeeded in creating a place of alluring beauty and magic, they had succeeded too in setting the planet on a downward spiral.
Having lost the active memory of their connection to that spiritual umbilical cord, mankind would now be engaged in a long and arduous journey of remembering its source and regaining its true place in the spiritual creative process. And what a journey that would be. However, to aid the process each entity still maintained in its core the imprint of the void from which it came, an imprint that we have come to call "the soul." This would serve to guide the entity back home, even when it would have no recall of its connection with the Void, having strayed away completely from its source. This soul would also serve as the means through which spirit would receive the physical experience. And so the process of bringing to the VOID a solidified, physical experience of itself proceeded with the form making its way through the experience and the soul recording it, and where possible prompting and pointing the way in the right direction. But with the form having no active awareness of the role of the soul, that would prove to be a task.
Meanwhile, the experience derived from the physical world would be highly intoxicating and would continue to draw souls back into a magnetic cycle of recurrent visits, lifetime after lifetime. Having been made solidly physical, the Earth and all of its forms now faced the supreme challenge of coming into balance by consciously recalling and rebuilding a connection with spirit and with the light form that is its truth.
However, all was not lost. The Earth now presented the VOID with the opportunity of creating a new experience. It had become a place of dualities – physical but yet spirit; a creative force but unaware of its powers; a manifestation of the void but unaware of its relationship to its source. It became clear that the Earth’s destiny and its place in Creation would have to be that of coming to know its true self through the process of harmonizing dualities.
To maintain some order on the planet, the higher level creators worked alongside the Earth creators to establish specific laws that would guide the affairs of the planet. It was recognized that whereas the notion of good and evil did not generally exist in other realms, it was however a very central theme in the physical world. For the human form in particular, with its intense identification with the physical and the ego, this notion of good and evil would become a very real source of chaos. This had to be acknowledged. And not only acknowledged, but certain laws would have to be put in place in order to facilitate balance and harmony on the planet.
This the Earth creators accepted as necessary given the unique quality of the physical state. The law of gravity, the law of karma, the law of cause and effect, the law of non-expression of negativity, the law of attraction, – these are just a few of the many, many laws that were put in place to harmonize the experience of the planet and that of being human and physical. As mankind moved up in understanding and regained the memory of the relationship with spirit, the humans at the head of that process would find, however, that they would come under less laws. To further allow for a bonding and a more positive experience of the human condition and to open up avenues for connection to spirit, it was decided that LOVE would be the glue that would connect the human units to each other. Spiritual growth would therefore be tied to caring for the growth and well-being of oneself and others, and to avoiding actions with evil intent.
In its infinite intelligence, the VOID had transformed a seeming error into a wonderful opportunity for bringing into harmony and balance, polarities that had been taken to the extreme. This would be the planet’s gift to the VOID. Henceforth, the role of the Earth and its Earthlings would be to create the experience of returning Earth and its life forms to source, through the difficult process of remembering and re-learning to blend the qualities of the physical and the spirit. The conditions on the planet were ideal for this journey.
The Earth creators had blessed man with a splendorous planet and a diversity of forms unlike any other of the VOID creations. Male and female variations had been created to complement each other and to allow for the propagation of the human species. Subtle variations in skin tone and form afforded humans greater adaptability to their respective environments, while enhancing the human variety. And to top this all off, every human was given the gift of choice, to select from the wealth of possibilities and variety, the way in which he wanted to experience his world, every step of the way. And the changing seasons provided a backdrop for the experience; while Nature, with its gentle charm and awesome magnitude, kept all in balance.
Diversity, given to mankind to add dimension to the human experience, could now allow for myriad possibilities for growth, through discovery and sharing. Diversity and Choice now had the possibility of becoming the two most wondrous gifts given to humanity. Diversity - simply an illusion that masked our sameness, but which created a powerful magnet -an irresistible desire to unmask the other side. Except there was no other side, as it all was truly of the VOID. The accompanying gift of Choice was simply the ability to select how to unmask the illusion. Coercion, domination, control, empathy, openness, understanding, love are some possible choices, each leading to a widely different experience. According to the legend, only a very few humans have fully uncovered the key to the existence of Diversity and Choice. But the door remains open.
In the absence of an understanding of the real purpose, however, the journey would be a long and arduous one, and it would be many, many millennia before true balance could be restored. Meanwhile, the opportunity for discovering sameness through diversity would be used for the opposite intent. As humans began to make random choices, freedom of movement generated frictions that fragmented into national boundaries, nationalism, colonialism and empire building. The possibility of racial harmony devolved into racism and domination. The gift inherent in the genders deteriorated into gender wars and power plays, and humanity wandered undirected on the planet, or on that piece of the planet to which s/he was restricted by national boundaries.
Diversity would be stretched to its extremes. The polarities seemed insurmountable, and strife and division marked Earth life. For millennia after millennia an abuse of nature – human and environmental – persisted. Attempts at different periods to correct the imbalance have come to be recorded in the story of Noah’s Ark and later in the records of The Fall of Atlantis. But each fresh attempt deteriorated into the same repeated errors. Alienated from their true nature, and without an understanding of the real cause of the recurrent pattern, the new crop of humans continued to propagate the same experiences of egotism and isolation, greed and fear.
But in keeping with the nature of duality through every period, a core of Earthlings managed to pierce through the barrier of the physical and regain the memory, even though somewhat faded of their real source and purpose and connection with spirit. This group projected a counter vibration to the negativity of the planet and persisted in promoting the possibility of growth, harmony and love. This core group survived every fall, emerging to recreate the Earth dynamic on a more even keel. Their one commitment was that of reconnecting each other so as to retake that sense of oneness so essential to returning to source as the One Body that we truly are. They had discovered the nature of love – that quality that allows a person to see through the illusion and uncover the motive that drives us all – the journey back to oneness with source.
From time to time, a being from the most advanced realms of expression of the VOID would travel back to Earth and make an attempt to leave an imprint of what an option for our higher development could be like. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddah, Krishna, Zoroaster, Bahaullah are just a few examples. While their unified messages have served to propel millions of souls forward, the dual nature of our existence however has also served to distort their words and create divisions among mankind. And so the legend has it that the Earth continued to move constantly between different degrees of balance and disharmony as humans with different levels of knowing continued to interact.