Читать книгу The Greatest Works of Roman Classical Literature - Луций Анней Сенека - Страница 430



Table of Contents

As soon, however, as my mind was delivered from the many crosses and dangers attending this pursuit, and I had determined to retire during the remainder of my life from the administration, it was not my intention to waste such valuable time in sloth and indolence, nor to pass my days in agriculture, hunting, or the like servile occupations; but, resuming my former design, from which the cursed spirit of ambition had diverted me, I resolved to employ myself in writing such parts of the Roman history as appeared to me to be most deserving of being transmitted to posterity; and this I chose the rather, because my mind was neither influenced by hope or fear, nor attached to any party in the state: accordingly, I shall here, with the utmost veracity, give a short account of Catiline’s Conspiracy; a memorable attempt, both for the enormous wickedness of it, and the danger it threatened. But before I enter directly on the story I shall give a short character of the man.

The Greatest Works of Roman Classical Literature

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