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America was always considered by most people in other parts of the world to be a great country. It is a country which is respected by many nations and believed to be a beacon of hope for those countries that has less of the material things of the world and military power to adequately support and defend themselves. America is usually one of the first to come to the assistance of its allies in times of disasters, wars, and whenever help is needed. Like other countries, it also has its faults and failures. Slavery and racism are some of the highlights of the American history. Racism existed from the colonial days when the whites were given special privileges while black people and other minority groups were used as slaves and discriminated against.

In the 1950s, things got even worst. The discrimination, segregation, and cruelty to black people took its toll. Many were beaten or killed, houses were burned, and they could not even travel on a bus with whites. The American whites believed that they were superior to blacks because of the difference in skin color. The Civil Rights Movement brought some slight change to the situation, but the racism still existed to this day.

Coming to America was the beginning of a new story in my life. It opened my eyes, and only then did I realized that America is like living in a fool’s paradise. I believe that I was coming to a country where people were all treated alike and had equal opportunities. This is what you hear when you are outside of the country, but I realized that this was not the reality. Few black people got the opportunity to make it to the top, and even then, they did not get the same treatment as the whites. Poor people in this country is not given much chance to better themselves. They are overworked and underpaid. I realized that poor people were not even protected by Federal laws. Vacation, sick, and holiday time off are at the discretion of the state and the employers.

For the first time, I had an eye opening, and I realized that America was not what I thought it was. It is a democratic country, but the voice of the minority (the rich) is drowning out the voice of the majority (the poor) and racism still exist.

We all have a story, but I now have two stories—one in a real world and another in a world that is divided by race, color, greed, and racism. Sometimes I wish I had not experienced this type of lifestyle. I loved the laid-back lifestyle I left behind. I loved not being seen because of the color of my skin but for whom I am and for the content of my character. Writing this book is another part of the story in my life. A new story which I hope I will never have to live again.

A Fool's Paradise

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