Читать книгу Tamed By Her Army Doc's Touch - Lucy Ryder - Страница 4

Dear Reader


It’s often said that our families are responsible for the people we become. If that’s the case then I must be pretty awesome—because my family is the greatest. We may not always agree, but we never forget that blood far outweighs petty squabbles, and we’re there for each other. Always.

My hero, Luke, isn’t so lucky. He’s grown up with emotionally unavailable parents concerned only with their shallow lives rather than being there for their three sons. And, having spent a decade in the military, he’s more at ease with actions than emotions. Emotions are messy and they can’t be trusted. Give him a crisis any day. He’s barely survived his parents’ marriages and is determined never to inflict that brand of marital hell on anyone—especially vulnerable kids. In fact he’s against marriage and children altogether.

But he does inspire trust in others. He’s intelligent, a highly skilled soldier and medic, and he willingly puts himself on the line for others. If that’s not hero-worthy I don’t know what is.

Lilah has a few ‘daddy issues’ of her own, having experienced paternal rejection at a vulnerable age. She’s bound and determined not to make the same mistakes as her mother. Fiercely independent, she would rather suppress her natural inclinations and go it alone than depend on someone who’s not going to be there for the long haul.

Luckily for her, Luke is nothing like her father—or his. He’s his own man, capable of making his own mistakes, and it takes history repeating itself—for Lilah, at least—to teach him that love begins with trust. And that, to my mind, is the true gift of family.

Happy reading


Tamed By Her Army Doc's Touch

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