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5. School uniforms at Alderney School

5 School uniforms at Alderney School
All the pupils of the school have to wear uniforms. The girls wear blue skirts, white blouses and grey cardigans. Their socks are brown. The boys have to wear black trousers, a dark blue jumper and a grey shirt. They have red blazers. All the children wear black shoes and green and yellow ties.
The pupils can’t go to school in jeans. Not everybody in England likes school uniforms. Some people think they are out of date. But others believe it is a good English tradition.
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5a Write in English what they are wearing.(Schreibe auf Englisch, was sie anhaben!)
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5b Words (Wörter)
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5c Here are some words with capital letters. Which letters are missing.(Hier sind einige Wörter mit großen Anfangsbuchstaben. Welche Buchstaben fehlen?)
There are some old English traditions.They have some old traditions in E________________. (1)Everybody likes __panish oranges. (2)Everybody likes oranges from __pain. (3)Are you a __erman pupil? (4)Are you a pupil from ____________? (5)
Lots of people like the __ustrian mountains. (6)Lots of people like the mountains of __ustria. (7)Elegant people wear __talian shoes. (8)Elegant people wear shoes from __taly. (9)Mr Harris wears __rench clothes. (10)Mr Harris gets his clothes from __rance. (11)
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5d Put into the plural or singular form. (Setze in die Mehr- oder Einzahl!)
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5e Don’t mix up these words. Which word belongs to which sentence?(Verwechsle diese Wörter nicht! Welches Wort gehört zu welchem Satz?)
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5f Test: Complete the text. (Vervollständige den Text!)
Die deutsche Übersetzung findest du hier.
School uniforms at Alderney SchoolAll the _____________ of the school have to ___________ uniforms. The girls ___________ blue ___________, white ___________ and grey __________________. Their ___________ are brown.
The boys have to ___________ black _____________, a dark blue ___________ and a grey ___________. They have red ___________. All the ______________ ___________ black ___________ and green and yellow ___________. The ___________ can’t go to school in ___________.
Not everybody in ___________ likes school uniforms. Some ___________ think they are out of date. But others believe it is a good ___________ tradition.Die Lösung zu dieser Aufgabe findest du hier.
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Diktate und Übersetzungen Englisch 5. Klasse

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