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Late September

Louise was lying on her bed looking up at me, as pleased as punch with herself. I, on the other hand, was straddled over her having just deflowered her.

‘My boyfriend’s going to thank you for this, Luke. Not that I’m ever going to tell him, of course,’ Louise grinned.

‘No, you wouldn’t want to do that.’ I shook my head and dismounted so I was now lying beside her. ‘I don’t mind helping a couple out. But I’ll have you know it’s not my brief to cause any break-ups.’ I winked.

Louise was proof that it had been worthwhile sending my details to the agencies. I’d quickly had to get used to them not quite understanding where I was coming from or who I was offering my services to. It seemed to me that the managers were as unconvinced as my mates that there was a female market out there. They hadn’t found one to date, they told me, yet they were at least still open to giving me a space to see if there might be. Just in case. If they already carried a male escort section on their site, it invariably gave off a strong gay aura. The offer of sex was explicit, the photos left little to the imagination. My picture, on the other hand, looked as if it had been taken by some respectable high-street photographer. I was fully dressed for one thing, and standing looking friendly at the camera.

Louise explained how she’d trawled the escort sites looking for help. She’d seen my picture on the Dream Lovers website and liked what she saw of me.

‘Some of those other men scare me a bit,’ she’d told me when she’d called.

I knew exactly what she meant. They scared me too.

‘Well, Louise, you’re talking to the right person. I can assure you that I’m not in the business of terrifying anyone.’

There’d been a marked silence at the end of the line. When she’d next spoken her voice was quieter.

‘It’s just that I’ve never done it before,’ she’d stammered. ‘I don’t mean calling an escort. Sex, like. Never.’

‘I’ve got a boyfriend!’ Louise blurted out, like it was damn important that she made that clear.

It was just after I’d arrived and she was sitting scrunched up in the corner of her sofa, her arms wrapped round her legs and her chin on her knees. And as I sat next to her I wondered how the hell I was going to get her to move to her bed and get on with things without scaring her off.

I reached out my hand to grab hold of hers, which hung limply beside her calf. She gripped tightly and turned to look at me from behind her fringe with huge blue eyes.

‘Pete and I have been going out for eight months and we’ve kissed and everything but we’ve never slept together,’ she explained, sensing I needed to hear the story. ‘I can’t keep telling him that I don’t feel ready. But the trouble is that I’m embarrassed to let him know I’ve never had sex. At all.

Louise’s hold had lightened as she spoke as if it was somehow a relief to tell someone this stuff. And I could see why. I nodded back at her in an attempt to reassure her.

‘And the longer you leave it, the harder it becomes to let him know?’

She nuzzled her kneecaps in silence, and then she addressed them.

‘It’s my friends too. They all did it ages ago, and I’m twenty-two and by now…’

Louise’s words petered out but I knew exactly where she was coming from. Because everyone was ‘at it’ these days, weren’t they? In the papers and celeb mags and on telly. So, if you still hadn’t got over that hurdle you had to ask yourself what was keeping you. Let alone find the words to begin to try and explain it to someone you cared about.

God, I’d been a late starter myself as far as my group of mates were concerned. When I was seventeen, I’d lost my virginity at a high-school party to an older girl I’d hardly known, just to get it out of the way. Back then I’d been as shy about it as Louise was now. But the older girl had been good for me, the experience a positive one. And I’d sure made up for lost time since.

‘But you’ve done something about it. That’s why you called me, isn’t it?’ I smiled across at her. ‘You’ve got nothing to worry about, Louise,’ I half-whispered. ‘I’m going to take care of you.’

That seemed to do the trick and unlock any fear Louise might have had. She unfurled her long legs out beyond the sofa’s edge and sat up. She took my hand and reached towards me and kissed me with a boldness I wasn’t expecting. She was signalling that she was only a complete novice when it came to the sex itself. Or at least that was the impression she was trying to give.

It was to be my job then to be the practice run, the stabilisers on the bicycle. Or that was at least how I’d decided to see myself. And if there were other reluctant virgins after Louise, then I’d treat those girls just as well—and trust that their guys would enjoy the change in them too.

God, I should charge the boyfriends commission!

I stood up and Louise followed my cue. Hers was a studio flat and she’d used the back of her sofa to create the boundary between her bed space and her ‘living room’. I took her hand and led her round the furniture and sat her down at the end of her bed.

‘I’m going to undo your blouse. I’m going to take it real slow,’ I reassured her. My fingers reached for her top button and I sensed Louise’s whole body stiffen beside me. I mentally pursed my lips and wondered what other way might help ease her into the action.

‘I tell you what, Louise, I’ll take your hand in mine and you lead me through it,’ I suggested.

It was a gamble—spelling every action out loud might deaden our time together, but at the same time it was important to let on where I might be heading with things. I didn’t want to shock her into going no further. Hopefully we’d get to a point where the lovemaking gained its own momentum without the need for words.

It became almost a game, Louise undressing herself beneath my hand. And as she reached some level of confidence, she began to undo the buttons of my own shirt. While she was engrossed in that, I removed my hand from hers and got rid of my jeans. Her hands and eyes were now exploring my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down onto the bed with me. I held her to me and softly stroked her belly.

‘If at any time you think I’m taking things too fast or want me to stop, you just let me know, okay?’

I bent my head towards her and kissed her full on the lips and her mouth opened for me. I felt her whole body relax.

I pulled away. For a split second a flush of disappointment swept across her face.

‘You were all right with that? You’re doing fine, Louise. I’ve just got to get myself ready.’

She lay there patiently while I removed my boxers and sorted out the protection. Being responsible for both my own and my client’s sake was all part of the job. I stocked up on the condoms at my monthly check-ups at the sex workers’ clinic. And I’d made damn sure I stuck to those ever since Day One with Jenny. If Louise was telling the truth about her inexperience—and I had no reason to believe she wasn’t—then I wasn’t expecting to catch anything. But I had no way of knowing if she was on the pill.

I was all geared up. And then Louise’s hand pushed flat up against my chest like a Stop! sign. She looked deeply worried.

‘Just a little while longer,’ she murmured.

‘No worries.’

Louise bit her lip. I knew time was ticking away. She would be paying me and the agency £250 for the two-hour session and I was determined to make every minute count for her. It wouldn’t be just about the sex but the level of tenderness too. ‘You never forget your first time’ went the saying, and I was damned sure that she wouldn’t do—and for all the right reasons. This time together was meant to be special.

I nibbled Louise’s earlobe, then flickered my tongue in the dip where her jaw met her neck and traced a line of kisses from there down to her cleavage. She stretched back in pleasure. As I nestled between her breasts, I swept one hand over her midriff ’s smooth skin to the far side of her lithe frame so I had her waist between my fingertips. Her body arched up to meet me.

As I entered her, she let out a rasp of air between her teeth, then sank back with a pained relief. It was a tense moment for me too, hoping that the sexual experience I was giving her overrode any of the inevitable soreness she’d feel. That it’d be more than just her ticking off a To Do list. That was where the holding and the tenderness came in. So she could look back and see that in spite of any hurt I might have caused her when I took her virginity, there had been pleasure in the mix too.

Louise closed her eyes, then opened them again and looked up at me looking down at her. There was a brightness in her gaze.

My mind flipped to Pete on the sidelines somewhere. If only he knew what his other half was up to. An image of bike stabilisers flickered through my mind, and I mentally gave Pete a tilt of the head.

Technically, mate, I suppose this doesn’t really count.

My hands were full of Louise’s tits. I bent towards her upturned face and kissed her lips again.

‘You feeling better now?’

Louise’s face beamed. ‘Very much so, thanks.’

‘No need to thank me. I enjoyed myself. You’ve got nothing to worry about when you next see Pete. You’re fine.’

Although Pete wasn’t in the room with us, it was important to acknowledge that this was all for his benefit.

Louise wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled my lips to hers, and I sank my tongue into her mouth. We corkscrewed around each other on the bed.

Pete’s going to have a rare old time of it.

When we came up for air again, she was splayed across the mattress, her eyes pierced with raw longing for me. Time, however, was running low.

Oh, all right then, one more for the road. A first-timer freebie to get her hooked.

I allowed myself a couple of minutes’ grace to re-sheath myself, and then gripped the sides of Louise’s smooth torso and drove into her one last time.

‘You’ll let yourself out, Luke?’ she murmured afterwards, pointing at the wad of cash poking out beneath a jewellery box by her dressing-table mirror. ‘I want to stay right here.’

She lay there bathed in a glow of pleasured contentment. I picked up the money and went to the bathroom to get dressed. On my way out of the flat, I poked my head round the bedroom door.

‘Goodbye,’ she purred, tilting her head at me as she said it. The rest of her body nestled into the bed. I noted she hadn’t shifted at all since I’d left her.

Undercover: The Adventures of a Real Life Gigolo

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