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ОглавлениеVibrations and Intentions to Manifest Wellness
You can work with a myriad of available gemstones and minerals. No list of gemstones (including the one later in this book) is ever truly complete, because you yourself have significant agency over how you choose to use them. Though we may recommend indigo stones like Lapis Lazuli or Iolite to enhance your intuition, you might find you are more drawn to red or yellow stones like Citrine or Ruby for this work instead. In fact, you may find that color has no significance at all, or that one stone in particular, such as Quartz Crystal, resonates so richly with you that it is the only one in your collection. When it comes to crystal intentions, what matters most is your attunement to your own sense of being. Listen to your stones. Pay attention to how they speak to you. Develop your own unique rapport with your stones.
Even with a list of stones and their correspondences for manifestation, new varieties of stone are still being catalogued, such as the ocean-dappled Larimar, which was rediscovered just a few decades ago in the Dominican Republic. And labels for stones change over time, too, so the Quartz Crystal of one generation is the Ice Crystal of another. These new discoveries and labels make it impossible to establish any kind of definitive guide to stones. In fact, we would emphasize the word guide here and remind you that guides do not dictate so much as suggest. It may seem helpful to have an idea of what others think of a stone’s so-called purpose, but you will find stones resonate with you uniquely. You have your own energetic vibration and a unique body chemistry. In this book, we may offer our experiences with the frequency of each stone as we know it, but it is always important to remember that stones will resonate uniquely with you and what works for one of us may not work for you.
One person may find Amethyst calming or supportive as it helps him to fall asleep when placed under his pillow at night. Another person may feel “buzzy,” restless, and destabilized when she holds a piece of Amethyst before bed. Until you hold a stone in your hand, you cannot clearly sense how it makes you feel or if it is the right choice for you at the moment. Ground, center, and attune to your stone to hear or sense if it is the right one for you right now.
You can carry a grounding stone like Jasper in your pocket or as jewelry, or you can incorporate it into a meditation to support your vibrational energy and stabilization. In this case, the Jasper becomes the tool you will use to create the foundation on which you build your sense of comfort and support. If you are looking to manifest a desire such as the completion of a creative project, you might be inspired to pair Jasper with something you feel resonates with your desire or goal, such as the creative stone Yellow Fluorite. If you are trying to build love or romance on the grounding foundation of Jasper, then you might choose Rose Quartz or Rhodochrosite to attract and support that love. And if you are developing your spiritual senses and intuition, you might select an Anhydrite or Amethyst to build a spire off the ground of the Jasper straight into the metaphorical clouds.
Intuitive Crystal Drawing Exercise
The following exercise is a beautiful way to exercise your ability to sense energy and attune to your intuition. This is the Intuitive Crystal Drawing Exercise. Begin by laying out your collection of gemstones and minerals before you, either on a large tabletop or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable to you. Sit for a moment and set an intention for yourself that you will choose the stone which will best support your highest good for the day. If you’ve never set an intention before, there are a number of ways you can do this. One way is to simply take a moment to make a statement in positive language that articulates your goal or desire. Another way to do it is to follow the SMART acronym, which first appeared in the early 1980s in a management magazine. A SMART goal is a goal which is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Creating an intention for your stone involves creating a statement which is all of these things. For example, I might intend to attract love, and so my intention might be a statement I either write or say to myself like so: “I infuse this stone with my desire to attract love, which I will know by feeling light and connected to another person or people before the end of today.”
This method of setting an intention, however, may not resonate with everyone. You can also simply remember a time you felt the way you are hoping to feel, such as a time in the past when you felt joyful and loved. You can also imagine what it might feel like to experience that emotion. Get as detailed as you can, pulling in the physical sensations and emotional vibrations you imagine go along with that experience—maybe you imagine you’d taste cookies and smell roses, for instance, or your skin might tingle; whatever it is, really feel it. If these methods still do not resonate with you, you can also simply clear your mind and ask the stone to help you release that which doesn’t serve you and attract that which does.
Setting an intention is the first step to working with crystals to manifest and align with our energetic selves. If you plan to carry the stone with you or meditate with it, this might be the intention you speak to the gemstones you laid out before you. Your body has an innate intelligence and will communicate what is desired in a variety of possible ways. With your left arm, slowly wave or drag your hand over the tops of each stone, not touching them. Hover a couple of inches over the tops of them and sense where your hand desires to go, as if it is moving on its own and not being guided by your brain. It will perhaps feel quite subtle, like a dull magnet, or you may sense strong tingles in your palm or warmth moving up your arm. There are no rules for how your senses communicate, and the more you work with these subtle communications, the more easily you will pick them up. Once you have selected your stone, sit with it for a few minutes, and then set your intention to connect with it. Treat this connection as though you are entering into a new relationship—a friendship, for example—and draw up the feelings of support and love as you hold it. You are now ready to carry this stone or place it in a spot where you will see it regularly, such as on your desk.
While it is not a bad idea to simply have gemstones and minerals in your home or carried with you, choosing these stones based only on what you’ve read or how you’ve been advised without pairing that information with your own personal intention can actually work against your goals. Setting your intention allows you to dedicate your stone to assist you in some way.
Clear Quartz is an ideal stone to use for virtually any task because it is known as a Master Healer. It is an energy amplifier and is highly programmable, but you must dedicate your Quartz Crystal to a purpose to ensure it is amplifying the energy you want it to amplify. Wearing one in jewelry or carrying it in your pocket without setting an intention would essentially be leaving the stone to “do what it does” without guidance. If you had a stressful day, the undedicated Quartz Crystal will amplify stress. If you instead dedicate the Quartz to assist you with transmuting stressful energy, then the stone will raise your positive energetic vibration. Quartz Crystal is a unique stone because it can be asked to assist in any possible way. It can be asked to serve as a grounding stone, to increase intuition, to attract love or wealth, and to assist with communication. It is a great tool for focusing your energy and directing it toward your goals.
Intention is a powerful and often unrealized component of our overall well-being. Our words and thoughts are powerful. In hermetic philosophy, for example, the Seven Principles of the Universe include one critical concept reflected in many philosophical perspectives: All Is Mind. This idea is echoed in the Solipsist philosophy that only your specific mind is certain to exist. In other words, your mind is the most powerful creator in your existence and every experience you have, be it small like buying a cup of coffee or large like bearing a child, is created in the core of your specific being. It is created in your own mind by the way you choose to interpret the experience. All Is Mind; all is perspective.
At the risk of oversimplifying, if you believe something to be unhealthy, then it will manifest in your life in an unhealthy way. The opposite is also true. You tend to draw things to you that you expect to attract. The Universe will prove you right every time, because that’s where your mind is focused—it will see what it expects to see. Setting an intention allows you to be open to surprises.
There is much research done on the placebo effect that suggests what we believe has a grand effect on what we physically experience. The placebo effect occurs when a person experiences positive outcomes from something which is only believed by them to help (and might not have any evidence-based helpful effect). In other words, if you take a sugar pill and believe it is curing your illness, it is possible that it will relieve your symptoms. Placebo effect, solipsism, and hermetic principles all describe how our minds process situations, adjust our needs, and create the skills that allow us to achieve. By believing your stone provides you with healing and wellness, you are also attuning your mind to work for you and your greatest good.
The All Is Mind principle can work against us as well. For example, limiting thoughts or ideas are real if you are attached to them. If you believe that success comes only from constant challenge, then your personal path to success will certainly be littered with bumps and discomfort. Likewise, if you believe relationships are out of reach or that your financial maturity can only be achieved by working ninety hours a week, then you may never reach that experience of love or financial security (or you risk not recognizing it when you do).
Often, these perceived limitations are imposed on us at a young age when we witness family members, teachers, or mentors who act from this vibration and project their beliefs onto us. The human vibration is always in a state of flux, and your energetic body is sensitive to the will of other people. Without disciplined practice, your energy can be influenced by others against your greatest good. The same goes for your thought patterns. If you grew up in a household which held a vibration of scarcity, for example, you might have come to believe that there was never enough or that everyone always has to have debt. This belief can be difficult to break, but it is essential to overcome the beliefs imposed on us by our environment. Few willingly choose to live in resource insecurity or an intentional state of limitation, and these beliefs can be challenged by crystal intention practices.
The Crystal Shield Exercise
Here is a great exercise to use your stones and crystals to discipline your energy: The Crystal Shield. To begin, complete the Intuitive Crystal Drawing Exercise and select a stone which represents you personally. Infuse that stone with the idea of your Self at its strongest and most resilient. Now, take your self-stone and six Quartz Crystal points. Place the self-stone on the floor or table in front of you and surround it with a circle of the six Quartz points facing outward or upward, as if they are arrows pointing outward from the center, self-stone. As you place each point, softly infuse the crystals with a mental image of protection. Tell each crystal that its job is to fend off any external energy that might cause harm to you, the stone in the center. Be sure to also tell the Quartz points that they can allow helpful energies to pass, but only if they serve your highest good and cause no harm.
Once you have placed your grid of crystals, take ten deep breaths. Really see yourself as that strong, safe, resilient, protected stone in the center. You may choose to leave this grid up for a day or a week to gather more energy. You may even choose to supplement that energy with sunlight, candlelight, moonlight, or daily prayer or intention-setting—whatever resonates with you. When you feel the work has reached its maximum potential, dismantle the grid and carry the stone that represents you in your pocket. Imagine the stone is now your personal shield, protecting you from thoughts, patterns, and energies that might disrupt your path.
There are thoughts we tend to repeat in one way or another which often solidify and hold us in a space which does not serve us. These thoughts are unique to each of us, but common patterns include: Life is hard. Nothing lasts forever. No one understands me. I have no support. I never have enough time. I am always sick. I am cursed or unlucky. No one loves me. Everything is too expensive, and I’ll never have enough money. Everything is difficult and out of reach. I cannot have what I desire, so I need to lower my expectations. While you may experience these beliefs as inalienable truths, they are very likely not real. Sometimes our feelings lie to us, and how you feel is an indicator of the state of your vibration. As you say to yourself, “I can never catch a break,” you may feel defeated and let down, which may create an anchor to this feeling. Remember, All Is Mind, so what you say to yourself is what you experience in life. When anchors of this type have been created within you, soon, situations are likely to trigger the deepest feeling of defeat even if your situation might actually be good for you.
It serves you well to be in control of what you say and think, and working with stones and using techniques like the Crystal Judge or the Crystal Shield can help you achieve better self-control over your experiences. Refuse to let a situation mess with your energy or throw you out of alignment. Choose to be in the moment, enjoy the scenery, watch the sunset, feel the wind dance through your fingertips, hear the music playing, and smell the grass or wildflowers you pass. Fundamentally, this mindfulness activity can jolt you out of your default vibration and shift you into the present moment. This change in perspective will release the emotion and allow you to replace it with gratitude. When you are grateful, you are attuned to an ideal vibration for manifesting wellness.
Manifesting wellness is a combination of Vibration, Intention, Focus and Discipline. Your inner thoughts and outer language must support the goals you would like to see fulfilled. To manifest wellness, speak the goal in positive language and think about the goal in terms of achievement. Imagine yourself as the person you wish to be. Your thoughts and communication are essentially data being processed by the Universe, the flow of energy, and your Subconscious Mind. Thoughts are energy that can form into action, and action leads to outcome.
You may, for example, have a statement that you repeat to yourself with a kind of self-deprecating humor. These statements, however benign you think they are, have an effect on your well-being. Lune knows a beloved soul who used to make a joke when she would forget something. “Blame it on the brain tumor,” she would say. At the time, she had no reason to believe she had an actual brain tumor, but years later, she did in fact develop one and is now a survivor who takes her words and inner dialogue much more seriously. Repeating the statement “Blame it on the brain tumor,” even in jest, seemed to her to have manifested in reality from her Subconscious Mind.
How often do you this? How often do you jokingly call yourself stupid, awkward, or miserable? The Subconscious Mind has no sense of humor. It takes the data you provide it and puts things into motion behind the scenes, but it is also susceptible to bias. It cannot interpret experience on its own, but it will move in whatever direction you let it. The Subconscious Mind is like a machine which can do all the heavy lifting, never gets tired, and is constantly working. The Conscious Mind, by contrast, is driving the heavy machinery.
In happiness philosophy, this is described as the Rider and the Elephant, a concept coined by Jonathan Haidt. The rider is the Conscious Mind, and it can control the direction of the Elephant (or Subconscious Mind) by engaging in an act of willpower. The Subconscious Mind is the lumbering giant that moves based on where it is directed. If you stop directing because you are overcome by emotion or projection, then the Elephant will move in whatever direction it is pushed by the energetic influences that surround you. Setting clear and focused intentions and reminding yourself about them repeatedly, such as with a crystal that you touch daily, is vital to ensuring your Rider is steering the Elephant10.
Tending to your intentions through crystals not unlike tending to a garden. If you maintain it, it will bear fruit. If you neglect it, it will be choked out by weeds and bear nothing fruitful. Consider, for example, the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who performed various tests on the influence of thought and projection on water molecules. When his test subjects projected feelings and thoughts of hatred and pain onto water, the molecules of that water took on shapes which appeared disorganized and unbalanced. Conversely, when subject projected thoughts and statements of encouragement and love, the molecules appeared uniform and balanced, like a snowflake or mandala.11 Similar testing has been performed on plants, and the effects are as you would likely expect: plants which received hurtful messages shriveled and died, while plants receiving positive messages thrived. Since we are living beings like plants and comprised of water molecules, just imagine the impact your thoughts have on your body life experience. Imagine the impact that a crystal can have on your experience if you have filled it with encouraging thoughts and intentions and repeated those intentions daily.
Just as water responds to our intentions, so do gemstones, minerals, and crystals. Stones hold the vibration of your intention. Consider the act of praying over food, which has been practiced by many cultures since ancient times. Such prayer incorporates a sacred blessing and a reminder of abundance. This blessing connects a person to the experience of that food and the source of it, which is part of the interconnected web of life. Praying over crystals can have a similar effect.
Setting prayer and intention on natural objects which are connected to the bountiful Earth does not involve new practices and concepts. If you had a highly religious upbringing, you might harbor some resentment or resistance to the notion of prayer. Or, if you are an atheist, you may find that setting an intention for the highest good might conflict with some inner belief that there is no Divine Force in the Universe. At the same time, even the atheist solipsist who believes the only entity in the Universe is the singular mind she possesses must manifest her outcomes through thought and action. Working with the Subconscious Mind applies to everyone. Setting an intention may be like prayer, or it may simply be an act of cause and effect. Find what resonates with you and go from there.