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Beth followed Nicky into the second bedroom. It was as big as the first one, the colors all dark browns and greens and pale blues. Colors that suited both of them with their not-so-white skin, dark amber eyes, and darker hair.

Nicky sat on the edge of the bed. The towel still covered his nakedness, but he was obviously aroused and there was no way the terry cloth could hide anything that noticeable.

Beth stood in front of him, not quite between his knees but still close enough to touch him if she wanted. She couldn’t believe what she’d offered to do for him. Her hands shook so badly she was afraid even to try picking up one of the little silver barbells. No way in hell would she be able to touch him there and actually stick something into a hole in his skin. The whole idea grossed her out….

Turned her on.

Made her wet.

“Are you sure you want to…?”

“Are you sure you want me to…?”

They both laughed. Nicky hung his head. “I couldn’t say anything out there but there’s something weird going on with me.”

“You mean besides turning into a wolf?” She cocked one hip and tried to play it cool, but her whole body trembled.

Nicky shook his head. “Yeah, besides that. I feel like I could crawl out of my skin, like if I don’t shoot my load right now I’ll explode. Beth, I have never felt so horny in my life. Never, but ever since I…” He raised his head and stared directly into her eyes. No way could Beth turn away from the need she saw on his face.

He raised one hand, as if to touch her face, then let it fall to his lap. “Fuck. I’ll live if I don’t get off, but I did it, Beth. I’ve been dreaming about running on four legs for so long now that when it happened it felt right. It was right. It was me, who I am. Who I should be.”

“Did it hurt? I mean, your bones changed and everything, and…”

Nicky shook his head. “No. Not at all. It was fucking fantastic!”

“You killed that kid, Nicky. You ripped his throat out, but no one’s saying anything about that part of you changing at all. Those people act like it didn’t happen. AJ just brushed it off when Logan called him on it.”

“I saw that punk grab her breast and everything went dark.” He turned away and gazed out the window. “I sort of understand their feelings, though. It’s like…” He took a deep breath. “That guy threatened a member of their pack and I protected her. They understand that. It’s why they got us out of there so fast, so I wouldn’t get busted. It’s hard to explain, but I see things differently since I shifted. I feel differently about stuff.”

He took Beth’s hand in his. His fingers were warm and strong. Protective. She felt safe with Nicky. Felt as if she understood him better than the others.

“You do, Beth.”


“That’s another thing that’s really weird. I can see what you’re thinking. You just thought about how you understand me better. You do.”

A cold chill ran down her spine. What other things had she been thinking over the past few minutes? Beth put her hands on her hips and struck what even she considered a defensive pose. “Do you really want me to put those studs back in, Nicky?”

He shook his head and grinned for the first time since he’d changed. “No. They’ll just come out again next time I shift.”

“I want to watch when you do it. Do you really think I’ll be able to shift, too? Tala said we’re all able to turn into wolves if we just eat more of that grass. I really want to…”

Nicky put his fingers over her lips and smiled. “What I really want you to do is get naked with me.” He raised his head and cocked one eyebrow.

Beth burst out laughing. It took her a minute, but she got herself under control and really looked at Nicky. Nicholas Robert Barden. She liked the sound of his name almost as much as the way he looked. Tall and slim with his dark hair and smooth, dark skin, he could be anything from Native American to Middle Eastern. He looked different now, without the studs in his eyebrows and the tattoos that had covered his arms and chest.

Quiet and introspective, he was usually reading a book when he wasn’t working. He’d been the first of them to find the garden in the park. The first to chew the thick stems of that weird Tibetan grass.

The first of them to become a wolf.

He’d also been the first and only male she’d ever considered choosing to have sex with. It wasn’t like she was a virgin or anything. Her stepfather had seen to that, and life on the streets wasn’t always the safest place for a young woman, but she’d never willingly had sex before.

Well, that was about to change. She was twenty-one years old and it was time. Slowly she began unbuttoning her shirt. Nicky’s eyes went wide and he pulled the towel tighter around his waist.

“I was…I didn’t…Beth, I was teasing.”

She shook her head as she slipped her blouse over her arms and felt her long hair brush her naked shoulders. “I’m not. I’ve wanted to get naked with you for weeks now, but you never paid me any attention. Whether it’s the grasses or the changes in my body…or just you, I don’t know, but I’ve never felt so needy in my life. I’m not going to pass up this chance.”

Nicky dipped his chin almost to his chest. “You weren’t watching very closely if you think I haven’t been paying attention.”

Beth paused with both hands on the snap of her jeans. She raised her head and he raised his, and once again she found herself falling into Nicky’s amber-eyed gaze. “You were?”

He nodded. “I was. Most definitely.”


“I don’t have any rubbers.”

“That I bet I can fix.” Leaving her jeans on but unsnapped, Beth leaned over and opened the drawer on the bedside table. It was filled with packages of prophylactics in all sizes and styles. “Tala said we should find everything we needed.”

Nicky reached for one of the condoms, but Beth grabbed his wrist. “No. This is my job.”

She heard him swallow, saw the tent in the front of the towel twitch as his cock surged in expectation, and her own nervousness fled. Slipping out of her jeans, Beth walked slowly across the room in her bra and panties and turned the lock on the bedroom door. When she turned around, Nicky was pulling back the bedcovers.

Beth shook her head. “I slept in the shelter last night, but I didn’t get to use the showers. You might have been a wolf, but you still killed a guy with your teeth. We’re taking a shower before we do anything else.”

He laughed and held out his hand. When she tugged him to his feet, he let the towel fall away from his hips. She stood dead still and just stared at him. Damn but she wanted to touch him. Wanted to run her fingers along the swollen length of his cock and rub the tip of her thumb over the smooth glans where a tiny drop of white fluid clung to the narrow slit. He’d feel like silk beneath her fingers. Silk and steel.

She held herself back, though. If she started anything at all with Nicky, she’d have to finish.

She really wanted that shower.

Tugging on his hand, she dragged him into the bathroom. It was bright and clean and the shower was huge, with two showerheads and seats built in at both ends. Nicky turned the water on while Beth slipped out of her bra and panties. She wasn’t at all nervous, which was absolutely weird. She should be scared to death, getting into a shower with a guy who was as aroused as Nicky. As aroused as she felt.

She stepped beneath the warm spray, and it was pure heaven the way the water pounded over her head and shoulders. She hadn’t had a good shower in a nice bathroom since she’d run away from home, and that had been at least four—no, five—years ago.

As if she could forget the night she’d lost her virginity. She shuddered as memories flowed unbidden into her mind, how just three days after her mother’s death from breast cancer, the night before the funeral, her stepfather had shown up in her bedroom and demanded that she service him.

The word still made her stomach lurch. No matter how hard she’d tried to fight him off, he’d been stronger, and he’d taken her. Violently. Brutally, without any concern for her age or inexperience. Without a care for her grief over her mother’s death. Beth always felt as if her soul died that night. Now she existed merely as a wraith among the living, a soulless being without an anchor, without form or substance.

“Beth? Are you okay?”

Blinking, Beth dragged herself out of the old and oft-repeated nightmare. She nodded. “I’m fine. Just got hit with an old memory. You didn’t see what I was thinking, did you?”

“No. Too busy looking at your gorgeous body.” Nicky smiled and rubbed soap into a thick washcloth. “Why? Old boyfriend?”

She shook her head violently. “No. No, nothing like that. I was thinking of my mother. Of when she died.” But she wasn’t, not really, and she tried to shove the image of her stepfather’s leering gaze as he’d ripped her cotton nightgown off her body and pushed her down on the bed. The pressure of his callused hand between her breasts, holding her prisoner while she fought him. The scrape of steel teeth after he fumbled with his zipper with his free hand and finally ripped it open.

And the pain. The searing, ripping pain of his huge penis forcing entry through tight, dry, virginal tissues until she’d screamed and thrashed and tried to…

“Beth!” Nicky’s palms held her cheeks and she wasn’t sure if he kissed away tears or the water from the shower, but his lips were on her face and his soft words were in her ears. “Why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have asked you for sex if I’d known.”

She raised her head, mortified he’d seen her memories.

“Don’t.” He shook his head and looked away for a moment. Then he used the washcloth to scrub gently at her arms and shoulders. “It wasn’t your fault. You were a kid and he was an adult and an abuser. Don’t ever feel guilty, not about something so awful and so totally not your fault. He was dead wrong.”

He kissed her again, aiming for her cheek, only this time she turned her head. Her lips met his and suddenly things were so much better. The old memories faded and new ones took root. Her hips swayed gently toward Nicky’s and she felt the hot sweep of the silky tip of his penis against her belly. She clung to him then, cried a little, kissed him again. They washed themselves, turned off the water, and dried with big, fluffy towels.

And then they stood there, staring at one another. Beth was glad, then, that Nicky could see her thoughts. Glad she didn’t have to explain how she wanted him but was afraid, how her body needed his touch but didn’t know how to ask.

She watched the slow spread of his smile as he reached out and took her hand. His long fingers wrapped around her smaller ones and he tugged lightly. She followed where he led, out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He had her sit on the edge of the bed, and then he knelt at her feet and gazed up at her.

Suddenly Beth understood the saying, the one about how his heart was in his eyes. That described Nicky at this moment. She saw real love in his amber eyes, felt it in her heart and suddenly, surprisingly, heard it in her mind. Nicky’s words, in his voice, but in her head, not her ears.

I love you, Beth. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. I wish I wasn’t such a wuss. I wish I had the courage to say how I feel.

You just did. You’re not a wuss. I love you, too.

“You do?” Nicky wrapped his big hands around her thighs and stared at her with frightening intensity.

Beth nodded and then she lost it. The tears flowed down her cheeks, dripped onto her breasts, onto the backs of Nicky’s hands. She couldn’t stop crying, and she couldn’t have spoken a word if she’d wanted to.

He moved slowly, sliding up her body until he stood between her legs and towered over her. He was so tall. His young man’s body was lean and strong with the promise of more muscle in a few years, but right now he was perfect for her. The perfect lover to bring her back into the world of the living.

Nick wondered how well she read his thoughts. All of this was so new, so unexpected. This morning he’d wondered what he’d be doing all day, wondered if Beth would be at the garden, if the other guys would hang there, too, where he’d sleep tonight.

Everything had changed. Was changing. Beth’s skin felt like silk beneath his hands, still warm and damp from her shower. Her body trembled. He absorbed her desire, her need for him, and turned it back to her, touching her breasts, her shoulders, the firm line of her jaw.

He settled back at her breasts. They were small and firm and so beautiful he wanted to kiss them. Instead, he rolled one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, tugging lightly, pinching with just a bit more pressure. Beth groaned. The sound of her need, of her desire for him, sent shivers up his spine and made his dick swell even bigger.

It was so good, this sense of connection. Today when he shifted, his entire world had blown apart. When he killed, it was as if another creature had taken over. The scary thing about it was…another creature had taken over.

Only it wasn’t separate. It was still a part of him. He’d never in his wildest nightmares imagined himself a killer.

Nick gave in to his strongest desire, lowered his mouth to her left breast and sucked her nipple between his lips. Deeper, until he caught it between his tongue and the roof of his mouth and all his confusion melted away. Her nipple peaked immediately, drawing up into a tight bud against his tongue, holding him in the here and now. He kept rolling her right nipple between his fingers and suckling the left, increasing the pressure, sucking harder, concentrating on Beth’s taste and texture, thinking only of Beth. Her heart thundered beneath his lips and her blood pulsed fast and hard.

He’d never been aware of the sound of a heart beating, of blood racing through veins and arteries, never experienced the rush of sensation as he felt it now. It had to be from his new reality, his changed existence from human to Chanku, but whatever the cause, Nick loved it, accepted it, welcomed each alteration of perception, each new sensation and experience.

There was so much that was good in this new reality.

Beth lay back against the bedspread and reached for him. He leaned over her so that she could touch him, and she didn’t disappoint. She cradled his aching balls in her warm palms and stroked his cock. Gently she teased the smooth glans, ran one soft fingertip over the slit, smoothed the drops of pre-cum and stretched the rib of foreskin with the tip of one finger. It felt so good he wanted to weep, but he raised his head and arched his back, sliding his erection between her fingers.

She slowly rolled a condom down over his straining cock, and smoothed the latex along his shaft. He’d never felt anything so exquisite as the gentle touch of her fingers when she stroked the thin film along his full length. When everything was in place, she smiled up at him and lay back with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed.

She was the perfect height. All he had to do was lean forward and the tip of his cock brushed the fine dark curls between her legs. Her sex pouted, dark pink and shining with her fluids. He touched her softly with the tips of his fingers, spread the swollen lips enough to rest his cock at her entrance.

“Are you sure?” He knew if she said no he’d die, but Beth smiled and nodded. Nick took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and slowly pushed forward.

Damn, she was so tight he worried that the condom might tear, but she was slick with her own natural juices. The soft ripples of her inner muscles pulled him in deeper, until he filled her completely. His balls pressed against the soft curve of her buttocks and he wriggled his hips back and forth for deeper penetration.

He sighed. She whimpered and raised her hips, forcing him even deeper. Nick lifted her legs and rested her thighs over his forearms, thrusting now, rolling his hips and moving in a slow, steady rhythm that quickly increased in tempo.

She thrashed beneath him, twisting her hips this way and that until he raised her legs against his chest with her heels hooked over his shoulders. In this position he felt the hard mouth of her cervix on every downward thrust and knew he filled her completely.

Beth caught his rhythm. Her eyes closed but her smile never wavered. She whimpered softly with the rise and fall of her hips, the steady thrusts as Nick rolled his hips in tune with Beth’s silent music.

He shifted his feet then and plunged deep and hard, upping the pace, watching the thick length of his cock disappear between Beth’s pink nether lips on every forward thrust. Her dark curls were bathed in moisture and the tendrils clutched at his cock on each outward pull. Her lips had grown puffy and slick, and her clit protruded now, poking up out of the fleshy hood protecting it.

He reached down and found it with the pad of his thumb. She jerked her hips and her clitoris slipped beneath his touch. He spun circles over the entire surface, pressing just enough to make her tremble with each gentle pass.

Shivers raced along his spine and a coil of heat built in his back and balls. His control eroded with each powerful thrust, his heart pounded in his chest. Flashes of light sparked behind closed lids.

He held on, groaning in an agony of desire. The slick walls of her sex rippled and tightened around his cock and for a moment he missed the row of studs that should have given Beth even more pleasure. He’d only had his piercings for a few months, and he’d been celibate all that time.

Waiting for this. Waiting for Beth.

His thumb swirled over her clit and he felt the tightening in her muscles, knew her climax grew close.

Suddenly, she was there. In his mind, in his heart…and he was Beth and the thick length of his latex covered cock was bringing her unbelievable pleasure, taking her to unimagined heights. Showing her exactly what she’d missed before.

He thrust forward and felt the clench of his own vagina grasping the hot length of erect cock; he rolled her nipple between his fingertips, and his own nipples peaked.

Building, expanding layer upon layer of sensation, Nick to Beth and back again until he felt the coil of energy strike from balls to cock, felt the convulsive pressure of orgasm as if he were Beth even as he was Nick, plunging deep inside her wet heat.

There was an exquisite moment of pure connection, a moment out of time when he somehow became Beth. When he knew her feelings, her thoughts, her needs, and her fears.

A momentary melding of all he was, of all she was. Before he could fully explore the sensation, the full force of their shared orgasm wiped out all conscious thought. The moment passed and he cried out with the rush of his seed into the condom. Groaned as his legs shivered and quaked.

Gasping, heart pounding, lungs billowing in and out with each tortured breath, Nick slowly eased Beth’s legs down along his chest and let them hang loosely over the side of the bed. His legs shook, and he leaned forward before they gave out entirely. Resting his weight on his elbows, he rubbed his bare chest over Beth’s taut nipples.

She groaned and arched against him, wriggling her hips.

“Oh, God. Be careful.” He laughed, but it was a choked-off, wimpy sound of utter and complete depletion.

“I’m trying to make you big again.” Beth giggled. “I had no idea it could feel that good, or I would have been after you before now. Good lord, Nick. That was amazing.”

He raised up on his elbows, but thrust his hips forward, sinking back inside her slick channel. “I like that. You calling me Nick instead of Nicky.”

She smiled, a slow, secretive woman’s smile, and ran one finger down his chest. Then, in a most seductive voice, she said, “Nicky’s a child’s name. I think we’ve just proved you’re no child.”

Laughing, he leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth. She grabbed him by the back of the head and held him close for a deep, tongue-twisting kiss.

Gasping for air, he pulled away and laughed even harder. “I need to get rid of the rubber before we can do this again.”

“Okay, but I’m holding you to that.”

Shaking his head, Nick carefully disengaged from Beth’s warmth. He was headed for the bathroom to dispose of the condom when someone pounded on the bedroom door.

Sexy Beast VI

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