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Dear Reader,

Who doesn’t love to travel! Holland is one of my favorite places to vacation. The best I could do this year was to go there vicariously through my hero and heroine and demand a lengthy trip report. It’s a wonderful country full of lovely sights and friendly people. I highly recommend it.

Where do the book ideas come from? All over the place this time. I chose the locations. Research into terrorism in the Netherlands and an abnormal psych book gave me the villains. My granddaughter, who was eager to get me away from the computer to play, suggested “a kidnapping with a really mean bad guy and lots of love stuff since it is a romance.” (Thanks, hon, you might have a future in this business.)

I love writing about strong women who can take care of themselves. I love overprotective heroes, bless their great big macho hearts. And I really love it when the two claim each other against their better judgment and the rules of the game.

Go romance!

Lyn Stone

Claimed by the Secret Agent

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