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“Who are you?”

“Look at me.”

She did. Familiarity flashed, but no name came with it. “Who are you?”

He blanched. “I’m Toby, Robin. Toby Potter.”

“I...I’m scared. Why am I scared?” Tremors shook her, and Toby’s look of concern deepened.

“Someone tried to kill you,” he said.

She blinked. “Who?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping you could tell me.”

Robin raised a hand to her head. “I...can’t think. Everything’s a jumble. Why can’t I remember? You’re acting like I should know you. But I don’t!” Panic clawed at her.

His warm hands gripped hers. “It’s okay. Sh...” He pulled her to him and for some reason she let him. She needed to believe him. “Give it some time, and it’ll all come back to you. But for now, let’s head to the hospital. You ready?”

“I’m ready.” Ready for what, she wasn’t exactly sure, but Toby seemed to know what he was doing. And for now, that was going to have to be enough.

Holiday Amnesia

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