Читать книгу River of Secrets - Lynette Eason - Страница 13



Amy screamed his name again as she raced back toward the dock. She saw him turn around and frown as he caught sight of the jeep heading toward him. He waited, puzzlement creasing his forehead. He was thinking the vehicle would stop, but he didn’t know what Amy did—no one was driving. Realization dawned for him almost too late as she watched him make the split-second decision to roll into the water. The jeep slammed into the river a few seconds later, grille first.


Where was he? Had the jeep landed on top of him when it hit the water? She climbed down the bank and waded into the shallow part of the river, desperately searching for him.

Scanning the surface of the murky river, she still didn’t see any sign. Oh, God, please let him be okay. Help me find him. She went under and opened her eyes, but visibility was nil. Terror choked her as she pushed aside thoughts of caimans, piranhas and other dangers while reaching, feeling for Micah. Nothing. She searched until her burning lungs forced her back to the surface.

Breaking through, she spat, gasped and breathed in air. Something grabbed her ankle and she screamed, choked on more water and kicked at the vise around her lower leg. But it held on. Then she was free as Micah surged before her. Her pounding heart eased as she realized he was the one who’d grabbed her foot. He’d latched on to her to help him find his way up.

“Are you okay?” he demanded. “Are you crazy coming into the river like this?”

She gasped, “I had to find you.”

“I’m fine. Swim for the shore.” He looked around and froze. Amy looked in the direction he stared and choked back another scream as one of the caimans she’d watched earlier headed their way. Fast. “Oh, Lord, help.”

“Swim, Amy.”

River of Secrets

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